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Steve OReilly

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Saturday morning; stay in bed with a cup of tea. First I make the tea and collect the mail. A new copy of MMM has arrived which I can read in bed with the tea. A letter for my wife containing two shiny pennies, from an organisation called PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I've heard of this group. They will not get any support from me!


Then I noticed that the name and address of the letter from PETA is followed by a 5-digit number. Exactly the same 5-digit number that follows my name and address on MMM. Is this a coincidence? I remember much discussion on the forum about subscription details from MMM being passed to other organisations and have scrupulously tried to always tick the box which doesn't result in my details being disseminated to others.


Has MMM/Warners Group finally got me to overlook a box or is this a huge coincidence? If the latter, perhaps it's my night for a big lottery win!


Whatever, a very happy Christmas to all my readers.



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Guest Frank Wilkinson

I'd be happy just to get a copy of MMM. I decided to subscribe and applied online on November 11th. A week or so ago I phoned to be told that I must have just missed the edition that goes out towards the end of November, as the magazines have to be packed and labelled etc. well in advance.

I still haven't had anything and am very surprised by this company's attitude to new subscribers. Wouldn't you think that it would be so pleased to get a new subscriber that it would have sent out the latest copy immediately on a one-off basis?

How much trouble is it to send an email to the right department to ensure that this is done? Whatever the rights and wrongs of its methods, the simple fact is that I subscribed to one of its publications almost six weeks ago and am still waiting for my first copy!

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We too had the same problems with our subscription for France originally. Ours it seems goes through Switzerland first (why) we can only think that this is the easiest/cheapest way of posting. When we first subscribed and we didn't get our copy, I emailed and got no reply so I telephoned and was more successful, then I got 2 copies of the same month. I think it takes time for the information to get into the system but once in everything seems to work fine. (no January copy yet). Bought another magazine when we were in the UK in November but its not a patch on MMM.
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Thanks for that information. The 5-digit number wasn't my subscription number and I hope it was a mailsort number as you suggest. Subscribing to MMM has always been like belonging to a club. It would be most hurtful to think that this 'club' was selling on my details, particularly to an organisation whose methods I find repugnant.



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