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A Confession


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Hi fellow motorhomers

It is with much regret that today we sold our motorhome, We had previously been caravanners since 1973 and 5 years ago dipped out toes in the world of motorhoming. It has been great fun and the camaraderie both on the forums and the sites/along the road has been far better than we ever found when we had the caravan.

Well why did we do it then ? Although not old by any means we both find that long walks from where we park the MH to places we visit are getting tougher and my legs do not want to play the game anymore. Although I can ride a bike my wife cannot, so it was impossible to go out together unless I bought a trailer for her and tow it behind my bike. :-D . We also miss the car at times and this wet and cold autumn in France helped us realise that we weren't visiting as many places as we used to and looking back at past photographs proved the point that we were missing out.

We have loved the flexibility of our motorhomes, the ease of arrival and packing up and of course the stopping off along the way. Stopping on aires and chatting to the neighbours of all nationalities was a highlight of this type of activity that I call 'camping' and the friendly wave (whether you like that type of thing or not) gave you a feeling of belonging to one big Club. The advice given freely by motorhomers and their hospitality is something you should all be proud of. In 5 years we reckon to have had about 75 weeks away in the motorhome and all of them we have enjoyed and will look back on with great memories.

I will still pop on to the forum as there is a lot of information on here that is common to both MH's and Caravans and I like to read the friendly debate and banter.

Well, that is it folks - a new car arranged plus a new caravan which won't be available until end of March next year, so yes we are committed or possibly should be !! .

Bon voyage to you all on your future trips and of course we will always chat to any motorhomers that are parked next to us on a site as, after all we woz one of them once.


Alan :-D

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hi Alan,

We did the same a coup[le of years ago and do not regret the decision at all.My having quite restricting mobility issues meant we were like prisoners a lot of sites, unable to see a lot of what was around any particular area we may have been staying in. I also didn't see the sense in towing a car and thought if I am going back to towing we may as well tow a caravan and have a decent sized car with us.

Best of luck


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Hi Guys


Many thanks for your comments and we certainly will miss our MH's and the fun we have had travelling around Europe in them. However, another chapter opens now so looking to book our crossings to France for next year as soon as Eurotunnel release them.


In closing we have a couple of items that are MH related that are now surplus to our requirements so if anyone is interested please PM me. They are:-


Milenco Quatro levelling blocks in carry case.


Taylor Made Silver Screen, long bonnet version - fits both the Ducato X250 and X290 cab.


Both in excellent condition. We are in North Hants area near Farnborough.


Regards to all.



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