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Solar Panel Charging


Solar Panel Charging  

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Hello all!

I am hoping you can help with some advice. I have a100 watt solar panel on my Elddis Accordo 135, it is set to charge both the leisure battery and the vehicle battery, 90% of the charge to the leisure battery and 10% to the vehicle battery.

When both batteries are charging there are two steady green lights showing, when they are fully charged the green lights flash.

Today for the first time, at least that I have noticed, the vehicle battery is flashing fully charged but the light for the leisure battery is not showing at all.On consulting the instructions it states that if no LED is showing it means no battery or overcharge, does this mean the battery has been damaged or simply that it has stopped charging the battery for a while?

I am a little concerned as we are off to France later this week and we will certainly need a functioning leisure battery, I am hoping you can perhaps put my mind at rest on this one with some advice from those members a lot more experienced than I.

Many thanks.

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Just to say that I have now discovered the source of the problem, the fuse for the solar panel had somehow been knocked, perhaps when packing the van(the two fuses are on a cable to the battery in tha back of the van) I took out the fuse, put in back in properly and all appears to be working now.

Motorhoming is certainly a iearning curve!

Thank you all anyway.

Besr regards,


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