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Ducato Cab wind deflectors - does any company make them?

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Help - I've been trying to buy a pair of cab window wind deflectors for my 15 plate Fiat Ducato based Adria - but without success to date.


There seems to be two main suppliers HAKO and an Italian brand from MicksGarage.com.

However, both suppliers have responded to my enquiries saying that they cannot supply wind deflectors for my Ducato model due to (a) Hako - cannot guarantee they will fit vehicles that have been converted from cab+chassis to motorhomes and (b) Micks - their Italian company does not make one for this Fiat!! Yes seriously.


So does anyone know if it is possible to buy a pair of cab window wind deflectors that fit a 15 plate Ducato cab??






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Fiat do their 'own' (short) ones: Part Number 50901494


There are several hits on Google, including:




(there may be cheaper options)


TBH, given that these generally fit (externally) in the window channel, I can't see why any of the common aftermarket ones (of which there are many sellers on eBay) wouldn't fit. (Though my own concern would be using external screens with them fitted).

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Ian, have had a pair of the Heko ones (bought on eBay from automotive-jandj) for several years that fitted on van conversions - 2006 to 2010 models (X250) and then transferred to a 2015 Chausson coachbuilt (X290) with no problems. Not sure if the Fiat ones are the same but the Heko brand fit along the top and front edge of the opening window and are very good at deflecting wind/rain with the window open a couple of inches. The short ones that fit along just along the top may not provide the same sort of deflection.



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I have fited a pair of Heko deflectors, to my Fiat cabbed Auto-trail coachbuilt, when i traded it in for a V-line 600 i moved them over. SO provided your van has a standard Ducato door and isnt an A -class ? They WILL fit i got mine on E bay......as the above post states.
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Thanks for the further comments, helpful as ever on this forum.


I would prefer the deflectors that fit on the front and top edge of the window rather than just the top edge (as the official Fiat spare parts do).


Adria has not altered the door units externally on our motorhome, they have just added the Remis fan blind on the inside. So as advised the standard Ducato deflectors will fit.


Now to find the best price!

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Matrix Meanderer - 2017-05-24 9:05 AM


Thanks for the further comments, helpful as ever on this forum.


I would prefer the deflectors that fit on the front and top edge of the window rather than just the top edge (as the official Fiat spare parts do).


Adria has not altered the door units externally on our motorhome, they have just added the Remis fan blind on the inside. So as advised the standard Ducato deflectors will fit.


Now to find the best price!

I would compare the two deflectors ie Fiat/Heko for style and price. Quite often these things are manufactured by specialists in what ever field. You may find that Heko make the deflector for Fiat. If it looks the same it proberbly is and a £ to a penny the one which is Heko branded will cost less.



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