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Time to put up or shut up


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For those amongst us who preach about helping ... Your time has come ... You have the room ... You have the time ... You have the spare money ... You have no reason not to ... I think the phone numbers on the link ... Good luck ... http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/16046824.Could_you_house_a_refugee__Call_out_to_big_hearted_Glasgow_homeowners/?ref=twtrec
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Your becoming boring with this one Antony. So what your saying is people have no business suggesting we help refugees unless they invite them to live in their homes. There are other worthy causes you might have sympathy with such as homeless ex servicemen who have fought for our country but have still ended up on the street. How many of them have you taken in?



Great that some people are able to do it but it's not practical for most and not practical for refugees either.



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-03-10 1:14 PM


Your becoming boring with this one Antony. So what your saying is people have no business suggesting we help refugees unless they invite them to live in their homes. There are other worthy causes you might have sympathy with such as homeless ex servicemen who have fought for our country but have still ended up on the street. How many of them have you taken in?



Great that some people are able to do it but it's not practical for most and not practical for refugees either.



What's boring about putting your neighbourhood where your gob is? ;-) ........


You clearly expect them to live somewhere? :-| ........


But no your quite happy for them to be dumped in inner city ghetto's *-) ........


Then you Halo polishing types start moaning about getting mugged/raped/robbed 8-) .......


Dam you intelligent folk are Dumb >:-) ....... (lol) (lol) (lol) .......


BTW Barry you'll be quite safe in Bottom Magnet :D .......Until the low life get chased out of your nearest town by the fuzz ;-) .......



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Barryd999 - 2018-03-10 1:14 PM


Your becoming boring with this one Antony. So what your saying is people have no business suggesting we help refugees unless they invite them to live in their homes. There are other worthy causes you might have sympathy with such as homeless ex servicemen who have fought for our country but have still ended up on the street. How many of them have you taken in?



Great that some people are able to do it but it's not practical for most and not practical for refugees either.



But Barry tha's a teensy weensy difference with my supposed sympathy with homeless ex-serviceman and your refugee sympathies ... I don't preach to anyone who'll listen that we as a country aren't doing enough to house ex-serviceman whereas your good self preaches that we the UK don't do enough to help refugees ... Guess what heres ya big chance ... Your an absolute ideal match ... Caring , decent home , decent area , almost retired ... Do it instead of leaving to others

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Groudhog day. Ive always said I wouldn't have a problem with Refugees been housed in the area in which I live. Dont tell me what my circumstances are as you have no idea whatsoever and your basing it on assumption and nothing else. I dont think I have ever started a thread "preaching" about not doing enough either. I Suspect anything I have said in the past has probably been in response to one of you banging on about too many refugees coming here and ive simply pointed out that we take less than our fair share compared to most other countries.


There is tons of space up here. I live in the second least populated region in England. Give us a few then.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-03-10 4:40 PM


There is tons of space up here. I live in the second least populated region in England. Give us a few then.


Even the refugee council ain't that cruel 8-) .........


You'll prolly just have to accommodate a few more whities fleeing the inner cities >:-) ..........



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Barryd999 - 2018-03-10 4:40 PM


Groudhog day. Ive always said I wouldn't have a problem with Refugees been housed in the area in which I live. Dont tell me what my circumstances are as you have no idea whatsoever and your basing it on assumption and nothing else. I dont think I have ever started a thread "preaching" about not doing enough either. I Suspect anything I have said in the past has probably been in response to one of you banging on about too many refugees coming here and ive simply pointed out that we take less than our fair share compared to most other countries.


There is tons of space up here. I live in the second least populated region in England. Give us a few then.


I seem to have touched a raw nerve regarding your circumstances which was purely unintentional ... Whatever Ive said about those circumstances is only what you've mentioned here or elsewhere ... Ive never said you've started a preaching refugee thread either Barry ... You end your post saying give us some refugees , well surely its up to you to put your case forward and Im sorry but given what you've said here or there you could do the decent thing and take em in

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antony1969 - 2018-03-11 6:31 PM


Here we go ... If a small Irish village is expected to do its bit then North Yorkshire households must step up ... https://voiceofeurope.com/2018/03/small-irish-town-forced-to-take-115-third-world-refugees/#.WqOWqDSzQZ8.twitter ... Do the right thing and relieve the pressure off these poor Irish types


"Voice of Europe"? Seems to be a one agenda crusade against all things ISLAM to me.


Did you see the BBC program "Hotel for refugees"?



I did and if anything in a similar situation in a similar small Irish town the refugees have fitted in very well. The article says if anything that it was actually religion that brought them together with the locals. How surprising! Perhaps though the Irish understand better than your average Brit what its like to be dispersed or having to flee your country and the persecution and racism that goes with that. Its not long ago that pub doors had signs saying no Gypsies, blacks or Irish.



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Barryd999 - 2018-03-12 11:28 AM


antony1969 - 2018-03-11 6:31 PM


Here we go ... If a small Irish village is expected to do its bit then North Yorkshire households must step up ... https://voiceofeurope.com/2018/03/small-irish-town-forced-to-take-115-third-world-refugees/#.WqOWqDSzQZ8.twitter ... Do the right thing and relieve the pressure off these poor Irish types


"Voice of Europe"? Seems to be a one agenda crusade against all things ISLAM to me.


Did you see the BBC program "Hotel for refugees"?



I did and if anything in a similar situation in a similar small Irish town the refugees have fitted in very well. The article says if anything that it was actually religion that brought them together with the locals. How surprising! Perhaps though the Irish understand better than your average Brit what its like to be dispersed or having to flee your country and the persecution and racism that goes with that. Its not long ago that pub doors had signs saying no Gypsies, blacks or Irish.



Didn't see it Barry unfortunately , bet it was riveting stuff ... That similar small Irish town you talk about is actually a lot bigger Irish town Barry and how many chancers have they taken in compated to the small Irish town ??? ... When they set up their first Mosque in that similar small Irish town will they accept gays , non-believers , women without veils allowed to pray at the same time as the men folk , Jews and so on at the Mosque ???

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