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EZA Lithium Power Pack


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It's success will depend on the Motorhome it is being installed into.


They do not integrate well into a sophisticated Motorhome where the electronics are usually designed to handle all power into or out of the batteries.


On a Motorhome with basic Power Control they can be installed, but before you take the plunge, have a look at Victron Energy Long Life Gel batteries which have massive 4,500 cyclic capablity, close to the claims for the EZA Lithium box at a lot less money with out any installation or maintenance hassles.



Suggest you never fit a EZA lithium power pack and charger to a Sargent EC325/EC328 equipped Motorhome unless you like Firework displays?

We would advise you ensure the Installer knows the Motorhome Power Distribution/charger unit inside out. We have seen two that didn't.


In addition to those two, this was an email sent to us on the 2nd May 2017 from a EZA user with problems :


"Hello, I have a Burstner Elegance which has an e-box. I live in France where I had a EZA lithium battery with one my lead acid batteries retained as a backup in case of the EZA breaking down. The EZA works fine, but when it becomes fully charged by my lead acid battery starts to overcharge. The suppliers of the EZA said my Steca regulator was faulty. I replaced it but the fault remains. Do you think this is a problem you could resolve? If so could I make an appointment to see you just before or just after the Malvern Motorhome show (18-20 August)?".



Not wanting to get involved in an installation that is never going to be satisfactory without a huge amount of effort, we declined to tender for the work.

To make it integrate seamlessly with the e-box would have taken the Motorhome electronics so far out of design it would have devalued the vehicle.

You then have the issue of who is able to fix it into the future? Would you honestly buy a Motorhome bodged with such an expensive piece of kit and only one company knowing how it all hangs together?

Never mind the proven Fire risk if things go wrong?



So not big fans, we are also sceptical of the claims, not one Lithium technology we have used in the past has lived up to the claims.

For example Phone batteries are different technology to the EZA Lithium Iron but they still have claims of thousands of cycles, so how come every phone I have ever had starts to lose capacity after just a year? That is usually less than 300 cycles!!!



I would suggest you wait for the proof that they do deliver the claimed cycle life, and then also install a sprinkler system.








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