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Warming oven or just grill


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We have a 2014 Autocruise Alto fitted with small grill/warming oven. If we close the door to warm something after a minute or so the flame goes out, is this normal or faulty. If normal then surely it's just a grill. Has anyone come across this.
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Hi Bazzerk,


Its possible that the grill door needs to remain open when in use. Some hobs and ovens have a safety cut-out device, my particular model wont let gas flow unless the glass hob cover is fully up? Do you have an owners manual or cooker operating manual you can check in.

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We have had this in both our present and previous Globecar..

The trick seems to be to leave the door open for a while to let it heat up before closing door to cook. It still occasionally goes out in early stages of cooking.


It's annoying but we have had it checked several times and no fault found.


That being said we use it for cooking including part bake bread and meat, including small chickens and ham joints.


We also use the grill


Hope that helps



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Our Burstner has a small oven/grill, with two sets of gas jets. We use it for cooking and grilling, but yes often the gas goes out if you close the door too soon, though on grill setting seems OK.;;; When using grill there is a position for the door to be kept partly open
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Yes we have a 2013 Alto, it isnt an oven its just a grill , to warm anything you have to leave the door open it has a safety feature that cuts out when the door is closed.


Its a useless piece of kit and I use mine to store cakes/biscuits etc.


Have you ever tried to do a couple of slices of toast? it takes forever and smokes out of the back.


I use an electric low voltage toaster and use the microwave to cook in along with a pressure cooker and frying pan.

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