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Genoa to Nice via SS1


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We hope to visit Genoa in the autumn and thought it would be interesting to follow the coast road (SS1). I have read a few post describing the road as a 'nightmare' although I could find no mention of the section we are considering. There are a few campsites along the route which are said to have difficult access. I would welcome recommendations from anyone who has actually been there. We have an Autotrail Delaware 4.25t and 7.74m long!  
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I have driven the section from Nice to the Italian border on the m D52 (M6098) this is a bus route so it is suitable for motorhomes. Having said that it is not for the faint hearted but the scenery especially around Villefranche-sur-Mer, Monaco and Menton is stunning. You need to keep a good eye on the road as it can be narrow in places with a steep drop on the seaward side.


There is a spiders web of roads around Monaco and the advanced road signage is not to the same standard as in the UK. There are several tunnels, some even have junctions within, and in some places the rockface forms the edge of the road so a good navigator helps and keep an eye on your height with low overhangs.


Do not do it on any form of time schedule as the coast road could take four or five times longer than the motorway.


This route certainly allows you to see The Riviera at it's glorious best and I would recommend it. A quick look at google maps street view will give you a better idea what to expect.


Good luck!

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We drove south along the SS1 several years ago. To be honest I cannot remember much about the road but oh those motor bikes. It was a Sunday and the riders, out for a joy ride, all dressed in leathers coloured to match their bikes, were a menace.

They had the unnerving habit, when coming towards you of cornering on the crown of the road or even slightly on the wrong side of the road. So if you are driving this road on a Sunday, beware of the Italian bikers.

Cattwg :-D

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We went to Genoa a few years back, cannot remember the road number but it was the coast road. Before Genoa we stayed at the ACSI site in San Remo which was an excellent site. When we went to Genoa we were staying at a site in Liguria and caught the train to Genoa, its a very pretty city architecturally but it is quite spread out so have a plan as to where you want to go. Great shopping for the better half.


If you do go in by train take note that you need different tickets for different trains, we saw many people have to pay a surcharge for taking the wrong train.

If no one else suggests a site come back to me and I will look back at my diaries. I agree though that the journey from , say Cagnes sur Mer to Genoa is a nightmare and not for the faint hearted.

Have fun


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I Can only comment about the French side as we did the entire Cote D'Azur over about 6 weeks or so in September / October 2015. As has been said there are some stunning routes across from Monaco to Nice. There are three actually. A high one, mid one and a coastal route. The views from the two higher roads are magnificent but of course we did them all on a scooter. I would take a van on any of them if I had to but there are not many places to stop to admire the view in a van from memory.


If you chose the lower route you would have to drive through Monaco. Doable but its always busy. all the roads are good though.


Nice can take an age to get through and all the roads come down to sea level at Nice (I think).


Of course the toll road is the way to go if you want to get from one to the other quickly. I found in France the large scooters were the biggest menace. Scooters the size of Harleys and pretty powerful seem to spend all day and night flying about as quickly as possible. Its a stunning area but I prefer the places west of Nice. Best thing about Monaco is the view from the top as you leave.

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