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satellite tv and brexit


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At present, there seems to be some uk signals receivable at various places on the continent, which in uk require payment of a licence fee.do expats living abroad pay a uk licence fee, or do they have to pay some other tv licence. I know that france tv require payment cards to view, some stuff.


After Brexit, assuming that it really happens,, will it mean that tv channels have to be reorganised, so that uk programms cant be viewed without payment of some sort, ie viewing cards, .


will xpats have to register their tv abroad.


I wonder?





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tonyg3nwl - 2018-02-07 1:22 PM


At present, there seems to be some uk signals receivable at various places on the continent, which in uk require payment of a licence fee.do expats living abroad pay a uk licence fee, or do they have to pay some other tv licence. I know that france tv require payment cards to view, some stuff.


After Brexit, assuming that it really happens,, will it mean that tv channels have to be reorganised, so that uk programms cant be viewed without payment of some sort, ie viewing cards, .


will xpats have to register their tv abroad.


I wonder?





The possible connotations of Brexit seem endless. One could almost be left with the impression that the whole "hey, let's leave the EU" thing hadn't really been thought through!

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If you live in the UK you pay the UK TV Tax to watch any live TV from any country.


If you live in France you pay the French TV tax ( as part of the annual taxe d'habitation) to watch any live TV from any country


In Spain, there is no TV Tax to pay. So nothing to pay to watch any live TV from any country.


So even if the UK TV signals can be received and watched across Europe, people living outside the UK do not have to pay the UK TV tax, as the UK TV tax only applies to the UK. People only have to pay their "local" TV tax, if there is one, and it makes no difference what countrys TV you are watching


Cannot see Brexit changing this...no need to.

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satandpcguy - 2018-02-07 2:42 PM


If you live in the UK you pay the UK TV Tax to watch any live TV from any country.


If you live in France you pay the French TV tax ( as part of the annual taxe d'habitation) to watch any live TV from any country


In Spain, there is no TV Tax to pay. So nothing to pay to watch any live TV from any country.


So even if the UK TV signals can be received and watched across Europe, people living outside the UK do not have to pay the UK TV tax, as the UK TV tax only applies to the UK. People only have to pay their "local" TV tax, if there is one, and it makes no difference what countrys TV you are watching


Cannot see Brexit changing this...no need to.


Once you reach 75 , you get FREE TV licence!


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Guest pelmetman

Who needs a satellite? :-S ........Just watched BBC news here in Spain on the laptop via easyview eu ;-) .........


No doubt after BREXIT they'll stop my laptop from accessing it (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........





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Guest pelmetman
keninpalamos - 2018-02-08 2:11 PM


Will I be able to listen to the home service and the Light Programme and watch Grandstand with David Colman


You'll not need a satellite for that ;-) ........



Just a Ouija board 8-) .........



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colin - 2018-02-08 9:50 AM


As per 'satandpcguy' I don't see any difference for the average person. Where I see it changing is EU viewing cards coming into UK, couple of years back Sky where kicking off over this some years back, so I see them pushing a ban.


Should not be an issue today or in the future as this EU judgement (based on the pub landlady using a Greek viewing card in her pub a few years ago) has already been accepted in the UK and will probably remain so , just like most other EU rules and judgements will remain after


ie. perfectly legal to use a viewing card from a broadcaster from one EU country in another EU country for a domestic residence (public places eg pubs not allowed), but this may be in breach of the T&Cs of your viewing contract.




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So where are we in the light of the re-alignment of the satelite beams a couple of years ago. We get the full range of channels via freesat with a 1 metre dish and an old Sky HD box, but I still have to pay the French TV tax, I also have to pay my internet provider for French television via the internet whether I want it or not, and notwithstanding our membership of the EU and our right to free access to goods and services within the E, I cannot legally buy a subscription to Sky or any other UK service provider



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Archiesgrandad - 2018-02-08 11:00 PM


So where are we in the light of the re-alignment of the satelite beams a couple of years ago.

Given the current satellite have around 10 years lifespan left, nothing will change until then.


and notwithstanding our membership of the EU and our right to free access to goods and services within the E, I cannot legally buy a subscription to Sky or any other UK service provider

which is due to contract rights issues for the programme content, which are recognized but not covered by the free access to goods and services within the EU part.

Much in the same way geoblocking is to be removed from EU , but not for digital media services.

Or how people took the old directive "television without frontiers" to mean they should be able to access their TV anywhere in the EU, which is not what that directive was about at all!

There are always exemptions...so dont go just by the generalisation of what is said

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