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Bye Bye Wilders


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Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 8:35 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:05 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-16 7:59 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:03 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-16 5:56 PM


I think the worm is turning. Whichever way you look at it the far right which was gaining ground since last summer is now losing ground across Europe. Perhaps people are coming to their senses and looking at whats going on in the UK and USA and realising it as a very dangerous road to go down. Sadly the USA and UK will probably fall apart (They are already) as a result but it may just save the rest of the western world from following the same economic, political and morally wrong route.


Doomed ... were all doomed ... What is exactly going on in't US and UK other than democracy hopefully and ultimately taking place ???? .... Im not getting whats so bad ... Maybe you can educate ... Doomed twice its that bad


Whatever you want to call the "New World Order" dont confuse it with Democracy as people like Trump and the Swivel eyed loonies behind Brexit have nobody's interest at heart other than their own. The way they are trying to shape the USA and UK makes a mockery out of democracy when those opposed to their new regimes are told to be silent or get out, entire countries are excluded from travel based on their religion, those in the UK who stand up against this far right b*****ks and seek parliamentary involvement are branded "enemies of the people". Loyal and hard working EU workers are leaving in their droves because they no longer feel welcome and many have faced racist abuse as hate crime soars.


Need I go on? Maybe you need to be on the receiving end of it to "Get whats so bad". Bit like the Jews in late 30's Germany. Maybe people told them they couldn't see what the problem was.


We have enjoyed relative peace and economic success in Europe for the last 40 years or so. It is now very much under threat if your friends start to take over. Thankfully that is looking less and less likely. I imagine sensible Europeans are taking one look at the bile and hate thats coming out of the USA and UK and are taking stock and realising what a bad move it all is.


So talking of travel exclusion ... The banning of Jews/Isrealis from umpteen Muslim countries thats been in place for years hasn't seemed to bother ya ... Whats different with Trumps order ???

Funny you should mention that.


Israeli Jews From Muslim Countries at Risk Under Trump's New Ban




But fear not......because the loon has had his second draft order blocked by Federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland. Both judges questioned the legality of the ban, which critics say is discriminatory.




You see Antony, basic moral decency eventually trumps ('scuse pun) vile blatant racism.


Your link says Jews from those countries "could" face problems ... "could" isn't would is it and just how many Jews in reality live in those places ??? ... Your damning his policy but yet refusing in your normal defend Muslims way to to condemn the Israeli/Jew ban to many more countries than on Trumps Terrorist threat list ... Which of course was Obamas list to start off with

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Barryd999 - 2017-03-16 8:39 PM


What he said


I wouldnt condone banning people travelling based on any religion, colour or creed whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian especially when its for no good reason whatsoever and based on fear rather than fact.


So you condemn the Muslim world for banning Jews/Isrealis ???? .... Remember Trump hasn't banned anyone for being a Muslim

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antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:42 PM


Your link says Jews from those countries "could" face problems ... "could" isn't would is it and just how many Jews in reality live in those places ??? ... Your damning his policy but yet refusing in your normal defend Muslims way to to condemn the Israeli/Jew ban to many more countries than on Trumps Terrorist threat list ... Which of course was Obamas list to start off with


As we found over the initial ban that "could" not only turned into would, but even included people from non-Muslim countries such as the UK, many of whom found themselves stranded whilst others were turned back at the airports. For that matter, even the US where the son of Muhammed Ali detained and questioned at an airport for the second time! It seems Trump thinks the First Amendment only applies to non-Muslim American citizens. He's got a lot to learn. So yes, not only am i damning his evil policy, i'm damning the idiot himself. He's a disgrace.



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Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:20 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:42 PM


Your link says Jews from those countries "could" face problems ... "could" isn't would is it and just how many Jews in reality live in those places ??? ... Your damning his policy but yet refusing in your normal defend Muslims way to to condemn the Israeli/Jew ban to many more countries than on Trumps Terrorist threat list ... Which of course was Obamas list to start off with


As we found over the initial ban that "could" not only turned into would, but even included people from non-Muslim countries such as the UK, many of whom found themselves stranded whilst others were turned back at the airports. For that matter, even the US where the son of Muhammed Ali detained and questioned at an airport for the second time! It seems Trump thinks the First Amendment only applies to non-Muslim American citizens. He's got a lot to learn. So yes, not only am i damning his evil policy, i'm damning the idiot himself. He's a disgrace.




That's all highly entertaining but you didn't answer me

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antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:44 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-16 8:39 PM


What he said


I wouldnt condone banning people travelling based on any religion, colour or creed whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian especially when its for no good reason whatsoever and based on fear rather than fact.


So you condemn the Muslim world for banning Jews/Isrealis ???? .... Remember Trump hasn't banned anyone for being a Muslim.


The judges who have just blocked the loons ban said “It is undisputed, using the primary source upon which the Government itself relies, that these six countries have overwhelmingly Muslim populations that range from 90.7 percent to 99.8 percent."

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antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:25 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:20 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:42 PM


Your link says Jews from those countries "could" face problems ... "could" isn't would is it and just how many Jews in reality live in those places ??? ... Your damning his policy but yet refusing in your normal defend Muslims way to to condemn the Israeli/Jew ban to many more countries than on Trumps Terrorist threat list ... Which of course was Obamas list to start off with


As we found over the initial ban that "could" not only turned into would, but even included people from non-Muslim countries such as the UK, many of whom found themselves stranded whilst others were turned back at the airports. For that matter, even the US where the son of Muhammed Ali detained and questioned at an airport for the second time! It seems Trump thinks the First Amendment only applies to non-Muslim American citizens. He's got a lot to learn. So yes, not only am i damning his evil policy, i'm damning the idiot himself. He's a disgrace.




That's all highly entertaining but you didn't answer me.

Oh i'm not playing your silly ping pong game Antony.......been there before. If you can't/won't read that's your problem not mine. Go to the Pelmet pen and cuddle each other.....he's missing you.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 6:59 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-16 6:10 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 5:38 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-16 4:25 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 4:00 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-16 3:13 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 2:40 PM


The majority percent between Rutte and Wilders is far bigger and more credible than the tiny 3.7% of Brexit, but batsh*t bonkers Brexiters won't want to see that.


Did he get 52% of the vote? ;-) .........

Hhmmmm......way more than a measly 3.7% separated him from Wilders.


......but to you loony lefties 20% is enough to be able to tell the other 80% how to live...

That's funny given you think a margin of 3.7% was enough to tell everyone else how to live.


No I think 17,410,742 are enough .......That's a "margin" of 1,269,501


Which is 3.7%......dummy. *-)


.......I wonder if Mr Rutte has such a "Margin"? >:-) ........

Way more than 3.7%.


How does Mr Rutte's share of the vote compare to 17,418,742 for BREXIT ? ;-) ..........


Which funnily enough is slightly more than the size of the Dutch population :D ........


So I suspect his "margin" will be tiny in "actual numbers" when compared to 1,269,501 >:-) ........


Jeeeez......even my six year old grandson can work this out. *-)


Wilder got 20 seats. Rutte got 33 so 13 more seats which is a 39% majority margin. Or to be absolutely precise 39.39%.


You lot got an abysmal 3.7% margin.


Just pointing out how useful percentages are for spinning a result when the winner has actually lost voters.....


A 39.39% margin of the 20% vote that Rutte got is not that many voters if you compare actual votes to BREXIT ;-) ........


ie.......would you prefer 39.39% of £10 .........or 3.7% of a £1000? >:-) ......





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pelmetman - 2017-03-16 10:18 PM


Just pointing out how useful percentages are for spinning a result when the winner has actually lost voters.....



Oh FFS Dave........i stated on the second post majority percent between the two. Quit squirming and trying to wriggle out because you're just making a bigger ass of yourself now. *-)

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Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:38 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:25 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:20 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:42 PM


Your link says Jews from those countries "could" face problems ... "could" isn't would is it and just how many Jews in reality live in those places ??? ... Your damning his policy but yet refusing in your normal defend Muslims way to to condemn the Israeli/Jew ban to many more countries than on Trumps Terrorist threat list ... Which of course was Obamas list to start off with


As we found over the initial ban that "could" not only turned into would, but even included people from non-Muslim countries such as the UK, many of whom found themselves stranded whilst others were turned back at the airports. For that matter, even the US where the son of Muhammed Ali detained and questioned at an airport for the second time! It seems Trump thinks the First Amendment only applies to non-Muslim American citizens. He's got a lot to learn. So yes, not only am i damning his evil policy, i'm damning the idiot himself. He's a disgrace.




That's all highly entertaining but you didn't answer me.

Oh i'm not playing your silly ping pong game Antony.......been there before. If you can't/won't read that's your problem not mine. Go to the Pelmet pen and cuddle each other.....he's missing you.


Still no answer then ???

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Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:34 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 8:44 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-16 8:39 PM


What he said


I wouldnt condone banning people travelling based on any religion, colour or creed whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian especially when its for no good reason whatsoever and based on fear rather than fact.


So you condemn the Muslim world for banning Jews/Isrealis ???? .... Remember Trump hasn't banned anyone for being a Muslim.


The judges who have just blocked the loons ban said “It is undisputed, using the primary source upon which the Government itself relies, that these six countries have overwhelmingly Muslim populations that range from 90.7 percent to 99.8 percent."


The judges can say what they want but where in Trumps order does it say he's banning Muslims ??? ... Is he guna get impeached for this ??? ... Maybe you could get "loons" on ya new keyboard Bullet https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/842453577251618816/photo/1

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:34 PM


The judges who have just blocked the loons ban said “It is undisputed, using the primary source upon which the Government itself relies, that these six countries have overwhelmingly Muslim populations that range from 90.7 percent to 99.8 percent."


With "Percentages" like that it seems to me those 6 countries don't appear to embrace multiculturalism? ;-) ........


But that's OK innit BG? >:-) ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 10:27 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-16 10:18 PM


Just pointing out how useful percentages are for spinning a result when the winner has actually lost voters.....



Oh FFS Dave........i stated on the second post majority percent between the two. Quit squirming and trying to wriggle out because you're just making a bigger ass of yourself now. *-)




Seems to me, its Barry and you along the the loony elite who are deluding themselves with this 39.39% margin ;-) ........



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It seems to me that some on here would be in their idea of 'lovey dovey' utopia if all borders were dropped and everyone became a citizen of the world.  It would be an interesting exercise to see how long it would take those wanting to allow freedom of movement, economic migrancy in all it's uncontrolled unfettered culturally destroying way, help everyone.....come on let them all in brigade to come to their senses and realise it is an impossibility.  Controlling the population and movement of people is a necessary fact of life if one is to balance populations and cultural integration.  Opening the floodgates to all and sundry just doesn't work because the 'have nots' will always flood to the land of the 'haves' in search of life improvement.  One country empties of those able to sustain it's meagre society whilst the 'receiving' country is flooded under the influx of those and all the detrimental effects that has on the 'receiving' country.  Unfortunately communism does not work!!!  So why is it that some are determined to label those who would control migrancy in the UK to those with skills we need, as does Australia, USA, New Zealand, Canada to name but a few nicer countries... and Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, India, Pakistan to name a few others not so pleasant places to be as racist, bigots, Nazis etc etc???

We are a tiny bit of land bobbing around the North Atlantic with limited space......and as far as infrastructure and destruction of green belt habitat etc etc, over populated with vehicles, under provided in terms of housing etc etc.......and to all intents 'we are full'.

Lastly...........All this talk of Mein Kampf, Nazis and other extremely distasteful recollections from the past that are/were in reality so horrendous as to be, to most of us living today, incomprehensible does a great disservice to those who suffered under those regimes when these terms are bandied about and used as 'labels' to those who simply have a different view to another section of society?   No one is looking to annihilate a race of people or construct a master race or carry out medical macabre medical experiments etc etc so I can't see the rationale or justification for invoking those terms.,
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RogerC - 2017-03-17 10:25 PMIt seems to me that some on here would be in their idea of 'lovey dovey' utopia if all borders were dropped and everyone became a citizen of the world.  It would be an interesting exercise to see how long it would take those wanting to allow freedom of movement, economic migrancy in all it's uncontrolled unfettered culturally destroying way, help everyone.....come on let them all in brigade to come to their senses and realise it is an impossibility.  Controlling the population and movement of people is a necessary fact of life if one is to balance populations and cultural integration.  Opening the floodgates to all and sundry just doesn't work because the 'have nots' will always flood to the land of the 'haves' in search of life improvement.  One country empties of those able to sustain it's meagre society whilst the 'receiving' country is flooded under the influx of those and all the detrimental effects that has on the 'receiving' country.  Unfortunately communism does not work!!!  So why is it that some are determined to label those who would control migrancy in the UK to those with skills we need, as does Australia, USA, New Zealand, Canada to name but a few nicer countries... and Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, India, Pakistan to name a few others not so pleasant places to be as racist, bigots, Nazis etc etc???

We are a tiny bit of land bobbing around the North Atlantic with limited space......and as far as infrastructure and destruction of green belt habitat etc etc, over populated with vehicles, under provided in terms of housing etc etc.......and to all intents 'we are full'.

Lastly...........All this talk of Mein Kampf, Nazis and other extremely distasteful recollections from the past that are/were in reality so horrendous as to be, to most of us living today, incomprehensible does a great disservice to those who suffered under those regimes when these terms are bandied about and used as 'labels' to those who simply have a different view to another section of society?   No one is looking to annihilate a race of people or construct a master race or carry out medical macabre medical experiments etc etc so I can't see the rationale or justification for invoking those terms.,
So its "Lovey Dovey" not to be stuck in the dark ages and to realise that in the modern Europe that we live in Free movement offers opportunity rather than adopting a backward insular approach? Its got nothing to do with being "Lovey Dovey" we are part of the worlds biggest economic block and its 2017 not 1817, its a small place, opportunity is everywhere, of course you need to be able to move around and take it. "Cultural integration" and "All and Sundry"? We are talking about people in Europe, a few hundred miles away, just like us for goodness sake not tribes of savages from the Congo from two hundred years ago.This bit I do not get. "Communism does not work". Your dammed right it doesn't but what on earth has communism got to do with it? If you are even attempting to insinuate that I am one for a kick off your well out of order and way off the mark.There is nothing about Free movement from Europe that is destroying the UK. In fact as we have been discussing today its blatantly obvious to all but the blinkered that we cannot survive without it.I agree about controlling economic migrants from outside of the EU, always have but then we always have been able to control them anyway. Nobody has advocated a total open doors policy on none EU economic migrants on here ever as far as I remember and certainly not me.As for talking about comparisons with Germany in the late 30's there are indeed some to be made. I suspect back then people maybe had the same arguments. There are some very nasty people emerging in the western world right now and amazingly "some" people are falling for their thinly disguised far right guff. All they needed was a few mistakes to be made by the likes of Merkal and her open door policy, Brexit and some good old right wing press hype about Migrants, terrorists and refugees and by golly was the blue touch paper lit. Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.
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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



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pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:51 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



Oh dear me Dave. Earlier you asked me if I read my own links yet you seem to be promoting one of the youth of Europe turning to the right as a good thing which within the article states.


"almost a quarter of first-time voters chose the People’s Party-Our Slovakia, an anti-Western, extreme-right group whose leader, Marian Kotleba, has openly expressed admiration for the country’s wartime pro-Nazi regime" Even the title of the thread you link to is disturbing. "The appeal of a new anti-establishment nationalism takes root among the newest voters in Visegrad countries"


"Give me Revolution!" further down as well!


Are you actually telling me this is a good thing? We are criticised for likening what is happening to the rise of the Nazis yet there it is! These are exactly the type of people that are using the young and easily influenced to fight their racist far right agenda for them. There are none so blind!


As for the Wilders defeat this quote from the WC site sums it up in some perspective.


" In the Dutch general election, Rutte got 33 seats and Wlders 20 seats. When you add into the equation the 19 seats won by each of the two centrist/liberal parties and the 16 won by the green left - none of which would touch Wilders with a bargepole - I think you can see how big a defeat this was for the man who was confidently claiming a few weeks ago that he was going to lead the largest party. "


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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:41 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:51 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



Oh dear me Dave. Earlier you asked me if I read my own links yet you seem to be promoting one of the youth of Europe turning to the right as a good thing which within the article states.


"almost a quarter of first-time voters chose the People’s Party-Our Slovakia, an anti-Western, extreme-right group whose leader, Marian Kotleba, has openly expressed admiration for the country’s wartime pro-Nazi regime" Even the title of the thread you link to is disturbing. "The appeal of a new anti-establishment nationalism takes root among the newest voters in Visegrad countries"


"Give me Revolution!" further down as well!


Are you actually telling me this is a good thing? We are criticised for likening what is happening to the rise of the Nazis yet there it is! These are exactly the type of people that are using the young and easily influenced to fight their racist far right agenda for them. There are none so blind!


As for the Wilders defeat this quote from the WC site sums it up in some perspective.


" In the Dutch general election, Rutte got 33 seats and Wlders 20 seats. When you add into the equation the 19 seats won by each of the two centrist/liberal parties and the 16 won by the green left - none of which would touch Wilders with a bargepole - I think you can see how big a defeat this was for the man who was confidently claiming a few weeks ago that he was going to lead the largest party. "


You claimed those "good people of Europe" were putting the Genie back in the bottle did you not? ;-) .........


It appears to me those "good people of Europe" are legging it even further to the right than us nice & cuddly Brexiteers :D .......


The question you need to ask yourself is why you loony lefty types are causing it ? >:-) .......







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pelmetman - 2017-03-18 10:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:41 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:51 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



Oh dear me Dave. Earlier you asked me if I read my own links yet you seem to be promoting one of the youth of Europe turning to the right as a good thing which within the article states.


"almost a quarter of first-time voters chose the People’s Party-Our Slovakia, an anti-Western, extreme-right group whose leader, Marian Kotleba, has openly expressed admiration for the country’s wartime pro-Nazi regime" Even the title of the thread you link to is disturbing. "The appeal of a new anti-establishment nationalism takes root among the newest voters in Visegrad countries"


"Give me Revolution!" further down as well!


Are you actually telling me this is a good thing? We are criticised for likening what is happening to the rise of the Nazis yet there it is! These are exactly the type of people that are using the young and easily influenced to fight their racist far right agenda for them. There are none so blind!


As for the Wilders defeat this quote from the WC site sums it up in some perspective.


" In the Dutch general election, Rutte got 33 seats and Wlders 20 seats. When you add into the equation the 19 seats won by each of the two centrist/liberal parties and the 16 won by the green left - none of which would touch Wilders with a bargepole - I think you can see how big a defeat this was for the man who was confidently claiming a few weeks ago that he was going to lead the largest party. "


You claimed those "good people of Europe" were putting the Genie back in the bottle did you not? ;-) .........


It appears to me those "good people of Europe" are legging it even further to the right than us nice & cuddly Brexiteers :D .......


The question you need to ask yourself is why you loony lefty types are causing it ? >:-) .......







Not really. It does appear that all of the far right movements in Europe are polling less favourably than they were a year ago.


Its not until you have an election like the one in Holland just now that you see that the worm is turning, thank God. I do believe Brexit and Trump will have made the sensible people of Europe think again. When both go disastrously wrong anytime soon rather than succeed this will re-enforce that effect.


Do you really want to see these people succeed in Europe Dave? Why? When you look at the far right leaders in Europe from the past are you sure? Hitler, Mussolini, Franco. :-(


EDIT: Its not the "loony lefties" that have caused it Dave. Its the loony Right wing little racist fascists that have exploited issues with immigration, refugees, migrants and spread fear backed up by the right wing press.

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Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 10:37 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 10:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:41 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:51 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



Oh dear me Dave. Earlier you asked me if I read my own links yet you seem to be promoting one of the youth of Europe turning to the right as a good thing which within the article states.


"almost a quarter of first-time voters chose the People’s Party-Our Slovakia, an anti-Western, extreme-right group whose leader, Marian Kotleba, has openly expressed admiration for the country’s wartime pro-Nazi regime" Even the title of the thread you link to is disturbing. "The appeal of a new anti-establishment nationalism takes root among the newest voters in Visegrad countries"


"Give me Revolution!" further down as well!


Are you actually telling me this is a good thing? We are criticised for likening what is happening to the rise of the Nazis yet there it is! These are exactly the type of people that are using the young and easily influenced to fight their racist far right agenda for them. There are none so blind!


As for the Wilders defeat this quote from the WC site sums it up in some perspective.


" In the Dutch general election, Rutte got 33 seats and Wlders 20 seats. When you add into the equation the 19 seats won by each of the two centrist/liberal parties and the 16 won by the green left - none of which would touch Wilders with a bargepole - I think you can see how big a defeat this was for the man who was confidently claiming a few weeks ago that he was going to lead the largest party. "


You claimed those "good people of Europe" were putting the Genie back in the bottle did you not? ;-) .........


It appears to me those "good people of Europe" are legging it even further to the right than us nice & cuddly Brexiteers :D .......


The question you need to ask yourself is why you loony lefty types are causing it ? >:-) .......







Not really. It does appear that all of the far right movements in Europe are polling less favourably than they were a year ago.


Its not until you have an election like the one in Holland just now that you see that the worm is turning, thank God. I do believe Brexit and Trump will have made the sensible people of Europe think again. When both go disastrously wrong anytime soon rather than succeed this will re-enforce that effect.


Do you really want to see these people succeed in Europe Dave? Why? When you look at the far right leaders in Europe from the past are you sure? Hitler, Mussolini, Franco. :-(


EDIT: Its not the "loony lefties" that have caused it Dave. Its the loony Right wing little racist fascists that have exploited issues with immigration, refugees, migrants and spread fear backed up by the right wing press.


Ding-a-ling ... Wake up ... Are you really claiming the beautiful Marine Le Pen is polling less now than a year ago ????

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antony1969 - 2017-03-18 11:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 10:37 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 10:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:41 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:51 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



Oh dear me Dave. Earlier you asked me if I read my own links yet you seem to be promoting one of the youth of Europe turning to the right as a good thing which within the article states.


"almost a quarter of first-time voters chose the People’s Party-Our Slovakia, an anti-Western, extreme-right group whose leader, Marian Kotleba, has openly expressed admiration for the country’s wartime pro-Nazi regime" Even the title of the thread you link to is disturbing. "The appeal of a new anti-establishment nationalism takes root among the newest voters in Visegrad countries"


"Give me Revolution!" further down as well!


Are you actually telling me this is a good thing? We are criticised for likening what is happening to the rise of the Nazis yet there it is! These are exactly the type of people that are using the young and easily influenced to fight their racist far right agenda for them. There are none so blind!


As for the Wilders defeat this quote from the WC site sums it up in some perspective.


" In the Dutch general election, Rutte got 33 seats and Wlders 20 seats. When you add into the equation the 19 seats won by each of the two centrist/liberal parties and the 16 won by the green left - none of which would touch Wilders with a bargepole - I think you can see how big a defeat this was for the man who was confidently claiming a few weeks ago that he was going to lead the largest party. "


You claimed those "good people of Europe" were putting the Genie back in the bottle did you not? ;-) .........


It appears to me those "good people of Europe" are legging it even further to the right than us nice & cuddly Brexiteers :D .......


The question you need to ask yourself is why you loony lefty types are causing it ? >:-) .......







Not really. It does appear that all of the far right movements in Europe are polling less favourably than they were a year ago.


Its not until you have an election like the one in Holland just now that you see that the worm is turning, thank God. I do believe Brexit and Trump will have made the sensible people of Europe think again. When both go disastrously wrong anytime soon rather than succeed this will re-enforce that effect.


Do you really want to see these people succeed in Europe Dave? Why? When you look at the far right leaders in Europe from the past are you sure? Hitler, Mussolini, Franco. :-(


EDIT: Its not the "loony lefties" that have caused it Dave. Its the loony Right wing little racist fascists that have exploited issues with immigration, refugees, migrants and spread fear backed up by the right wing press.


Ding-a-ling ... Wake up ... Are you really claiming the beautiful Marine Le Pen is polling less now than a year ago ????


I reckon I know the French well enough to guarentee they won't make that odious woman President. As for Beautiful, have you been on the lash? You are of course referring to her beautiful (to you) political outlook. (I hope).



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Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 1:47 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-18 11:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 10:37 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 10:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:41 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:51 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 11:59 PM


Thankfully it would appear that the good people of Europe are on the way to stuffing that genie back in its bottle.



? :-S ........


Did Wilders not increase his share of the vote? ;-) ......


Has Rutte not moved to the right?....Did his spat with Turkey not give him a boost in the polls? >:-) ....


......and its not just us old farts moving to the right either :D ......




Its you Lefties who are being Left behind in the Dark Ages (lol) ......



Oh dear me Dave. Earlier you asked me if I read my own links yet you seem to be promoting one of the youth of Europe turning to the right as a good thing which within the article states.


"almost a quarter of first-time voters chose the People’s Party-Our Slovakia, an anti-Western, extreme-right group whose leader, Marian Kotleba, has openly expressed admiration for the country’s wartime pro-Nazi regime" Even the title of the thread you link to is disturbing. "The appeal of a new anti-establishment nationalism takes root among the newest voters in Visegrad countries"


"Give me Revolution!" further down as well!


Are you actually telling me this is a good thing? We are criticised for likening what is happening to the rise of the Nazis yet there it is! These are exactly the type of people that are using the young and easily influenced to fight their racist far right agenda for them. There are none so blind!


As for the Wilders defeat this quote from the WC site sums it up in some perspective.


" In the Dutch general election, Rutte got 33 seats and Wlders 20 seats. When you add into the equation the 19 seats won by each of the two centrist/liberal parties and the 16 won by the green left - none of which would touch Wilders with a bargepole - I think you can see how big a defeat this was for the man who was confidently claiming a few weeks ago that he was going to lead the largest party. "


You claimed those "good people of Europe" were putting the Genie back in the bottle did you not? ;-) .........


It appears to me those "good people of Europe" are legging it even further to the right than us nice & cuddly Brexiteers :D .......


The question you need to ask yourself is why you loony lefty types are causing it ? >:-) .......







Not really. It does appear that all of the far right movements in Europe are polling less favourably than they were a year ago.


Its not until you have an election like the one in Holland just now that you see that the worm is turning, thank God. I do believe Brexit and Trump will have made the sensible people of Europe think again. When both go disastrously wrong anytime soon rather than succeed this will re-enforce that effect.


Do you really want to see these people succeed in Europe Dave? Why? When you look at the far right leaders in Europe from the past are you sure? Hitler, Mussolini, Franco. :-(


EDIT: Its not the "loony lefties" that have caused it Dave. Its the loony Right wing little racist fascists that have exploited issues with immigration, refugees, migrants and spread fear backed up by the right wing press.


Ding-a-ling ... Wake up ... Are you really claiming the beautiful Marine Le Pen is polling less now than a year ago ????


I reckon I know the French well enough to guarentee they won't make that odious woman President. As for Beautiful, have you been on the lash? You are of course referring to her beautiful (to you) political outlook. (I hope).



You didnt answer my question ... As much as I would love her to win I too doubt she will win this time but Islamic terrorists and the non reform of the EU will only play into her hands for next time ... If she polls in the final round more than a third of the votes I would take that ... As for her beauty ... Ive always judged people by whats on the inside rather than the cover as I'm not that shallow ;-) ... I love her and so do a lot French types and I love her niece Marion too who will probably lead the party next ... You need to check out Denmarks far right leader Pernille Vermund who's a bit tasty not like your bedroom poster and laptop material beauty Merkel or is it just her policies that do it for ya

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antony1969 - 2017-03-18 11:47 AM


Ding-a-ling ... Wake up ... Are you really claiming the beautiful Marine Le Pen is polling less now than a year ago ????


"Beautiful" ???? 8-)8-) :-S


Nah .......she's got an ugly mush and looks dog rough for 48.







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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-18 3:29 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-18 11:47 AM


Ding-a-ling ... Wake up ... Are you really claiming the beautiful Marine Le Pen is polling less now than a year ago ????


"Beautiful" ???? 8-)8-) :-S


Nah .......she's got an ugly mush and looks dog rough for 48.







Beauty is more than skin deep to us xenophobic racist bigots ;-) ......



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Bulletguy - 2017-03-18 3:29 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-18 11:47 AM


Ding-a-ling ... Wake up ... Are you really claiming the beautiful Marine Le Pen is polling less now than a year ago ????


"Beautiful" ???? 8-)8-) :-S


Nah .......she's got an ugly mush and looks dog rough for 48.







Ah well if the Islamification of France continues she'll prolly have to cover up head to toe to hide her ugly mush like the rest of the women or get stoned to death for not doing so

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