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Visiting Spain


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I'm planning at going over to Spain for 3 weeks during February/ March but never having been there before I was hoping somebody could suggest a route from / to Caen with recommendations on where to go and stay. We don't really want to spend the whole time in one place but would like to feel a bit of warmth. There is a route we could use in the October MMM.

Thank you in anticipation

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HMM ,3 weeks ,February ? 3 weeks is not very long for a trip to Spain unless you intend to stay in the North where it will be cold so you will need to go far South to the Med, where you cross the channel too, is important , our preferred route is always Calais and drive through France ,West Coast route to Beritz and cross the border near there even in the Winter this is a good route, you can get to the Med in about 3 days if you use the Payages and drive like a mad thing but we do not do that , as our trips are for several Months usually, as to where to go and what to see,well that depends on where you are and what you like, I would say take your time and see what you see, as where you are is where you are , whatever enjoy the experience.
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Caen crossing is a day of your trip gone for a start, add on 5 or 6 days to get to somewhere warm, and then it is only warm at that time of year, if you want to get there a bit quicker get the ferry to Santander Spain, its not a lot more in cost than the calais crossing and fuel. then down the west coast to the algarve and work your way across the southern part of Spain but you might be spending most of your time driving rather than sightseeing to try and do it in 3 weeks.

Avoid central Spain unless you like remoteness. If it were me I would stay in the algarve, because you will find enough to do for your 3 weeks (well about 10 days actually by the time you factor in your traveling to and from) and leave Spain for when you have more time or later in the year when you don't have to go so far south for some heat.

Planning a trip with to much distance to cover in a short time will mean you are just going to be driving all day!!

Southern Spain is about 1500miles from the uk so if you drive it at 300miles a day thats 5 days each way

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We use the route going over the Milau bridge.

We can only take 2 week holidays and often travel to Almoadi in the Costa Blanca 2 - 3 times a year.

We use the tunnel before anyone jumps to conclusions regarding our route over the water.

3 weeks would be fantastic. Yes we do use some motorways. I don't mind paying a little.

The route in the mmm is long winded and if you use the Motorway on that route, it will cost a fortune.

Our route does not cost so much. People tend to call ours the central route. Mostly free motorway.

I have done it in 19 hours. Calais to Almoradi.

There are quite a few sites around the area.

Don't put it off, go for it. Ignore the Ines who say you've got to go for weekend and weeks. We don't all have that much time on our hands.


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Discussion about how far to drive in a day could probably be added to the list of subjects that are better not mentioned on this forum, so here we go.

Never drive for longer than you are able to stay fresh and alert, for me that's 14 or 16 hours a day, for me that's about 6 or 7 hundred miles, and I always stop and rest every couple of hours.

You can find out how long you feel safe and comfortable to continue driving. With experience that figure might change but never drive if you feel sleepy. You will obviously cover more miles in a day if you use motorways, and you will be surprised how little progress you will make driving on some of the quieter back roads in France and Spain.


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Guest pelmetman
Archiesgrandad - 2016-12-20 7:17 PM


Discussion about how far to drive in a day could probably be added to the list of subjects that are better not mentioned on this forum, so here we go.

Never drive for longer than you are able to stay fresh and alert, for me that's 14 or 16 hours a day, for me that's about 6 or 7 hundred miles, and I always stop and rest every couple of hours.

You can find out how long you feel safe and comfortable to continue driving. With experience that figure might change but never drive if you feel sleepy. You will obviously cover more miles in a day if you use motorways, and you will be surprised how little progress you will make driving on some of the quieter back roads in France and Spain.



I guess if you've always done it then its not a problem ;-) ........


When I was doing show houses I used to sometimes drive for 3 hours, work a 10 hour day and drive back 8-) ........


Not anymore, 300 is my max if I need to get some where..... 250 ish is a long day.......less than 200 is comfortable ;-) ..........


But then again I always compare my abilities to my old man who drove a barbers chair for 50 years, and when he got behind the wheel of a motor vehicle he scared the sh1t out of us kids 8-) .......


His driving didn't improve when he got a motorhome either *-) .......



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The first 3 months of the year are not the best, Feb. Usually being the coldest. If you look at the recent weather around Mercia and Almeria which is warmer than anywhere else in Spain or Portugal they are having terrible flooding at present which is becoming the "norm" for this time of year. Feb & March are usually dry and it starts to warm up a bit by mid March. Like the rest of the coast there it can be very busy with French German & Dutch motorhomes in groups sometimes but they are generally OK on a one to one basis. I have been in the sea during the winter months (accidently) I fell out of my kayak?? And it's not to cold. Just depends on the wind etc. I'm in the Costa Brava area just north of Barcalona and warm it ain't but tomorrow the sun may come out and it can change very quickly this time of year. Over all I would say go for it and don't push yourself to hard. Good luck
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keninpalamos - 2016-12-21 10:46 AM


The first 3 months of the year are not the best, Feb. Usually being the coldest. If you look at the recent weather around Mercia and Almeria which is warmer than anywhere else in Spain or Portugal they are having terrible flooding at present which is becoming the "norm" for this time of year. Feb & March are usually dry and it starts to warm up a bit by mid March. Like the rest of the coast there it can be very busy with French German & Dutch motorhomes in groups sometimes but they are generally OK on a one to one basis. I have been in the sea during the winter months (accidently) I fell out of my kayak?? And it's not to cold. Just depends on the wind etc. I'm in the Costa Brava area just north of Barcalona and warm it ain't but tomorrow the sun may come out and it can change very quickly this time of year. Over all I would say go for it and don't push yourself to hard. Good luck


You need to travel further south than the Costa Brava in order to get decent winter weather in my experience. I've even found the Valencia area which is further south a few degrees cooler than Benidorm for example. However, given the time constraints on the original poster I suppose the Costa Brava weather, though cool, will be better than here in the UK.

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You'll find certain places in Spain have Micro climates.

My Dad purchased an Apartment in Almoradi and I thought he was bonkers.

At this stage he was suffering with COPD. quite badly.

But after he Died and we have been using the Apartment for the last 5 years.

He was absolutely right.

The weather in Almoradi is pretty good all year round.

Xmas day people are on the beach, I wouldn't say sunbathing, but it's very pleasant.

March can be a little wet, but not like here for days and days.

There are 3 sites in close vicinity.

One at LaMarina.

One between LaMarina and Guardamar. ( not sure of the spelling)

Another new large one near by ??

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Recomended stopovers from Caen.


Futurescope aire at Poitiers or Camping Kawan Village La Futuriste at Jauney Clan nearby.

Camping Larrouleta at Urrange (St-Jean-De-Luz) near the border.

Camping Zaragoza.

The coast at Valencia.


The driving distances are reasonable and will leave nearly a fortnight for an actual holiday. From Valencia you also have the areas of Murcia and Alicanti to choose from. All have winter temperatures only a degree cooler than the far south of Spain (on average) but with only half the rain.

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Mike88 - 2016-12-21 12:42 PM


keninpalamos - 2016-12-21 10:46 AM


The first 3 months of the year are not the best, Feb. Usually being the coldest. If you look at the recent weather around Mercia and Almeria which is warmer than anywhere else in Spain or Portugal they are having terrible flooding at present which is becoming the "norm" for this time of year. Feb & March are usually dry and it starts to warm up a bit by mid March. Like the rest of the coast there it can be very busy with French German & Dutch motorhomes in groups sometimes but they are generally OK on a one to one basis. I have been in the sea during the winter months (accidently) I fell out of my kayak?? And it's not to cold. Just depends on the wind etc. I'm in the Costa Brava area just north of Barcalona and warm it ain't but tomorrow the sun may come out and it can change very quickly this time of year. Over all I would say go for it and don't push yourself to hard. Good luck


You need to travel further south than the Costa Brava in order to get decent winter weather in my experience. I've even found the Valencia area which is further south a few degrees cooler than Benidorm for example. However, given the time constraints on the original poster I suppose the Costa Brava weather, though cool, will be better than here in the UK.

yes,.....Mike you may have misunderstood or miss read. I did not suggest at all that Costa Brava is a good area to catch the winter sun. I only stated that it is where I am at present but recommended some where entirely different and just pointed out that the area has floods at present ie Mercia and Almeria which is normally the warmest Mediterainian coastal area in Spain. And that is not IMO or experience but a meteorological fact according to Spains Met. Office. Sorry I didn't mean to mislead anyone
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Here in the UK at Gatwick we have a great big warming sun shining from a clear blue sky. No wind and not a cloud in sight.


This pm I'm strolling up the road for a fish and chip afternoon lunch with a glass of deep red wine.


The cost ... Nil ... the aggravation and stress ... Nill. I think its as near perfect as possible on a December day in 2016.


AND ... I don't have the drudgery ride of returning to face traffic queues at ferry ports. I'm resting here very quiet and contented.


Beat that if you can !


Young Will (approaching 90)



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Will86 - 2016-12-22 12:05 PM


Here in the UK at Gatwick we have a great big warming sun shining from a clear blue sky. No wind and not a cloud in sight.


This pm I'm strolling up the road for a fish and chip afternoon lunch with a glass of deep red wine.


The cost ... Nil ... the aggravation and stress ... Nill. I think its as near perfect as possible on a December day in 2016.


AND ... I don't have the drudgery ride of returning to face traffic queues at ferry ports. I'm resting here very quiet and contented.


Beat that if you can !


Young Will (approaching 90)


Approaching 90! Is that miles per hour??
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Guest pelmetman
Will86 - 2016-12-22 1:48 PM


I prefer Kilometres as the numbers pass quicker.


When I look at the ETA clock on my Tom Tom it usually gains 1 minute in every fifteen ;-) ........


I wonder if I can do that to my Body clock? :-S ......





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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, Pillar of the Forums as got it right, we lived in Benijofar Costa Blanca for some years and as little rain,as for sites lots around that part.now getting there we go on the boat to Santander from there sat nav with NO tolls costs down miles appox 550 but site open all year in La Cabrera (in the new 2017 ACSI book page592 No.2929.its about 250 miles from Santander and a nice Hotel just back on the main road and about 5-10 mins off the A1.Cost yes the boat more money but if its time (only 3 weeks )and if you work out the cost little in it But only appox 550miles and your their hope this helps have tried all ways and think this the best well for us it is,just one thing to think about Snow in France can be bad some times very bad.PS: We have a Brittany ferries club card and get 30% off the costs and can offer a 10% off for ones we know!,if that helps!
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