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MUGUK strikes again......

Guest pelmetman

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Wife beaters are to be found in all walks of life - including Policemen, Doctors, Lawyers, Lorry Drivers, Clergymen and as the Daily Mail points out Asylum Seekers. But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(
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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


Wife beaters are to be found in all walks of life - including Policemen, Doctors, Lawyers, Lorry Drivers, Clergymen and as the Daily Mail points out Asylum Seekers. But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(


Well speaking as a ex armed forces serviceman ;-) .......I never beat either of my wives....although I was stabbed by the first one 8-) .......


So I take it by your comment that you are happy for the UK to import wife beaters? :-| ......



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......





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pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......

No, i just think it sad someone is naive enough to think domestic violence comes only from immigrants. If you are genuinely interested in the subject, which i know you are not unless it involves a foreign or Muslim male, you should read up on Erin Pizzey.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 9:21 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......

No, i just think it sad someone is naive enough to think domestic violence comes only from immigrants. If you are genuinely interested in the subject, which i know you are not unless it involves a foreign or Muslim male, you should read up on Erin Pizzey.


So you think its acceptable for this violent git who only got married for a passport be allowed to stay? :-| .......at least it'll mean Erin Pizzey and her like will get plenty of customers *-) .........



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John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PMWife beaters are to be found in all walks of life - including Policemen, Doctors, Lawyers, Lorry Drivers, Clergymen and as the Daily Mail points out Asylum Seekers. But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(

Considering the comment I despair at your attitude.  You seem to take every opportunity to denigrate our Armed Forces without looking at the background or causation of your accusations.  Have you ever considered PTSD?  Combat stress? Psychological issues returning from combat tours? etc etc?  No I doubt very much that you have in your crusade to pour bile on most things others have an element of gratitude for.  Shame on you......https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cf/59/b8/cf59b86c2f53d27ee923378a8bff8be1.jpg
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RogerC - 2017-05-01 10:51 PM
John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PMWife beaters are to be found in all walks of life - including Policemen, Doctors, Lawyers, Lorry Drivers, Clergymen and as the Daily Mail points out Asylum Seekers. But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(

Considering the comment I despair at your attitude.  You seem to take every opportunity to denigrate our Armed Forces without looking at the background or causation of your accusations.  Have you ever considered PTSD?  Combat stress? Psychological issues returning from combat tours? etc etc?  No I doubt very much that you have in your crusade to pour bile on most things others have an element of gratitude for.  Shame on you......https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cf/59/b8/cf59b86c2f53d27ee923378a8bff8be1.jpg
Singling out Asylum seekers as wife beaters may indicate bias, because they do not top the statistics for it . But pointing out that Servicemen statistically top the list for domestic violence is simply pointing out a fact. That is not bias. It may help to find the reasons for it. You suggest PTSD Combat stress Psychological issues returning from combat tours. Can you explain how those things lead to domestic violence?Because I don't understand it. A distant relative was called up in WW2 and compelled to take part in violence. Although not physically injured himself, seeing what it did to others put him off violence for life. He was the most gentle mild mannered man I have known. So I fail to understand how seeing extreme violence on duty would encourage them to inflict it on their partners? Perhaps you can help by explaining that?My understanding is that those who won the freedoms which you and I enjoy, political activists like the Chartists and Suffragettes, were not violent. Although they showed the greatest courage and committment of al - wheras the loudest violent macho men are generaslly the ones who kow-tow to the Establishment. The ones who won our freedoms weren't paid, and had Her Majesty's Armed Forces against them instead of supporting them. Her/His Majesty never lifted a finger to help us. So the idea that Her Unelected Majesty guarantees our freedom is ridiculous.
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RogerC - 2017-05-01 10:51 PM




Is that what they call the Warrior Mentality that makes servicemen top the statiscs for domestic violence - whatever the problem, violence is the solution?

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2017-05-02 8:14 AM


Is that what they call the Warrior Mentality that makes servicemen top the statiscs for domestic violence - whatever the problem, violence is the solution?




Vote Corbyn and disband our armed forces eh? *-) .........



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pelmetman - 2017-05-01 9:44 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 9:21 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......

No, i just think it sad someone is naive enough to think domestic violence comes only from immigrants. If you are genuinely interested in the subject, which i know you are not unless it involves a foreign or Muslim male, you should read up on Erin Pizzey.


So you think its acceptable for this violent git who only got married for a passport be allowed to stay? :-| .......at least it'll mean Erin Pizzey and her like will get plenty of customers *-) .........



There's something a bit awry with the article. The comment that a Judge refused to exercise his deportation powers is misleading. As we have discussed already Dave, Judges in criminal proceedings have no power to order someone's deportation but they can make a recommendation which acts a signal to the Home Office to take action.


As this man was sentenced to more than 1 year he is subject to automatic deportation procedures and the current sentencing guidance to judges states that in those circumstances it is not necessary for them to make a recommendation for the obvious reason that the immigration authorities have to take deportation action anyway. The DM has just quoted the victims statements and understandably her knowledge of the judge's powers may be limited. If this was not explained to her by the prosecuting authorities then it is a great pity. She could have been saved a lot of further distress.







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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2017-05-02 9:08 AM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 9:44 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 9:21 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......

No, i just think it sad someone is naive enough to think domestic violence comes only from immigrants. If you are genuinely interested in the subject, which i know you are not unless it involves a foreign or Muslim male, you should read up on Erin Pizzey.


So you think its acceptable for this violent git who only got married for a passport be allowed to stay? :-| .......at least it'll mean Erin Pizzey and her like will get plenty of customers *-) .........



There's something a bit awry with the article. The comment that a Judge refused to exercise his deportation powers is misleading. As we have discussed already Dave, Judges in criminal proceedings have no power to order someone's deportation but they can make a recommendation which acts a signal to the Home Office to take action.


As this man was sentenced to more than 1 year he is subject to automatic deportation procedures and the current sentencing guidance to judges states that in those circumstances it is not necessary for them to make a recommendation for the obvious reason that the immigration authorities have to take deportation action anyway. The DM has just quoted the victims statements and understandably her knowledge of the judge's powers may be limited. If this was not explained to her by the prosecuting authorities then it is a great pity. She could have been saved a lot of further distress.







So he will be deported?.....or just might be? .......and will he get loads of MUGUK taxpayer dosh to fight his deportation? *-) .......



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pelmetman - 2017-05-02 9:36 AM


Violet1956 - 2017-05-02 9:08 AM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 9:44 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 9:21 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......

No, i just think it sad someone is naive enough to think domestic violence comes only from immigrants. If you are genuinely interested in the subject, which i know you are not unless it involves a foreign or Muslim male, you should read up on Erin Pizzey.


So you think its acceptable for this violent git who only got married for a passport be allowed to stay? :-| .......at least it'll mean Erin Pizzey and her like will get plenty of customers *-) .........



There's something a bit awry with the article. The comment that a Judge refused to exercise his deportation powers is misleading. As we have discussed already Dave, Judges in criminal proceedings have no power to order someone's deportation but they can make a recommendation which acts a signal to the Home Office to take action.


As this man was sentenced to more than 1 year he is subject to automatic deportation procedures and the current sentencing guidance to judges states that in those circumstances it is not necessary for them to make a recommendation for the obvious reason that the immigration authorities have to take deportation action anyway. The DM has just quoted the victims statements and understandably her knowledge of the judge's powers may be limited. If this was not explained to her by the prosecuting authorities then it is a great pity. She could have been saved a lot of further distress.







So he will be deported?.....or just might be? .......and will he get loads of MUGUK taxpayer dosh to fight his deportation? *-) .......


Who knows Dave? From the limited information available it seems he would have a hard job fighting it. She's dobbed him in about his asylum claim being rubbish. He hasn't got any right to family life here it seems. As for legal aid Migration Watch have an article on this see below. We'll have to wait and see. The DM may of course publish details if he succeeds in fighting it but might not do the same if he loses eh?





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John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





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pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM



Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......



Still throwing your nasty accusations around, I see...


So again, similar to my request to you yesterday, on your "..living in the dark ages " thread (where I asked you to back up your accusation that some on here, quote : " seem to find murders carried out by terrorists an acceptable price to pay.." ).....


Can you please link to the post where Bulletguy or indeed anyone on here, has actually said that it's, "OK for the UK to import wife beaters" ?...


Or this just another of your half baked, yet not less vile, "assumptions" *-)

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pelmetman - 2017-05-01 9:44 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 9:21 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-01 8:41 PM



Oooh.......another race hate thread from the Beano boy. What's new? *-)


Ooooh....... another one who thinks its OK for the UK to import wife beaters *-) .......

No, i just think it sad someone is naive enough to think domestic violence comes only from immigrants. If you are genuinely interested in the subject, which i know you are not unless it involves a foreign or Muslim male, you should read up on Erin Pizzey.


So you think its acceptable for this violent git who only got married for a passport be allowed to stay? :-| .......at least it'll mean Erin Pizzey and her like will get plenty of customers *-) .........

Jesus........this is worse than getting through to the Mad Hatter. Just read up on some factual stuff for a change. *-)


Erin Pizzey has a lifetimes experience of real domestic violence and IF you just bothered to read some of her articles and life history, you might be surprised.......not to mention better versed in the subject.

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Bop - 2017-05-02 10:05 AM


John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





Didn't keep ther link where I read soldiers top the statistics for domestic violence and prison. But a quick google brought this:

'I've been all over the statistics of domestic abuse. I suspect you won't see that because it covers all classes and economic statuses, apparently equally. There are some statistics that show that black women are at higher risk, but as to occupation, I don't think it matters much. You can be a painter or a CEO or a dock-worker and the odds seem not to differ much. Tne place that it does seem to make a difference is police officers and the military - those households seem statistically to suffer 20-40% more DV.


(he posts links in his next post)


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John52 - 2017-05-01 8:29 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 7:49 PM


So I take it by your comment that you are happy for the UK to import wife beaters? :-| ......



Why would you do that?


So instead of answering that one you go on to make up another one *-)


pelmetman - 2017-05-01 9:44 PM


So you think its acceptable for this violent git who only got married for a passport be allowed to stay?



Another Straw Man Argument AKA Daily Mail Job *-)

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Violet1956 - 2017-05-02 9:55 AM


Who knows Dave? From the limited information available it seems he would have a hard job fighting it. She's dobbed him in about his asylum claim being rubbish. He hasn't got any right to family life here it seems. As for legal aid Migration Watch have an article on this see below. We'll have to wait and see. The DM may of course publish details if he succeeds in fighting it but might not do the same if he loses eh?





The emboldened is virtually a guaranteed cert!!



Bop - 2017-05-02 10:05 AM


John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





Andrew.......maybe not exactly what you were looking for but this article gives some info on forces and violence. The other problem some end up having to deal with is homelessness. The forces gives a certain degree of security, for some it's almost like 'family', but the outside world of civvy street is very very different and takes some adjusting to.




My son is ex-Special forces and though he enjoyed his job rising rapidly through promotion, half the time i hadn't a clue where in the world he was and was out of contact for months on end. I'd only get to know on his return and even then it would only be whatever he would tell me which was often not very much! He wasn't living with me and neither was he married at that time but the occasions he visited after he'd come back from 'somewhere', were often 'difficult' for want of an easy description. In short, it wasn't a good idea to get on the wrong side of him.


He eventually left when they had their first child and has long adjusted to 'life outside' thankfully.

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Bulletguy - 2017-05-02 5:46 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-05-02 9:55 AM


Who knows Dave? From the limited information available it seems he would have a hard job fighting it. She's dobbed him in about his asylum claim being rubbish. He hasn't got any right to family life here it seems. As for legal aid Migration Watch have an article on this see below. We'll have to wait and see. The DM may of course publish details if he succeeds in fighting it but might not do the same if he loses eh?





The emboldened is virtually a guaranteed cert!!



Bop - 2017-05-02 10:05 AM


John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





Andrew.......maybe not exactly what you were looking for but this article gives some info on forces and violence. The other problem some end up having to deal with is homelessness. The forces gives a certain degree of security, for some it's almost like 'family', but the outside world of civvy street is very very different and takes some adjusting to.




My son is ex-Special forces and though he enjoyed his job rising rapidly through promotion, half the time i hadn't a clue where in the world he was and was out of contact for months on end. I'd only get to know on his return and even then it would only be whatever he would tell me which was often not very much! He wasn't living with me and neither was he married at that time but the occasions he visited after he'd come back from 'somewhere', were often 'difficult' for want of an easy description. In short, it wasn't a good idea to get on the wrong side of him.


He eventually left when they had their first child and has long adjusted to 'life outside' thankfully.


I think your experience BG highlights how much support we need to give to our servicemen and women. We ask so much of them and they deserve so much more support than we give them at present. A while ago I volunteered at the Crisis at Christmas project in London. It was tragic how many ex-servicemen were homeless. When sober they were gentlemen- when drunk they were obviously too hard for their families to live with.



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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2017-05-02 12:39 PM


Bop - 2017-05-02 10:05 AM


John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





Didn't keep ther link where I read soldiers top the statistics for domestic violence and prison. But a quick google brought this:

'I've been all over the statistics of domestic abuse. I suspect you won't see that because it covers all classes and economic statuses, apparently equally. There are some statistics that show that black women are at higher risk, but as to occupation, I don't think it matters much. You can be a painter or a CEO or a dock-worker and the odds seem not to differ much. Tne place that it does seem to make a difference is police officers and the military - those households seem statistically to suffer 20-40% more DV.


(he posts links in his next post)


So no actual UK statistics to back up your claim *-) ........Just a link to a USA ex lags website (lol) .........


Not that they'd be bias or anything huh? (lol) .........





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pelmetman - 2017-05-02 7:24 PM


John52 - 2017-05-02 12:39 PM


Bop - 2017-05-02 10:05 AM


John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





Didn't keep ther link where I read soldiers top the statistics for domestic violence and prison. But a quick google brought this:

'I've been all over the statistics of domestic abuse. I suspect you won't see that because it covers all classes and economic statuses, apparently equally. There are some statistics that show that black women are at higher risk, but as to occupation, I don't think it matters much. You can be a painter or a CEO or a dock-worker and the odds seem not to differ much. Tne place that it does seem to make a difference is police officers and the military - those households seem statistically to suffer 20-40% more DV.


(he posts links in his next post)


So no actual UK statistics to back up your claim *-) ........Just a link to a USA ex lags website (lol) .........


Not that they'd be bias or anything huh? (lol) .........


Says the poster who never backs up any of his own! Kettle calling teapot methinks. *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-02 9:11 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-02 7:24 PM


John52 - 2017-05-02 12:39 PM


Bop - 2017-05-02 10:05 AM


John52 - 2017-05-01 7:43 PM


But statistically one group tops them all - Armed Forces Servicemen. :-(




Could you post-up a link for any published stats (official or unofficial) which supports your note above.





Didn't keep ther link where I read soldiers top the statistics for domestic violence and prison. But a quick google brought this:

'I've been all over the statistics of domestic abuse. I suspect you won't see that because it covers all classes and economic statuses, apparently equally. There are some statistics that show that black women are at higher risk, but as to occupation, I don't think it matters much. You can be a painter or a CEO or a dock-worker and the odds seem not to differ much. Tne place that it does seem to make a difference is police officers and the military - those households seem statistically to suffer 20-40% more DV.


(he posts links in his next post)


So no actual UK statistics to back up your claim *-) ........Just a link to a USA ex lags website (lol) .........


Not that they'd be bias or anything huh? (lol) .........


Says the poster who never backs up any of his own! Kettle calling teapot methinks. *-)


If your referring to the ethnicity of those who have committed crimes?.......Then you'll know they don't publish the figures........I guess we'll just have to make our own assumptions as to why >:-) ......



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