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I want one of them!

Colin Leake

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I was watching the Royal Variaty Performance last night and they had these neat little vertical multi beam lazier projectors. You can forget pathetic solar lights or recycled Christmas lights what I want is to mount one of them on the roof of our PVC. On a clear night the dansing beams would reach far up into the sky no doubt visible from the International Space Station, in cloudy conditions we could make patterns on the clouds may be even write messages on them. When it rains we could make the rain drops look as if glittering diamonds were falling down from the sky.


Naturally we would need to make sure we were not on any aircraft flight paths.


Right I'm off now to look on eBay for one. If I can't find one I'll need to save up enough money to park in Royal Tunbridge Wells and pop into Maplins to buy one new.

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Colin Leake - 2016-12-14 7:08 PM


I was watching the Royal Variaty Performance last night and they had these neat little vertical multi beam lazier projectors. You can forget pathetic solar lights or recycled Christmas lights what I want is to mount one of them on the roof of our PVC. On a clear night the dansing beams would reach far up into the sky no doubt visible from the International Space Station, in cloudy conditions we could make patterns on the clouds may be even write messages on them. When it rains we could make the rain drops look as if glittering diamonds were falling down from the sky.


Naturally we would need to make sure we were not on any aircraft flight paths.


Right I'm off now to look on eBay for one. If I can't find one I'll need to save up enough money to park in Royal Tunbridge Wells and pop into Maplins to buy one new.


I digress, according to Steve Weight R2 today, I saw the International Space Station going over. I waved but they didn't wave back!

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Rayjsj - 2016-12-14 7:46 PM


pepe63 - 2016-12-14 7:14 PM


Oh no!...this has the makings of another battery and/or generator and/or solar panel thread..!?! 8-)



How many decibels are these Dark Matter Generators.....and are they quieter than Honda ? Or doesnt it matter ?


Zero they are totally silent.


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keninpalamos - 2016-12-15 3:47 PM


Didn't Batman do all this 40 yrs or more ago? *-)


Dunno about Batman but I do recall as a youngster hearing about electricity generation becoming too cheap to charge us for from a little known place called Calder Hall - now that really did turn into dark matter!

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pepe63 - 2016-12-15 9:08 AM


..limitless power...blah blah...environmentally friendly..blah blah..silent...blah blah...


Isn't this thread just Colin "Spamming", in order to promote his new dark matter generator business?

(along with it seems, his photo "viewing app" side line!) (lol) (lol)


We do sell both the generators and other dark matter devices to the military but we are not allowed to sell to the general public. Problem is that if the force field containing the dark matter is damaged or deactivated our planet and the rest of our solar system would be instantly sucked into a dark hole. One hates to think what would happen if a terrorist got hold of one!

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