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Providing details of the motorhome you own

Derek Uzzell

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At the top of the Motorhome Matters home-page is a ‘sticky’ thread titled “New Members- PLEASE READ”.


With a new year upon us, I’d like to encourage forum-members (new or long-standing) to provide in the ”Location” box of their Profile basic details of the motorhome they own (if they actually own one of course!) Make, model and year of manufacture should be enough - use your initiative. ;-)


A forum-member’s Profile allows creation of a ‘signature’ that has the potential to appear beneath every posting that the member makes. However the Profile also includes the YES/NO option "View other people's signatures?” and this option defaults to NO.


Sampling postings suggests that most forum-members do not create a signature and, although it is not practicable to identify how many forum-members deliberately choose not to view other people’s signatures, as NO is is the default choice it’s likely, if you do create a signature, that the signature will mostly be invisible.


Feel free to create wondrous/hilarious/profound signatures, but keep in mind that most forum-members won’t see them. Consequently, if you are happy to provide your motorhome’s basic details (and obviously you don’t HAVE to do this!) it’s best to use your Profile’s “Location” box as the information you put in that box will always be visible on your postings.


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