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Slighty chipped paint on roof removing old solar panel brackets - HELP!


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Hi Everyone


I have struggled today to remove 2 old solar panel brackets from my Fiat Ducato Globecar Globescout roof. It was driving me crazy but i managed it. It has left a right mess and in a couple of places and in a couple of places I have exposed bare metal.


I am going to place a new more powerful panel over the top so its not the end of the world. But what I don't want to happen is for rust to set in under the new panel and for me to not realise. Can anyone recommend a quick and easy solution to cover up the bare metal so that rust doesn't stand a chance. I heard someone suggest nail varnish, or candle wax.


Many thanks everyone



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If you are going to stick another panel in place I doubt very much if anything will stick to candle wax.

I would use vehicle primer and top coat as would have been originally used and give it time to harden before adding anything on top but at least colour matching will not much matter!


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I would get a close match paint, the likes of hammerite, or something and then cover up the effected area with the new solar panel. So long as it cant rust then its out-of-sight, out-of-mind!


For reference, the best way of removing a Sikaflexed bracket, is to heat it (with a heatgun, a hairdrier wont work), and to 'saw' off the bracket using a stout bit of fishing line (shark fishing line!). If its really stubborn then a wire saw (the sort of thing Ray Mears would carry about!) could be used, angled correctly, this would damage the bracket and not the roof.



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