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Hi everybody! I am in the market for a new awning and I was hoping I could get the opinions of other forum members. I have been doing my research online and there is obviously a huge range of awnings to choose from and you could argue that an "awning is just an awning" at the end of the day. But to help narrow down and streamline the selection process, I like to get recommendations from others based on first hand experiences. So I guess my questions are as follow:


1) What awning are you currently using?

2) Are you happy with it? Pros & Cons?

3) Would you recommend it to others?


I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions if you have 5 mins to jot them down. Thanks in advance for any and all pointers and words of advice. I am looking forward to hearing what you all think.

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Hi Lanny, have you tried a search on this forum under "awnings". There are several useful threads that should help you. If you need additional information it would be useful to know what type of motorhome you have to help narrow down your options. I have a Omnistor by Thule, 4 Mtrs long. Initially is was a concern in any kind of breeze. I purchased an antiflap kit and a centre curved rafter. One fitted along with two tie ropes at both corners it is now very respectable in medium winds. However when it starts to blow hard I pull it in. Cheers,


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The main players are Fiamma and Thule (previously Omnistor) as you are no doubt aware.


Currently have a Fiamma only because it came with the van. Previously had Omnistor which seemed a tad more robust.


Probably best to buy locally as shipping charges should be considered.


If you subscribe to Motorhome Fun you can get 10% discount off Fiamma products and free shipping for orders over £150.


If you give your location, van type and awning size as mentioned by Gary, you may elicit a more helpful response.

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Lanny - 2017-05-08 6:54 AM


Hi everybody! I am in the market for a new awning and I was hoping I could get the opinions of other forum members. I have been doing my research on http://www.for-sale.co.uk/ and there is obviously a huge range of awnings to choose from and you could argue that an "awning is just an awning" at the end of the day. But to help narrow down and streamline the selection process, I like to get recommendations from others based on first hand experiences. So I guess my questions are as follow:


1) What awning are you currently using?

2) Are you happy with it? Pros & Cons?

3) Would you recommend it to others?


I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions if you have 5 mins to jot them down. Thanks in advance for any and all pointers and words of advice. I am looking forward to hearing what you all think.


pepe63 - 2017-05-08 1:44 PM


Hi Lanny..


It would be worth you just clarifying whether or not you mean an actual "awning" (tent-style, enclosed room etc) or just a wind-out "canopy"(which can then have various sides fitted to, if desired..?)..


Thanks for the responses guys. It is just a wind-out canopy that I am looking for. I have 2004 Fiat Hymer.

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So your van is a Hymer - then presumably your existing awning just bolts onto the side panel above the hab door.


My point is, you won't need any special adapter if you change to another manufacturers awning.


I had an Omnistor (now Thule) on my 2002 Hymer 544 and was very pleased with it.

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In Thule 8000 awning their are some extra struts in the two corners which are permanently fitted but need to be activated showing a red dot, A clip 90 degrees rotated. How does that work? The fiamma works whit adapters.The zip on fiamma tent is the most popular in belgium. Fiamma products are of good quality but less tha thule.
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Hi Lanny...


We've had a couple of Fiammas and one Omnistor and to be honest,apart from our Omnistor being a bit "clattery" when unlatching/latching (possible down to poor adjustment? or maybe just the method it uses?), I couldn't really pick much between them quality wise...


(having said that, these would've been of 2006-8 vintage canopies...so I suppose things may've changed in a decade?)


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Hi Lanny,

I'm tempted to agree with 'Marvin.

I have a Fiamma on a pvc, and if I did it again, knowing how we use it now, I'd think about what it weighs and how that affects payload.

How many times we use it even halfway out; because mostly I wind it out about half a meter to protect the large sliding door if it rains overnight!

I wouldn't consider turning it into a "safari-room", too expensive.

I'd probably get a simple lightweight sun screen, the type that has a fly sheet and a couple of poles.

Good luck

Alan b

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Although we've had them (came already fitted to the last two vans),and at times there were handy,sort of? (although it's more likely that they were used because they were there, in our case! :-S ) but for our type of usage, I'd tend to agree with Alan and 'Marvin.


(As I've posted before on such threads, I favour a tidy, secure one piece awning rail (that way you can hang whatever you want off it then..)

But I know that others wouldn't be without one.


(* when Lanny said they were in the market for a "new" awning, for some reason I took that to mean that he'd already had/got one but it needed replacing? :$ )

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Lanny - 2017-05-10 9:09 AM


Lanny - 2017-05-08 6:54 AM


Hi everybody! I am in the market for a new awning and I was hoping I could get the opinions of other forum members. I have been doing my research on http://www.for-sale.co.uk/ and there is obviously a huge range of awnings to choose from and you could argue that an "awning is just an awning" at the end of the day. But to help narrow down and streamline the selection process, I like to get recommendations from others based on first hand experiences. So I guess my questions are as follow:


1) What awning are you currently using?

2) Are you happy with it? Pros & Cons?

3) Would you recommend it to others?


I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions if you have 5 mins to jot them down. Thanks in advance for any and all pointers and words of advice. I am looking forward to hearing what you all think.


pepe63 - 2017-05-08 1:44 PM


Hi Lanny..


It would be worth you just clarifying whether or not you mean an actual "awning" (tent-style, enclosed room etc) or just a wind-out "canopy"(which can then have various sides fitted to, if desired..?)..


Thanks for the responses guys. It is just a wind-out canopy that I am looking for. I have 2004 Fiat Hymer.


If you are looking to replace an existing one. Then best to keep to the same make, as the holes for fixing to van, would be hopefully be in the same place.? You would not want to out more drilling into van, surely?


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