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antony1969 - 2016-12-23 8:10 PM


Barryd999 - 2016-12-23 5:23 PM


From what I can gather from various news sources this terrorist from Berlin wasnt even religious. According to his brother and friend who were interviewed on film he drank alcohol and never prayed so WTF was it all about? No virgins for him with our without STD's then.


Well done the Italians for topping him but what a cock up that he was here in the first place. Turns out he is Tunisian, served three and a half years for burning down a refugee camp and they did try to deport him back to Tunisia but the Tunisians refused to have him back claiming he wasnt Tunisian so we got stuck with him. He was also under surveillance for six months.


Religious or not these terrorists fly in the face of what traditional ISLAM stands for and for what the majority of peaceful Muslims believe. They are nothing more than radicalised thugs. They do not concern me as they represent a tiny minority of backward thinking fruitloops. These are the very people genuine refugees are fleeing from. They need stamping out and it appears that this is exactly what is happening. I refuse to right off an entire race / religion / group of people (Whatever) just because of people like this nutcase. It goes against everything I believe and was brought up to believe.


It might feel like terrorism is on the up but statistically you have more chance of being struck my lightening or dying falling in the bath than being killed by terrorism in Western Europe. Many many times more. There is also much less terrorism in the west now than there was in the 70's and 80's.




Schengen or no Schengen these sorts of pockets of terrorism will go on as long as the west meddles in the middle east. By blocking refugees or being afraid of anyone who looks a bit middle eastern your playing directly into the hands of these monsters.


So hopefully then going on your refusal to right off an entire race / religion or group of people , you don't see anybody who questions immigration , refugees , Muslim problems as right wing nut jobs , unlike someone else on here who does ... Given that UKIP received 4 million votes from folk in the 2015 election nearly 13 percent of the turnout who were quite happy to vote for Nigel , a fella you quite clearly hate it would only be right you would think for you to dislike all those who like what Nigel says ... After all they are thinking exactly what Nigel is thinking ... How can it be right to hate the man at the top but not hate those who believe in what he believes in ... You could also say the same for Trump followers ... Another fella you hate but a fella that had more than half the American vote agreeing with what he says ... Curious , Huddersfield ;-)


I dont see everyone who questions immigration, refugees and muslim problems as right wing nut jobs Antony of course not. Some probably are though. I love everyone, you should know that by now. :D


It would be a pretty crappy existence if I refused to have anything to do with someone who's political views were different to mine. Yes I dislike Nigel Farage and how he and others like him have whipped up a right wing frenzy here and in mainland Europe but I wouldnt write off all those who voted for him or who were taken in by the Brexit con though. I am sure many of them think what they have voted for is right for the UK it just so happens I dont. Thats politics though. You and I are at completely different ends of the political scale but I bet over a few jars you might be surprised that there will be stuff we agree on, its just Brexit and immigration has completely dominated all the forum discussions.


Loads of my mates, customers etc are pretty right wing, one or two of them are definitely racist. I dont refuse to have anything to do with them though.


People are people and some are just misguided I guess or maybe they base their political choices and opinions of others such as Muslims on what is going on around them like in your case in Huddersfield. I have listened to that and believe what you say. Its a problem area, there is clearly little or no integration by the sound of it and no go areas as you describe them. My experience is different so both opinions are valid.


I just hope these discussions open up peoples thoughts and opinions on what is a tricky subject, thats all.

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Barryd999 - 2016-12-23 11:37 PM


antony1969 - 2016-12-23 8:10 PM


Barryd999 - 2016-12-23 5:23 PM


From what I can gather from various news sources this terrorist from Berlin wasnt even religious. According to his brother and friend who were interviewed on film he drank alcohol and never prayed so WTF was it all about? No virgins for him with our without STD's then.


Well done the Italians for topping him but what a cock up that he was here in the first place. Turns out he is Tunisian, served three and a half years for burning down a refugee camp and they did try to deport him back to Tunisia but the Tunisians refused to have him back claiming he wasnt Tunisian so we got stuck with him. He was also under surveillance for six months.


Religious or not these terrorists fly in the face of what traditional ISLAM stands for and for what the majority of peaceful Muslims believe. They are nothing more than radicalised thugs. They do not concern me as they represent a tiny minority of backward thinking fruitloops. These are the very people genuine refugees are fleeing from. They need stamping out and it appears that this is exactly what is happening. I refuse to right off an entire race / religion / group of people (Whatever) just because of people like this nutcase. It goes against everything I believe and was brought up to believe.


It might feel like terrorism is on the up but statistically you have more chance of being struck my lightening or dying falling in the bath than being killed by terrorism in Western Europe. Many many times more. There is also much less terrorism in the west now than there was in the 70's and 80's.




Schengen or no Schengen these sorts of pockets of terrorism will go on as long as the west meddles in the middle east. By blocking refugees or being afraid of anyone who looks a bit middle eastern your playing directly into the hands of these monsters.


So hopefully then going on your refusal to right off an entire race / religion or group of people , you don't see anybody who questions immigration , refugees , Muslim problems as right wing nut jobs , unlike someone else on here who does ... Given that UKIP received 4 million votes from folk in the 2015 election nearly 13 percent of the turnout who were quite happy to vote for Nigel , a fella you quite clearly hate it would only be right you would think for you to dislike all those who like what Nigel says ... After all they are thinking exactly what Nigel is thinking ... How can it be right to hate the man at the top but not hate those who believe in what he believes in ... You could also say the same for Trump followers ... Another fella you hate but a fella that had more than half the American vote agreeing with what he says ... Curious , Huddersfield ;-)


I dont see everyone who questions immigration, refugees and muslim problems as right wing nut jobs Antony of course not. Some probably are though. I love everyone, you should know that by now. :D


It would be a pretty crappy existence if I refused to have anything to do with someone who's political views were different to mine. Yes I dislike Nigel Farage and how he and others like him have whipped up a right wing frenzy here and in mainland Europe but I wouldnt write off all those who voted for him or who were taken in by the Brexit con though. I am sure many of them think what they have voted for is right for the UK it just so happens I dont. Thats politics though. You and I are at completely different ends of the political scale but I bet over a few jars you might be surprised that there will be stuff we agree on, its just Brexit and immigration has completely dominated all the forum discussions.


Loads of my mates, customers etc are pretty right wing, one or two of them are definitely racist. I dont refuse to have anything to do with them though.


People are people and some are just misguided I guess or maybe they base their political choices and opinions of others such as Muslims on what is going on around them like in your case in Huddersfield. I have listened to that and believe what you say. Its a problem area, there is clearly little or no integration by the sound of it and no go areas as you describe them. My experience is different so both opinions are valid.


I just hope these discussions open up peoples thoughts and opinions on what is a tricky subject, thats all.


good post

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Scandalous ... Surprised they even allow Christmas celebrations in some places in Germany , might offend ... Lets hope we don't have a repeat of all those Muslim gangs molesting , assaulting and raping again on New Years Eve throughout Europe ... With the reporting ban we might get to hear about them around February ... Women really shouldn't wear provocative heavy winter clothing in front of these men

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