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Avtex poor sound .

Mike Brooks 670

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Have a L188DRS ,on a swing bracket turn 180 degree ,when at one end of MH volume ok ,when at the other end volume poor . As with all ultra slim tv speakers are small and face backwards .

Have thought of blue tooth ,wifi ,but been told pic and speech could be out of sync . Hard wire seems the best but route from tv to where we sit would be very very complicated .

Any ideas ?

Thanks .

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Tracker - 2018-02-21 6:04 PM


One of these makes a remarkable improvement in tv sound quality.




Checking on line ,nobody appears to stock it anymore ,unless I have been looking in the wrong place .

Thanks any way .

PS Not being a teche what do you plug into the tv to transmit to the speaker .

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Mike Brooks 670 - 2018-02-21 8:05 PM


PS Not being a teche what do you plug into the tv to transmit to the speaker .


Mine has a 3.5 mm jack plug and lead that plugs into the tv earphone socket but newer ones can be bluetooth as long as your tv will transmit the sound by bluetooth which mine does not being old!


It charges by usb from a usb socket anywhere and when charged it lasts a good few hours if free standing or can work continuously if left plugged in.


I'm surprised they are no longer available.

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Jrr - 2018-02-22 9:50 AM


Had the same problem bought a hive2 plus smart wireless speaker lead fits earphone socket on TVs absolutely perfect sound. Jrr

Hi Jrr

Thanks for your reply . Just had a look ,as I have said ,I am not up on the latest tech , there appears various hive 2 speakers ,which one do I go for also " wireless speaker lead " to me wireless means no lead ?

Mike .

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Hi mike.the one I bought is the is hive 2 plus. The only wire needed is the one for earphone plug to the speaker plus the USB charge lead both are supplied with the speaker the speaker has a built in battery which is rechargeable and lasts for 12hours you can also use the speaker on yourmobile phone and many other uses I use mine in the van and also on my iPad.have a look on amazon they are cheaper than marlins all the best. Jim.
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We bought one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bluetooth-Speakers-ELEGIANT-Multi-function-smartphone-Lautsprehcer/dp/B01LPJYEPQ last year. We run a wire from the Avtex headphone output to the sound bar as the Bluetooth (BT) delay using a plug-in bluetooth adapter was noticeable and couldn’t be avoided.


I used double sided tape to suspend it underneath the TV and two strips of flexible PVC insulating tape as additional support and to angle the soundbar for our particular location. I thought I’d try a different method if it detached but it’s still there 6 months later! We recharge from usb when necessary but it lasts quite a while, Recharging whilst listening produces sound interference.


It’s loud and clear. It’s exactly what we wanted having been fed up with the Avtex sound and then trying a more expensive triangular BT speaker that sounded great but was too heavy and large to attach to the TV. Perching the speaker on the upholstery and stowing it for each journey soon lost it’s appeal.

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You could also try something like this - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Transmitter-AVANTEK-Universal-Adapter-Charger-MM34/dp/B01794I0WE.


These come in different shapes and sizes and just broadcast the audio from your TV/phone to your normal FM car radio (just tune in the radio to a frequency that you should set away from normal radio stations). These do NOT use Bluetooth and although the sound quality is generally not as good as BT, there is no latency so no sync problems.





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