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Insurance Including Cover for European Storage


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Brian Kirby - 2016-12-27 5:40 PM


...Unlike Germany (and I have no idea why) it is not possible to obtain export insurance (even third party only) in France, so the only options become for the dealer to drive the vehicle to the port on his insurance, or for the vehicle to be transported to the port...


In 2014 I discussed with a French motorhome dealer near Caen the process involved if I - as a UK resident with no French property address - bought a motorhome from him to export back to the UK. He told me a) that the vehicle could not be French-registered in my name and b) that it could not be insured in France.


I then asked if he had sold motorhomes to UK buyers in a similar position to me and, when he confirmed this, whether the dealership's staff had delivered the motorhomes to the Ouistreham ferry-port 25km away. He said that they would be prepared to do this, but none of the UK buyers had asked them to. I said “Are you saying then that they just paid you and drove away an unregistered and uninsured motorhome?” He replied that he had no idea what the buyers had done about insurance, but the motorhomes definitely had no registration-plates on them.

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Not intentionally throwing a curveball here but i wonder if Shaun has looked into his "other" insurance which is even more important than any vehicle? Buildings and contents insurance which i've not seen any mention of and i'm assuming he has a property here in UK?


Depending on how long "a lot of time in Europe" is, he will find many companies max out at 90 days 'vacancy'. A few will do longer but you have to shop around for them and you will pay an extra premium. Some companies have quite tight restrictions.


Registration can only be in country of owners residence but insurance can be taken in another country, eg ADAC which is German. Try this company who specialise in what you want; https://www.stuartcollins.com/

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Interesting. Though I think I'd query the precise meaning of "When circumstances dictate the vehicle may be left abroad whilst the insured is in UK". For example: who decides, and what does "dictate" mean? The implication seems to me to be that there has to be a bit more than just desire or convenience at work.
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There’s some on-line stuff about Stuart Collins & Co, mainly relating to ex-pats




I’d want to see the policy documentation and how it would relate to what Shaun wanted to do. Unlike the Comfort Insurance product, it’s most unlikely to be a ‘motor caravan’ policy.

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Hi Brian

Thank yo very much for your suggestions which have been very helpful especially the links to previous threads.

There have been 2 or 3 insurance companies mentioned that I have not contacted which I will try.

Thank you again


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Hi Derek

Thank you very much for your submissions but especially for your numerous links to previous threads which have been very informative. Thank you.

I will follow up on the insurance suggestions which I have not already tried and will post the results


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I hope you have success Shaun.


UK vehicle insurance is quite restrictive in cover for European countries, often making little sense, eg Switzerland is fine and hunky dory despite being non-EU, but going to Serbia or Albania requires green card and a forward thinking company. I use Scenic for that reason alone as they don't make a silly fuss and AXA is the policy.


Dutch insurance is the most accommodating i know of and the reason you see NL plates in virtually every country in Europe. When i was in Albania a few years ago i met a Dutch couple enroute to Mongolia in a 4x4.


You could also try and locate this "Brit with a difference" (had a sense of adventure!) and ask about his insurance. Waiting to board the ferry at Dover he was off to some far flung countries. http://oi63.tinypic.com/21evp6h.jpg

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This topic is indeed very interesting and is used. But if it used in the EEC you should be clever and understanding the tax rules otherwise you will face clever customs and as you may now they are very clever.If you have residence in Spain or Bulgaria should be in defacto the same. But insurance companies will not pay in 30 days if their is a factor of a doubt like in case of theft or other. That process can take a lot of time. I know some of them but he find out that his motor-home was used all the time during his absence.You can have your pension paid there. But a foreign licence plate will be for sure checked out.
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Another legal way is that you buy for instance at a seller in Germany which is very lucrative and you will become the owner. The German licence plate will be the sellers name.He will pay road tax and insurance and will provide shelter. you pay them in return Than you fly with easy jet or car fully packed to your motor home location and enjoy holiday in Europe.However you may not drive in the UK. So you will drive with a german licence plate into countries allowed by the insurance green card. Perfectly legal. And a later import is of course possible. *-)
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