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MUGUK strikes again......

Guest pelmetman

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John52 - 2017-05-03 6:14 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-05-03 5:25 PM


I have ex-service friends, colleagues and family members who are some of the most grounded, sorted and wonderful people I know.




Absolutely. My Grandads, Father, Uncles and everyone else I know who served in the world wars did not come back in the least bit violent. Gentlemen every one. So whats gone wrong with those who do?


There was a different experience in my family John. My maternal grandfather married shortly after he returned from the Great War only to experience dire poverty. His marriage suffered as a result. His wife was an alcoholic and my mother struggled to achieve some kind of normality in a household riven with strife and, I suspect, some violence. I regard the DCM he received for his conduct a very high price to pay for what was a very difficult life in civvy street. I don't pretend to understand the pressures on those who have served in more recent conflicts but I don't believe they are any less significant than those experienced by those who served in WW1 or WW2.





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My uncle was ex services , he gradually became an alcholic , was violent to his wife , and had a very serious suicide attempt, when sober he was a lovely gent . But it wasnt until he was in his eighties he actually broke down and told his family about his time when serving in korea ,which he had kept in his thoughts all that time........... Im sure that must have affected him :

I suppose we train them and send them out to be tigers and then when they are back home expect them to behave like kittens :/

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