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Insurance Including Cover for European Storage


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We have a new motorhome on order (our first) having just retired and been subscribing to MMM and attending shows for 7 years.

We don't want to full time but we do want to spend a lot of time in Europe so would like to leave our motorhome over there and fly back and forth, (to avoid the slog back to the UK every time) but using different storage facilities as we move around from country to country.

I have contacted all the insurance companies known to me and drawn 100% negative responses.

Has anyone had similar experiences and overcome the problem please?


The companies I have contacted are:

Comfort, Carole Nash, Adrian Flux, Caravan Club, AIB, Lifesure Group, Saga, Sureterm Direct, Shield, Stavely Head, Caravan Guard, Towergate,


Thank you




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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Shaun.


This link mentions overseas storage of caravans and insurance




The company suggested there is now called “Sompo Canopius”




I’ve no idea if they would be able to provide insurance to suit your plans, but you seem to have tried all of the main players.

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Hi I am new here but this thread may be about right

I am looking for Insurance to give the longest part of the year within Europe but have to return to UK to MOT once a year anyway

Yes have a UK address

Any suggestions of who can cover without ripping me off please?

I will be living in it most of the time when not here

Many thnx Happy Xmas too yall

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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Alan.


This recent MHFun forum thread discusses ‘full timing’ in a motorhome




and you may find the posting of ‘John & Joan’ useful.


Suggest you contact Comfort Insurance to begin with





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Hi Mike88

Thank yo for your response

I saw that in previous posts but I am more than a little nervous about relying on someone else's insurance with a brand new motorhome.

Has anyone experienced claiming for a major loss on a storage facilities insurance policy?

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Unfortunately shauns, I have no firm knowledge of what you ask. Our travels were some years ago when it was very different. My comments now are mainly based on an overview from what I read.


However I do have English friends who live in France and Switzerland and who visit the UK, so when I read that there are those who talk of spending the majority of their time away I ask why not reverse the buying and storing away from the UK, it sounds easy but laws differ in each country.


I understand that to roam from the UK one has to have a permanent UK address, but I do not know the reverse position. Maybe someone will have researched it fully.


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My understanding of Shaun’s plan is that he will retain a permanent residence in the UK and his new motorhome will be UK-registered. He wants to spend extended periods touring outside the UK, but fly back and forth between his UK residence and where the motorhome was last left, leaving the motorhome in storage abroad while he is back in the UK.


This is an understandable ambition, but insurers will normally demand that a motorhome remains under the owner’s supervision pretty much continuously while the vehicle is abroad. Leaving it parked unattended for, say, a couple of days might be OK, but I don’t think that’s what Shaun has in mind. Even if he obtained ‘full-timing’ insurance I’m very doubtful that an insurance provider would cover a motorhome being left for open-ended periods in ‘unspecified’ storage in various countries while its owner is in another country.


This 2009 discussion may be worth reading



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Recognised Spanish storage sites do include insurance in their fees for motorhomes (but not for caravans). I have my motorhome in storage at the moment.


Insurance companies will not give cover if the vehicle is unattended for more than 36 hours. Ironically, when my van is left on site while I spend Christmas at home, I regard it as being better attended by all my camping neighbours than when at home on my drive (I live in a corner house on the main road).


John L

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John L


I notice that leaving a motorhome in Spain and returning to the UK was discussed here:




However (apparently) Shaun would not wish to restrict storing his new motorhome abroad to Spain alone and, in any case, he is reluctant to rely on a storage-site’s own insurance.


How does your own insurance provider deal with you leaving your motorhome in Spanish storage while you are back in the UK? Presumably you have some sort of specialised policy that states that the provider will cease to cover your motorhome when it enters storage in Spain and will reapply cover when it comes out of storage. If that’s so, do you need to tell your insurance provider when the vehicle enters/exits Spanish storage?

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Derek Uzzell - 2016-12-24 7:26 AMJohn LI notice that leaving a motorhome in Spain and returning to the UK was discussed here:http://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/Motorhomes/Motorhome-Matters/safe-storage-for-van-in-Malaga-Area-Spain/45787/However (apparently) Shaun would not wish to restrict storing his new motorhome abroad to Spain alone and, in any case, he is reluctant to rely on a storage-site’s own insurance.How does your own insurance provider deal with you leaving your motorhome in Spanish storage while you are back in the UK? Presumably you have some sort of specialised policy that states that the provider will cease to cover your motorhome when it enters storage in Spain and will reapply cover when it comes out of storage. If that’s so, do you need to tell your insurance provider when the vehicle enters/exits Spanish storage?


Insurers routinely consider and if necessary investigate after a claim to see whether they can apply an exclusion, so any claim when a MH was at a storage location might be enough to trigger repudiation.


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I just accept that whilst the motorhome is in storage in Spain it is not covered by my Uk insurer and I rely on the storage insurance. When my UK insurance was due for renewal I informed the insurers of the circumstances and was told that they would not renew then but advised to contact them again when the van was being brought out of storage.


To explain my circumstances, I also have a caravan here in Spain which I use in the winter and store it in Spain for the summer. When stored in the summer it is covered by the Camping and Caravan Club.


John L





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This 2011 ukcampsite forum-thread raised the matter of storing a motorhome abroad.




There is plenty of on-line insurance-related guidance relating to a ‘UK’ motorhome (ie. a motorhome owned by a UK resident and UK-registered) stored in the UK (example here)




but (as far as I’m aware) nothing specific from insurance providers about insuring ‘a UK’ motorhome stored abroad.


When I worked for the Post Office in the 1960s one of my more thankless tasks involved oversight of motor, marine and personnel accident claims, and it was educational to see how ingenious insurance companies (and claimants) could be when trying to duck financial responsibility.


I can’t see any UK insurance provider being prepared to provide simple ‘comprehensive’ cover to include periods when Shaun’s new motorhome would be on unspecified storage sites abroad and he’d be back in the UK.

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If one lived in France, Germany, etc. (or owned a property in France, Germany, etc.) it’s probable that an insurance provider in the ‘foreign’ country would be comfortable with covering a motorhome registered in that country and stored for extended periods in that country. This would replicate what’s possible in the UK, where a UK insurance provider will cover a UK-registered motorhome, owned by someone with a UK residential address, when the vehicle is stored in a recognised secure compound.


But that’s academic here, as Shaun (presumably) does not own a property abroad, his new motorhome will be UK-registered not ‘foreign’ registered, and he wants to store the vehicle outside the UK.


Sure, if you plan to use a motorhome primarily in Continental Europe and have a ‘foreign’ address, it would make some sense to buy a LHD motorhome in the country where the ‘foreign’ address is, register the vehicle there and (if necessary) store it there. But it seems very unlikely that an insurance provider in that country would be prepared to cover the motorhome when it was being parked for long periods in, say, the UK in unspecified storage compounds while the owner was residing at his ‘foreign’ address.

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Long shot :-) but have a look at this thread: http://tinyurl.com/qc35mhk


Scan through it for reference to Lime Street Brokers (contact details in the relevant post), and give them a ring to see if they can offer anything.


They are one of the very few (possibly the only) UK brokers who can arrange full comp insurance for foreign registered vehicles being imported back to UK, and can also arrange full comp insurance for UK registered vehicles to visit countries UK insurers won't normally touch. They offer a two part package, one part is international third party vehicle insurance, and part is damage and theft insurance on the vehicle as a kind of goods in transit insurance which, together, give approximately the same covers as UK full comp.


It may be that the goods in transit part (or similar) could be purchased to cover the off road risks while your van is in storage. I believe they are a reputable firm and deal with reputable insurers, but have no direct experience of their products. Still, should be worth a 'phone call. Good luck.

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Was it made clear to your French contact that Shaun lived in the UK and did not have a French residential address?


It’s also plain from Shaun’s original posting that he was not planning to restrict storage abroad to one specific European country, so - as I said above - even if there might be advantages in buying, registering and insuring a motorhome abroad (assuming this proved to be practicable despite one not having a ‘foreign’ residential address - which I doubt) the likelihood is that ‘single policy’ insurance cover could not be obtained for long-term storage of the vehicle outside the country in which it was registered.

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My understanding is that you’ve sought advice from a French insurer provider.


Questions that might be worth asking are


1: Can a UK resident with no French address buy a motorhome in France, have it registered there and obtain comprehensive insurance cover for it from a French insurance provider?


2: Will a French insurance provider cover a French-registered and insured motorhome to be stored long-term outside France?


A copy of the Motorhome Insurance Policy provided by Comfort Insurance can be viewed here:




“Storage” and “Storage Location” are defined on Page 6 as follows:


STORAGE - Your motor caravan will be considered to be stored or in storage when it is not in use for the purposes of travel or other day-to-day activity.


STORAGE LOCATION - The address recorded on your statement of fact of where your motor caravan is kept when not in use.


Coverage when a motor caravan is ‘stored’ is referred to on Page 7 and storage-related policy exclusions are mentioned on Page 8.


The "Continental Use” section (Page 16) states the requirement that


“Your motor caravan remains in your custody or control. If for any reason your motor caravan will not be within your custody or control for a period in excess of 48 hours, then you must notify Comfort Insurance in advance. Please refer to Section I of this policy for information on security of stored vehicles.”


Given the storage-related restrictions when a motorhome is in the UK, it’s improbable that Comfort Insurance would agree to cover storage abroad beyond the 48 hours maximum unless there were a compelling reason (eg. a medical or domestic emergency).

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My understanding is that Derek is right, and a vehicle must be registered in the EU state in which the vehicle owner normally lives, or has a permanent residence.

If the vehicle is removed from that state for a period exceeding 6 months, it is technically deemed to have been exported, and the relevant registration authority should be notified.

If the vehicle spends more than 6 months in a state in which it is not registered it is deemed to have been imported to that state, and should be re-registered in that state.

Insurance is to be obtained in the state in which the vehicle is registered and in which its owner normally lives, and periodic roadworthiness tests are only legally valid if carried out within, and in conformity with the regulations of, the country of registration.

These requirements arise under EU directives and, although their implementation may well vary in detail from country to country, the central principle should be constant within the EU.

It is clear that the rules are not generally recognised/understood by vehicle owners, particularly that regarding the 6 months limit on stay in a foreign country, and that regarding declaring a vehicle exported after more than 6 months abroad. The rules are also made somewhat unenforceable by the EU open borders policy. However, that is, to the best of my knowledge, the legal position.

In the case of a new vehicle, which must be first-time registered before it can enter circulation (with fairly stiff penalties for failure), I would be surprised if someone not normally resident (and apparently not owning property) in France could obtain other than temporary export registration from the French authorities.

Unlike Germany (and I have no idea why) it is not possible to obtain export insurance (even third party only) in France, so the only options become for the dealer to drive the vehicle to the port on his insurance, or for the vehicle to be transported to the port.

UK insurance can be obtained from a handful of insurers against the vehicle's VIN, but will not become valid until the vehicle is on UK soil, and even then the vehicle may only be driven directly to its owner's home (where it must be stored off-road until registered), or to and from a DVLA or VOSA test/inspection station to verify the legally required alterations to speedometer and lights have been made. Most, if not all, insurers prepared to insure in the VIN will impose a minimum time limit for completion of registration which may, or may not, correspond with the time DVLA will, actually, take.

(Must learn to type faster, Derek's further post arrived while I was typing this! :-))

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