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Cheap euro fuel website


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I doubt that it will be practical to keep detailed local information up to dateon this website and it will usually be sufficient to monitor supermarket prices as you tour, filling upu when the opportunity arises of cheap fuel.


It will usually pay to fill up in Luxemburg if you are passing there because the prices have always been much cheaper than surrounding countries.


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Stuart is right in saying fill up when you judge it to be cheap.

You'll get an idea as you drive the average cheap price at Supermarkets.

A few Garages in the middle of nowhere and not maned can be very cheap.

Cheapest we found in Spain was a little filling station by Qusada. Behind the Consumer supermarket by the very fine Wok. Av Salamanca, 03170 Rojales, Alicante.

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Remember, cheapest is not the best quality. Bad (cheap) diesel cost me a new pump and injectors etc in Spain. Stick with the big supermarkets and Repsol, Shell, BP etc and relax. Whats a couple of Euro cents a litre amount to on a full tank. Not enough to worry about. Fuel is cheaper anyway.



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Thanks for the replies, and those websites noted. In our area of Spain, the cheaper stations buy their fuel from the big companies mostly BP, and Shell, and make their profits by not having glitsy stations. Certainly agree that where the odd cent or two is the difference then it's not worth the hassle to search round. Certainly in Spain on the way up, the difference was up to 13 cents a litre, and that makes a difference.


Festive greetings to all

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