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Scottish Referndum


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It was Lily Allen who started it by apologising on behalf of the UK to the illegal would be immigrants in Calais.


So, on behalf of Scotland I apologise for the behaviour of our so called Government in declaring that we are to suffer another Referendum. All the polls show that a vast majority of Scots do not want one, but that is no barrier to the ‘Queen of Govan’ who only listens to the few sycophants within her close circle. Of course now we have no government, not that we actually had much of one to start with as all energies will be spent on this fantasy.


I can fully understand many English being utterly sick of us and just wishing we would go away, preferably to Hell in a handcart, but we are not all of that ilk. Many of us have lived in England, have great friends there and have only really considered the border when it is time for football or rugby matches. Then it was all into the pub for lots of banter and drowning of sorrows. I also agree that we voted Ms Sturgeon and her Party into power in a big way but as a defence I would point out that the previous Labour administrations had been so dire that we all felt that it would be an improvement. OK, you get it wrong sometimes. If Blair had never been persuaded by some in his own Party to go for devolution, then this issue would never have arisen. OK, Westminster has not always done things the best way in the past, but we can blame no one but ourselves for the current malaise, unless of course you are Ms Sturgeon who blames everyone except herself.


As a teenager I often thought it would be great if Scotland was an independent country again but with age came pragmatism and experience of the real world, and I recognise that sometimes things are best left alone, unless of course you were a spotty female teenager sitting in a bedroom in Glasgow promising herself that one day she would make that happen regardless of the costs.


So, now we have to ensure that she does not get her way, which is not going to be so easy as people are getting tired and may just say ‘S.d it’ give her her wish and let us get an end to it all. Not the best way forward.

Part of my family live in Northern England and it may come that I have to join them, not that i really wish to do so at my age. However be not too afraid, I will bring enough money to support myself, although I also suspect that a good few Scots will be joining me.


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Dave225 - 2017-03-14 12:55 PM


As a teenager I often thought it would be great if Scotland was an independent country again but with age came pragmatism and experience of the real world, and I recognise that sometimes things are best left alone, unless of course you were a spotty female teenager sitting in a bedroom in Glasgow promising herself that one day she would make that happen regardless of the costs.

Many Remain voters felt that and we at least had some form of unity. That's gone now and i hope Scotland vote to break away. Maybe NI and Wales will follow and leave England in it's morbidly bleak deserved isolation. The damage Brexit has done to the country cannot be underestimated.



Part of my family live in Northern England and it may come that I have to join them, not that i really wish to do so at my age. However be not too afraid, I will bring enough money to support myself, although I also suspect that a good few Scots will be joining me.

I'm not sure why you feel that as Scotland has never implied Scot nationals would not be welcome to stay. In fact the absolute opposite as during the junior doctors troubles over working hours which don't apply in the Scottish NHS, Scotland opened it's door to any doctors working in England who wanted to move and work there under Scotlands NHS contracts.






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An interesting balanced and well put view on things Dave. Most of the posts I have seen on the forums have been quite vociferous posts from Scots excited about leaving which are closely followed by equally as vociferous rants from little Englanders (yes the Brexit mob of course) gleefully telling them to sod off and leave as we dont want you so its good to get another view point Oh what have we done to ourselves? :'(


For sure we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for Brexit. I was against Scotland leaving the first time round but after the lies and unfilled promises that have come since I wouldn't blame them but are they going to end up with the same situation there as the UK is now and more division if its 50/50. I think I would rather be sticking with the EU than joining England as it steps off a big cliff but of course there is no guarantee you would walk right back into the EU fold anyway.


What a ferkin mess.

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All I was trying to present was the fact that many Scots are just as unhappy with Ms Sturgeon as those down south, although she keeps shouting to the world that 'she speaks for Scotland'. Well, she does not.


Also I do not necessarily equate the current issue with brexit. Ms Sturgeon has been looking for any excuse to have another go since the day after the last one, and Brexit was very handy. Ironically although she has shouted all along that 'Scotland wants to remain in the EU' it now appears from the polls that 2/3 rds of Scots are very unhappy with the EU, although they may not all go as far as leaving. However, it suggests that if Brexit produces a deal as good as, or better than now, then they will go along with it just fine. Even Ms Sturgeon now claims that staying in the EU was not her fall back positon, which is all news to us as she has said nothing else up til now. It seems her current positon is to be out of the UYK, out of the EU, basically out of everything. Sounds like a real good plan to me.


There has always been migration between our 2 countries since the turn of the century, if not before. There are towns in England which are mini Scotlands and there are parts of Scotland where dare I suggest hearing a non English accent is difficult. English account for 10% of our population and I guess the ratio down south is probably similar. Again, apart from banter we usually get along fine. Of course there are hotheads on both sides who try to cause mischief.


My advice to Ms May would be to give no answer until a formal request is made. Ms Sturgeon has to get approval from Holyrood, which due to the unlelected Greens supporting her, she will get despite all other parties opposing her. Then Ms May has to tell her it needs approval from both Houses at Westminster and once, and only then, will i give you an answer. It will make Ms Sturgeon froth as she will not know which way to go until Brexit has been started.

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Bulletguy - 2017-03-14 1:50 PM


Maybe NI and Wales will follow and leave England in it's morbidly bleak deserved isolation. The damage Brexit has done to the country cannot be underestimated.



Paul, I've seen and read this report somewhere about Wales and NI maybe wanting to leave the UK because of Brexit. Where are they going to get the money from if that came about, infact, where will Scotland get it from?



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"the fact that many Scots are just as unhappy with Ms Sturgeon as those down south". Can you explain where this fact has come from. Does it mean many Scots are unhappy with those down south as they are with Ms Sturgeon?
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nowtelse2do - 2017-03-15 6:54 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-14 1:50 PM


Maybe NI and Wales will follow and leave England in it's morbidly bleak deserved isolation. The damage Brexit has done to the country cannot be underestimated.



Paul, I've seen and read this report somewhere about Wales and NI maybe wanting to leave the UK because of Brexit. Where are they going to get the money from if that came about, infact, where will Scotland get it from?




I'm not sure Wales would or even could, NI is a maybe and Scotland i feel could. I'll let this chap explain....it's an interesting read.




Another chunk of land which has been totally overlooked is Gibraltar who voted overwhelmingly to Remain by 96%........the sort of figure Brexiters could only fantasize about.






The only thing getting in their way is their potty patriotism. However, that was back in June 2016.....almost a year on attitudes may well have hardened as they realise they've been shafted by their own country currently on a collision course with a massive iceberg.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-15 8:47 PM


The only thing getting in their way is their potty patriotism. However, that was back in June 2016.....almost a year on attitudes may well have hardened as they realise they've been shafted by their own country currently on a collision course with a massive iceberg.


So writes Mr BG deluded of Cheshire (lol) ........I think he actually believes it to 8-) ........



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