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Outdoor gas cooking


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Hi, have seen several small two burner outside cooking units, which have their own gas canisters. Any advice on which make is the best. Only two oldies so do not need to cook for the five thousand! Not interested in the big blue thing that people have. The ones we have seen sit on a table, have two burners and I think you buy the gas canisters. Any advice most welcome.


Happy camping


Shirley :-D :-D

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A motorhoming friend does almost all cooking on a couple of these cannister-driven gas rings on a table outside his MH and he's such a cost-sensitive soul that it cannot be expensive to fuel.  (This one is £15 from Tesco but I have seen them cheaper.)


He probably buys the cannisters in bulk from Lidl or Aldi and taking into account that he hasn't paid for the fitting of a BBQ gas point on his MH it's probably cheap enough overall.



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The little burners shown in the pic are fine but use the gas cartridge quite quickly. You may also find the o ring sealing the cartridge leaks far too son and basically you need to buy another stove.


You can also get cooker units that run of a separate cylinder, either butane or propane, Camping gaz or calor and these work far better. Again you tend to get what you pay for so if it is really cheap, checlk for leaks of gas etc. Some of the Chinese child laboourers may have not quite got it right.


Whatever you use take precautions as you have a flammable source on your hands. Keep kids away and make sure it is not under an awning or canvas. It is a good idea to use a cooking stand as this stops it being on the table or the ground. Some can produce a lot of heat downwards.


Always switch off the cylinder when finished.

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I purchased one of the small gas stoves that use a gas canister as shown on other posts. For a period of time they were banned by the Govt safety authority here as there has been an accident when one unit exploded. I understand the reason was the user had used a pan that had a diameter that was greater than the hob diameter. Apparently the heat transferred from the pan to the canister and well you know the rest.

Mine came with a BBQ plate that in fact was a thin piece of sheet steel raised in the middle for the fat to drain off. The downside was the sausages would roll off the plate while being cooked.
Solution - I threw it in the bin and purchased a Webber Baby Q and a lightweight collapsible table. It hooks into the MH gas supply and is one of the best purchases I have made for our MH.cheers,

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Hi 'topcat..


Is that "definitive" ? as in you know the person involved? because having just skimmed through that thread, the only thing I can see is this:


"The Fire Officer believes that the fire may have been caused by a leak from one

of the appliances in the motorhome, but the severity of the fire has

made it impossible to identify whether that was the case or which

appliance it might have been; however, this serves as a timely reminder

to all members to note the advice on liquid petroleum gas....". :-S


Obviously , no gas appliance can ever be fool proof but if these suitcase types stoves are used as they were intended (outside and with a suitably sized pan etc) then they are fine.


Having said that, I would say that if anyone is looking to buy one, they should steer clear of the cheapie, discount store ones and instead spend the extra fiver and get a Campingaz version..


(They may all "appear" to be the same but "quality-wise" they most definitely are not..)







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