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shower crack


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during cleaning yesterday I found a very small crack in the shower base where it joins the base to the vertical wall.Is there any way to repair this and if so is there anyone available.I live in Scotland but travelling within reason is okay.By the way is this covered by insurance?Also a slight lumpiness just away from the shower area that has been there a while but not spongy as i would expect delamination to be,also is delamination covered by insurance as I cannot see much in the poilcy just a £350 excess?All replies welcome from someone who has had a rotten nights sleep worrying over this.

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As a footnote we bought the Lunar from an "elderly" couple near Bournemouth and my mistake was not to get a habitation certificate as we are honest people and take people at their word so they said it was a lovely motorhome inside and out. Wish i could go back in time but i can't? i can't sell it on till i get it fixed as its not in my genes but it has put a real dampener on my enjoyment believe me.
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Ours cracked around the plug hole, which I fixed with a acrylic disc but it sounds like you need a new tray. They are that flimsy, if it's repaired it will crack somewhere else. It seems to be a problem every van has, I would be loathed to fit a new one because they are expensive and rubbish.

If ours goes again I will seriously look into having something made, 2 or 3mm aluminium chequer plate is very strong and light but would need professionally bending.

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mildi - 2017-09-23 11:44 AM


There is a company that will repair it, I think they are called speedcoat Europe and they guarantee it for as long as you own the van. We had our van done a few years ago, no leaks but I was not keen on the orange peel finish you end up with.


We had ours repaired by a Speedcoat Authorised Agent and it was a brilliant job. The only downside was the smell which takes about 3 days to go. Not a cheap job -it was about £450+vat but a lot less than a new showertray which was quoted at almost £2k! It takes about 3 days to do the job as they clean it, drill it, inject it with expanding foam and then cover it with a rubber based coating and replace the drain.

I quite liked the mottled efeect when done and it felt so much firmer without the slip risk.

I would definitely recommend this method of repair.

Hope this opinion helps


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mildi - 2017-09-23 11:44 AM


There is a company that will repair it, I think they are called speedcoat Europe and they guarantee it for as long as you own the van. We had our van done a few years ago, no leaks but I was not keen on the orange peel finish you end up with.


The Speedcoat Europe website is here




It will be necessary to contact the company to locate the nearest agent




(An ordinary ‘comprehensive’ motorhome insurance policy will not cover component failure or wear-and-tear.)

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As an interim measure and to help you sleep at night, apply Captain Tolley’s Creeping Crack to the crack (shake first and multiple applications as per the instructions). I’ve used it on boats, the van and the house – remarkably effective stuff http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Captain-Tolley-s-Creeping-Crack-Cure-250ml-leak-crack-sealer-/122615128151?epid=1449190025&hash=item1c8c6e6057:g:-tgAAOSwLnBX2Dn5 - you won't need much but it's handy to have around.


Incidentally, although I used the word 'interim', from the description of your issue it might well be a permanent fix.



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This link describes DIY repairing a cracked shower tray




The problem is far from rare and there is plenty of on-line discussion about fixing it.




For a “very small crack” try BruceM’s suggestion as it’s vital that no water can pass through the crack and damage the floor beneath the shower-tray.

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Thank you for all the replies. I have contacted Speedcoat and found an agent only 30 miles away so a real positive.He has spoken with myself and we are going to arrange a time/date to do the work. Will be cheaper than a new shower but guarantees the work and will be just what I need as he said he will take out any movement in the base as well.He's a busy man so there must be loads of issues about concerning showers?
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