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Hard water


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We are pitched up with a supply of very hard water which is concerning as not only will it eventually clog taps etc but might damage the Truma heater.

I have read you can put sodium bicarbonate in the fresh water tank, is this viable and are there any detrimental reasons not to?

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Salt (sodium chloride) is commonly used for water softening, but this is for kitchen appliances like washing machines and it’s not a product you should use where a motorhome’s fresh-water system is concerned.


There’s in-depth advice on ‘descaling’ Truma heaters in this 2008 forum discussion:





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Thanks Derek, its only 12 months old so the heater shouldn't be a problem. It was more a question of pumping softer water around the system which short term applies to less scum and better soaping. However long term it could affect the heater.

You say carbonate shouldn't be used, is there any specific reason for this and can you suggest a product we could put in the tank to soften the water ?


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I said that sodium chloride (table salt) should not be used.


This 2011 thread may be of interest




People put various substances in their leisure-vehicles’ fresh-water tank to either sterilise the tank/water-system or to maintain the water’s sterility, but I don’t recall anyone putting a substance in the tank just to soften the water.


I note on-line comments about water-softening units for American RVs, but that’s something else...

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Hard water is alkaline due to the calcium dissolved in it. Bicarbonate of Soda is also alkaline so would have no effect on the water.


There are filter jugs that claim to remove some of the calcium but you would need a big jug to fill the water tank!


To remove calcium in my water system I add about 1 cup of citric acid (food grade) to half a tank of water and pump it round, shower, toilet, sink taps hot and cold and leave it to soak for an hour or so. However, I have no idea if this is a good idea and it may well damage components within the system. I am happy to risk this, after all my pots and pans are stainless and I often cook acidic food in them.





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Yes you can make better tea out of it. And it is healhty drink water. But the problem is the scale when it is heated. Not an idea how to remove the scale in your motorhome pipes and tanks. I flushed this morning for a trip this week end on my alde boiler water circuit, and brown water was coming out of the taps at first stage. And that is because water contains iron. It settles everywhere it can. Inside and outside showers for example. Blow them out whit air or use a chemical and flush for some time. The tea in kuwait taste better because they make drinking water out of seawater by evaporating, My partner said that on a steam boiler of a ship or a train the water quality is very important to make steam. And not steam whit water in it. How many times did you rescale your expresso machine. And is has an auto function to clean.
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