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Fisherman Farage getting owned!


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The big British fishing companies actually come out of it all really well and are amongst the top performers in the EU except a lot of it's not Brtish anymore as its been flogged of to funny foreigners like a lot of other sectors. They flogged of a lot of the quotas as well I think and the little guys in the smaller boats who fish our waters only get 4% now. None of that is the fault of the EU but you won't read about it in the Mail or Brexpress.
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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 2:34 PM


The big British fishing companies actually come out of it all really well and are amongst the top performers in the EU except a lot of it's not Brtish anymore as its been flogged of to funny foreigners like a lot of other sectors. They flogged of a lot of the quotas as well I think and the little guys in the smaller boats who fish our waters only get 4% now. None of that is the fault of the EU but you won't read about it in the Mail or Brexpress.


So you're saying we wont be able to change that once we have finally left? ;-) .........


Or are you hoping we wont be able to? :-| ..........


Just askin? :D .........


355 days to go......


Just sayin B-) .........



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Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 11:39 AM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-07 11:18 AM


On a purely economic basis as fishing accounts for 1% of our GDP and figures for 2016 showed that 19.17 percent of our GDP came from the manufacturing industry and 80.22 percent from the service sector I question why is the effect of the CFP on our fishing industry given so much prominence in the Brexit debate and where is the evidence is it likely that things will be better for our fisherman post-Brexit?


I think its less that 1% Veronica.


It was given so much prominence as like immigration it was a chest beating vote winner. Fishermen do a difficult and dangerous job and it was easy to blame the nasty EU for the decline of the British Fishing industry. Nobody was really looking at facts and figures. Immigration was the same. Easy to blame the EU again and immigrants for all the problems in the UK. This rot has been slowly drip fed for years via the Brexit biased media.


The problem is as I said earlier much of the blame for any of the claims Vote Leave blamed the EU for should really have been laid at the feet of our Government which is another reason why not much will change post Brexit. They could have addressed most of the Brexit vote winning issues but did not. What makes Brexiteers think they will after we leave?


I know that Roger C had a bit of an inside track on the demise of parts of the UK fishing industry as his brother had been involved in it. I haven’t seen him post recently. He once, quite rightly, slapped me down for not having such knowledge when I expressed an opinion on it. The loss of anyone’s livelihood is always regrettable but throughout our history people employed in what were once profitable industries in the UK have had to take redundancy on the chin for the benefit of the economy in general. My own father was a victim when he was made redundant from his semi-skilled job with British Steel back in the 70s. The “big boys came” to quote from our beloved Kevin and Perry; they were from China and India and that was the end of my dad’s source of income. The big boys exist all over the world so I don’t see how being free to trade with the rest of the world on WTO rules will be of any greater benefit to the UK than being a member of the EU. Taking back control of diddly squat is what I fear we are in for.

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The strength of the big boys with nets the size of York Minster that scoop up tonnes of fish so many of which are thrown back dead due to quota weight and species restrictions does little to help the one man and a boat local village fisherman whose families had made a living for many years before the rape of the seas by every unscrupulous foreigner (and quite a few UK) oversized but EU empowered trawlers designed specifically to circumvent rules to benefit their own multi national profit agenda with no regard for the livliehoods of traditional UK fishermen.


And if that is an example of EU equality - take from the rich and give to the richer - the sooner we are out the better.


No ammount of posturing or distortion can alter the fact that the UK fish stocks are much worse now than they were prior to the EU sticking their grubby greedy fingers in it.

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pelmetman - 2018-04-07 8:11 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-06 4:11 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-06 2:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-06 1:05 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-06 12:23 PM


" about 6o% of the tonnage of quotas within the “British” 200-mile limit went to non-British boats."


Once we take back control ;-) ...........We'll be able to decide who has what.......Not the EU B-) .......


356 days to go :D ........



You conveniently left out the next bit


"The “foreign” boats had fished there for decades, sometimes for centuries. A large part of the “tonnage” of the foreign-caught fish consisted, then and now, of species we do not much like to eat (herring or hake, for instance) or species caught for milling into animal feed. The Danes, for instance, take 90% of the sprats in some “British” sea areas – and they did so long before the common fisheries policy."



You conveniently ignore the fact that they did so with our permission ;-) .........Not the EU's :-| .......

You do know fish migrate don't you? A totally unfettered "freedom of movement" you nutcases have absolutely no control over at all.


Now read this bit again very slowly Bullet, perhaps following the words with your finger will help ;-) ........


"about 6o% of the tonnage of quotas within the “British” 200-mile limit went to non-British boats."


We're talking about our fishing zone.......Not the fish *-) .........

Funny to read such fake 'concern' coming from a bloke who spends six months of the year in Spain because he doesn't want to pay Brexit Britain prices. *-)


In future i expect you will purchase all your fish direct from Grimsby........the place that voted Brexit but now wants an exemption from it!! *-)



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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2018-04-07 2:46 PM


The strength of the big boys with nets the size of York Minster that scoop up tonnes of fish so many of which are thrown back dead due to quota weight and species restrictions does little to help the one man and a boat local village fisherman whose families had made a living for many years before the rape of the seas by every unscrupulous foreigner (and quite a few UK) oversized but EU empowered trawlers designed specifically to circumvent rules to benefit their own multi national profit agenda with no regard for the livliehoods of traditional UK fishermen.


And if that is an example of EU equality - take from the rich and give to the richer - the sooner we are out the better.


No ammount of posturing or distortion can alter the fact that the UK fish stocks are much worse now than they were prior to the EU sticking their grubby greedy fingers in it.


If you want a even better example of shovelling EU taxpayer dosh into the pockets of the wealthy?.........You need look no further than the Common Agricultural Policy *-) ...........


As its the wealthiest farmers who get the most 8-) .........


Which is prolly why Cameron chucked 9 million of taxpayers dosh into the remain campaign, seeing as his FIL was a recipient >:-) ..........





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Tracker - 2018-04-07 2:46 PM


The strength of the big boys with nets the size of York Minster that scoop up tonnes of fish so many of which are thrown back dead due to quota weight and species restrictions does little to help the one man and a boat local village fisherman whose families had made a living for many years before the rape of the seas by every unscrupulous foreigner (and quite a few UK) oversized but EU empowered trawlers designed specifically to circumvent rules to benefit their own multi national profit agenda with no regard for the livliehoods of traditional UK fishermen.


And if that is an example of EU equality - take from the rich and give to the richer - the sooner we are out the better.


No ammount of posturing or distortion can alter the fact that the UK fish stocks are much worse now than they were prior to the EU sticking their grubby greedy fingers in it.


What government in its right mind is going to pay any attention to the little man who loses out? They don't/can't give a stuff because Joe Public wants to see that we are getting richer by the day in order to elect them again.

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pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:55 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-07 2:46 PM


The strength of the big boys with nets the size of York Minster that scoop up tonnes of fish so many of which are thrown back dead due to quota weight and species restrictions does little to help the one man and a boat local village fisherman whose families had made a living for many years before the rape of the seas by every unscrupulous foreigner (and quite a few UK) oversized but EU empowered trawlers designed specifically to circumvent rules to benefit their own multi national profit agenda with no regard for the livliehoods of traditional UK fishermen.


And if that is an example of EU equality - take from the rich and give to the richer - the sooner we are out the better.


No ammount of posturing or distortion can alter the fact that the UK fish stocks are much worse now than they were prior to the EU sticking their grubby greedy fingers in it.


If you want a even better example of shovelling EU taxpayer dosh into the pockets of the wealthy?.........You need look no further than the Common Agricultural Policy *-) ...........


As its the wealthiest farmers who get the most 8-) .........


Which is prolly why Cameron chucked 9 million of taxpayers dosh into the remain campaign, seeing as his FIL was a recipient >:-) ..........




On the one hand I admire your concern about how the rich rob from the poor. On the other I believe you are incredibly naive to think that exiting the EU is going to change that phenomenon.
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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2018-04-07 3:01 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:55 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-07 2:46 PM


The strength of the big boys with nets the size of York Minster that scoop up tonnes of fish so many of which are thrown back dead due to quota weight and species restrictions does little to help the one man and a boat local village fisherman whose families had made a living for many years before the rape of the seas by every unscrupulous foreigner (and quite a few UK) oversized but EU empowered trawlers designed specifically to circumvent rules to benefit their own multi national profit agenda with no regard for the livliehoods of traditional UK fishermen.


And if that is an example of EU equality - take from the rich and give to the richer - the sooner we are out the better.


No ammount of posturing or distortion can alter the fact that the UK fish stocks are much worse now than they were prior to the EU sticking their grubby greedy fingers in it.


If you want a even better example of shovelling EU taxpayer dosh into the pockets of the wealthy?.........You need look no further than the Common Agricultural Policy *-) ...........


As its the wealthiest farmers who get the most 8-) .........


Which is prolly why Cameron chucked 9 million of taxpayers dosh into the remain campaign, seeing as his FIL was a recipient >:-) ..........




On the one hand I admire your concern about how the rich rob from the poor. On the other I believe you are incredibly naive to think that exiting the EU is going to change that phenomenon.


It'll reduce the number of snouts in the trough ;-) ..........Which will be a start B-) .......



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Violet1956 - 2018-04-07 3:01 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:55 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-07 2:46 PM


The strength of the big boys with nets the size of York Minster that scoop up tonnes of fish so many of which are thrown back dead due to quota weight and species restrictions does little to help the one man and a boat local village fisherman whose families had made a living for many years before the rape of the seas by every unscrupulous foreigner (and quite a few UK) oversized but EU empowered trawlers designed specifically to circumvent rules to benefit their own multi national profit agenda with no regard for the livliehoods of traditional UK fishermen.


And if that is an example of EU equality - take from the rich and give to the richer - the sooner we are out the better.


No ammount of posturing or distortion can alter the fact that the UK fish stocks are much worse now than they were prior to the EU sticking their grubby greedy fingers in it.


If you want a even better example of shovelling EU taxpayer dosh into the pockets of the wealthy?.........You need look no further than the Common Agricultural Policy *-) ...........


As its the wealthiest farmers who get the most 8-) .........


Which is prolly why Cameron chucked 9 million of taxpayers dosh into the remain campaign, seeing as his FIL was a recipient >:-) ..........




On the one hand I admire your concern about how the rich rob from the poor. On the other I believe you are incredibly naive to think that exiting the EU is going to change that phenomenon.


It wont change anything Veronica. All the pro Brexit statements in this thread are straight out of the Daily Fail or Brexpress. The Fishermen have been conned just like everyone else.


I dunno why people wont open their eyes and see that. Most of our fish is caught miles outside of our waters and most of the stuff the other European boats catch here we dont want anyway so whatever deal is set up we will still need access to their waters and vice versa. Over fishing has clobbered the takes although that is being addressed now thanks to EU directives. I doubt it would ever return to how it was though, least not for decades if ever.


They flogged off their own Quotas and the little guys hardly have any so I dont see how leaving the EU Will get them back


So Fishing, the one great thing that Brexit seemed may have a positive outcome for an industry thats less than 1% of our GDP is another area where it will make little or no difference.


The only thing I can see now that Brexit is going to deliver is some kind of emotional victory for those that thought it was a good idea at the time and now refuse to let go of it and admit they were hoodwinked.

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