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Brexit Campaigner blows whistle on..........


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pelmetman - 2018-03-28 9:22 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-28 3:16 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-03-28 9:03 AM


pelmetman - 2018-03-28 8:32 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 6:59 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 6:14 PM


Yeah the usual suspects as I thought *-) .........






A bunch of UK backstabbing Remoaner lawyers who obviously don't like democracy >:-) ..........

This.......and the post which was above it, perfectly displays the sheer desperation of Brexiters now left unable to counter with any credible and logical debate. You really are a desperate bunch.


Oh yeah that crowd at Matrix are real credible *-) ..........


A bunch of human right lawyers who have made millions of the back of the UK taxpayers, defending murderers and rapists right to stay in the UK :-| .......


It's little wonder they want to keep their greedy snouts in the EU trough is it? >:-) ........


I wouldn't be surprised if they're defending those Rochdale Peado's we're trying to evict from the UK? ;-) ........


Yeah they really are looking out for us Brits.......in a backstabbing coining it in sort of way 8-) ........



How is leaving the EU is going to affect the troughing you ascribe to lawyers at Matrix Chambers Dave?

He still believes Brexit was 'all about immigration' like Barnsley man. ;-)



WTF is the old fart on about? :-S ........and I'm talking Barnsley man *-) .........



He thinks leaving the EU will get shot of Muslims Dave and illegal immigrants. Maybe he saw Nigels poster or summut?

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-03-29 12:52 PM


He thinks leaving the EU will get shot of Muslims Dave and illegal immigrants. Maybe he saw Nigels poster or summut?


But we will be regaining control of our borders B-) .........


We just need to get shot of the EU sycophants in our civil service to ensure we control it *-) ........



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pelmetman - 2018-03-30 8:24 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-03-29 12:52 PM


He thinks leaving the EU will get shot of Muslims Dave and illegal immigrants. Maybe he saw Nigels poster or summut?


But we will be regaining control of our borders B-) .........


We just need to get shot of the EU sycophants in our civil service to ensure we control it *-) ........



Not according to Chris Grayling we wont be taking control of our borders. He reckons there will be no changes at customs and we will just be letting everyone through.


Have you noticed any work going on at Dover or any of the other ports? Nope ,neither have I.

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Barryd999 - 2018-03-30 12:01 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-30 8:24 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-03-29 12:52 PM


He thinks leaving the EU will get shot of Muslims Dave and illegal immigrants. Maybe he saw Nigels poster or summut?


But we will be regaining control of our borders B-) .........


We just need to get shot of the EU sycophants in our civil service to ensure we control it *-) ........



Not according to Chris Grayling we wont be taking control of our borders. He reckons there will be no changes at customs and we will just be letting everyone through.


Have you noticed any work going on at Dover or any of the other ports? Nope ,neither have I.

Actually Barry it's undergone a huge 'make over' during the past few years. The previously restrictive and intimidating narrow enclosed lanes with silly sump smashing humps to grind traffic to a crawl through border control where the SS 'goons' used to hang around waiting to pounce on any Brit registered cars, hoping for a contraband haul of a few pouches of 'baccy'.........all that nonsense has gone.


Lanes have been opened up, sump humps removed, 'goons' gone..........and now you drive straight through.


As for Grayling, and i quote;


"We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover.......We will NOT impose checks at the border......it was utterly unrealistic to do so.....we will NOT impose a hard border at Dover"




Seems clear enough to me. (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-03-30 4:26 PM


As for Grayling, and i quote;


"We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover.......We will NOT impose checks at the border......it was utterly unrealistic to do so.....we will NOT impose a hard border at Dover"



That's coz we have one in France ;-) ........

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pelmetman - 2018-03-30 7:20 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-30 4:26 PM


As for Grayling, and i quote;


"We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover.......We will NOT impose checks at the border......it was utterly unrealistic to do so.....we will NOT impose a hard border at Dover"



That's coz we have one in France ;-) ........

And Dover. What part of that are you not getting?? :-S


Naturally in order for you to properly "get 'your' border back" and what's the other daft snappy phrase....oh yes, "take back control" *-) i look forward to the day France rips up the Le Touquet agreement.....then, and only then will you Little Englanders really have 'your' border back! (lol)(lol)

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Bulletguy - 2018-03-30 9:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-30 7:20 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-30 4:26 PM


As for Grayling, and i quote;


"We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover.......We will NOT impose checks at the border......it was utterly unrealistic to do so.....we will NOT impose a hard border at Dover"



That's coz we have one in France ;-) ........

And Dover. What part of that are you not getting?? :-S


Naturally in order for you to properly "get 'your' border back" and what's the other daft snappy phrase....oh yes, "take back control" *-) i look forward to the day France rips up the Le Touquet agreement.....then, and only then will you Little Englanders really have 'your' border back! (lol)(lol)


Does seem a bit laughable that all the fuss was about taking back control of our borders but Dave seems happy that the French have them and we just let anyone in as normal off the ferry.


I had images of soldiers with automatic weapons and barbed wire everywhere. On the plus side Dave you might be right about overstaying your legal amount of time in Spain as it seems nobody is going to give a toss about checking you out when you come back. Doesnt seem like taking back control to me though.



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-03-30 9:40 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-30 9:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-30 7:20 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-30 4:26 PM


As for Grayling, and i quote;


"We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover.......We will NOT impose checks at the border......it was utterly unrealistic to do so.....we will NOT impose a hard border at Dover"



That's coz we have one in France ;-) ........

And Dover. What part of that are you not getting?? :-S


Naturally in order for you to properly "get 'your' border back" and what's the other daft snappy phrase....oh yes, "take back control" *-) i look forward to the day France rips up the Le Touquet agreement.....then, and only then will you Little Englanders really have 'your' border back! (lol)(lol)


Does seem a bit laughable that all the fuss was about taking back control of our borders but Dave seems happy that the French have them and we just let anyone in as normal off the ferry.


I had images of soldiers with automatic weapons and barbed wire everywhere. On the plus side Dave you might be right about overstaying your legal amount of time in Spain as it seems nobody is going to give a toss about checking you out when you come back. Doesnt seem like taking back control to me though.



Dontcha know Mrs May has already done that deal ;-) .........




Do try and keep up at the back :D ........



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Guest pelmetman

In the light of the Remoaners huffing & puffing over a measly 625K *-) .........


I pinged a email to the electoral commission ;-) .........


"In the light of the latest investigations of the Vote Leave spending their donated money. I would like to know what investigation if any, were carried out into Cameron's spending of Taxpayer's money on the Remain Campaign?"


This is the reply ........


6 Apr at 3:43 PM

Thank you for your email.


The Electoral Commission is responsible for regulating the rules on spending in the run-up to the EU Referendum, as prescribed under the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act (PPERA) 2000 (amended by the EU Referendum Act 2015). The rules on spending apply during the regulated period (15 April to 23 June). ***These rules exclude spending that is met out of public funds, which includes spending by the government on the government information booklet.***


After the referendum on Scottish independence, the Electoral Commission recommended that governments should conduct no taxpayer-funded advertising activity during the regulated period. However, Parliament decided not to put any legal restrictions on government activity until 28 days before the poll; 27 May. These were the same rules that were in place for other recent UK referendums. We also issued a statement to this effect at the time the government announced it would distribute an information booklet which you can see on our website here.


As you will also be aware, there was a legal purdah period for the EU referendum – section 125 of PPERA - which placed restrictions on the material that UK governments and other public bodies in receipt of public funds could publish about the referendum from 27 May 2016 to polling day 23 June 2016. The Electoral Commission has no powers under PPERA to sanction bodies who do not comply with these restrictions.


If you have concerns about a breach of the purdah period by the UK government in respect of this matter, you should contact the Cabinet Office at proprietyandethicsteam@cabinetoffice.gov.uk. You should also direct any questions regarding the distribution dates of the Government booklet to the Cabinet Office.


Looks to me like us Brexiteers were fighting the referendum with one arm tied behind our back *-) ........


We still won >:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:05 PM


In the light of the Remoaners huffing & puffing over a measly 625K *-) .........

You still haven't 'got' this have you?? How many times has this been explained to you? It's nothing to do with the amount of money....it was using an alternative source to divert funds through, BeLeave. The Electoral Commission doesn't allow that for obvious reasons.


It was even reported by a Brexit campaigner who worked with them but instead of admitting their wrongdoing they chose to 'out' his sexuality. That action alone told most decent minded folk what utter evilness Brexiters will stoop to.


Still waiting to read that email you claim to have sent Corbyn.......talking of 'huffing and puffing'. ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 3:22 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:05 PM


In the light of the Remoaners huffing & puffing over a measly 625K *-) .........

You still haven't 'got' this have you?? How many times has this been explained to you? It's nothing to do with the amount of money....it was using an alternative source to divert funds through, BeLeave. The Electoral Commission doesn't allow that for obvious reasons.


It was even reported by a Brexit campaigner who worked with them but instead of admitting their wrongdoing they chose to 'out' his sexuality. That action alone told most decent minded folk what utter evilness Brexiters will stoop to.


Neither have you *-) ...........It's only you whining whinging Remoaners who give a stuff >:-) .........


I wonder what will be the next mountain out of a molehill you sado losers come up with next? ;-) ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 3:22 PM


Still waiting to read that email you claim to have sent Corbyn.......talking of 'huffing and puffing'. ;-)


What email? :-S .......Perhaps you could remind me? ;-) ..........


I really cant think why I would want to email a communist, except to take the p*ss out of them, and that's no fun without an audience is it Bullet? :D ........





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pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 3:22 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:05 PM


In the light of the Remoaners huffing & puffing over a measly 625K *-) .........

You still haven't 'got' this have you?? How many times has this been explained to you? It's nothing to do with the amount of money....it was using an alternative source to divert funds through, BeLeave. The Electoral Commission doesn't allow that for obvious reasons.


It was even reported by a Brexit campaigner who worked with them but instead of admitting their wrongdoing they chose to 'out' his sexuality. That action alone told most decent minded folk what utter evilness Brexiters will stoop to.


Neither have you *-) ...........It's only you whining whinging Remoaners who give a stuff >:-) .........


I wonder what will be the next mountain out of a molehill you sado losers come up with next? ;-) ..........



You "Dont give a stuff" but went to the bother of writing a lengthy request for information to the Electoral commission. (lol)


I think the Brexiteers do give a stuff. They just have nothing to contribute now apart from deflection because every argument for Brexit has been blown clean out of the water in the past year.

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pelmetman - 2018-03-28 9:19 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-03-28 9:03 AM


pelmetman - 2018-03-28 8:32 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 6:59 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 6:14 PM


Yeah the usual suspects as I thought *-) .........






A bunch of UK backstabbing Remoaner lawyers who obviously don't like democracy >:-) ..........

This.......and the post which was above it, perfectly displays the sheer desperation of Brexiters now left unable to counter with any credible and logical debate. You really are a desperate bunch.


Oh yeah that crowd at Matrix are real credible *-) ..........


A bunch of human right lawyers who have made millions of the back of the UK taxpayers, defending murderers and rapists right to stay in the UK :-| .......


It's little wonder they want to keep their greedy snouts in the EU trough is it? >:-) ........


I wouldn't be surprised if they're defending those Rochdale Peado's we're trying to evict from the UK? ;-) ........


Yeah they really are looking out for us Brits.......in a backstabbing coining it in sort of way 8-) ........



How is leaving the EU is going to affect the troughing you ascribe to lawyers at Matrix Chambers Dave?


Coz it will shorten the trough ;-) .......ie no access to the ECJ B-) ..........


oops apologies I missed this. You are confusing the ECJ with the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Unless and until we withdraw form the Human Rights Convention (you know the one we Brits are largely responsible for drafting) leaving the EU has nothing to do with it. Moreover decisions of the ECtHR are not binding on UK courts.
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pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 3:22 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:05 PM


In the light of the Remoaners huffing & puffing over a measly 625K *-) .........

You still haven't 'got' this have you?? How many times has this been explained to you? It's nothing to do with the amount of money....it was using an alternative source to divert funds through, BeLeave. The Electoral Commission doesn't allow that for obvious reasons.


It was even reported by a Brexit campaigner who worked with them but instead of admitting their wrongdoing they chose to 'out' his sexuality. That action alone told most decent minded folk what utter evilness Brexiters will stoop to.


Neither have you *-) .

The opening post with linked clip explains exactly why i do "get it" and have done for weeks.......and you still don't because you refuse to listen and read.


You really are a hopeless case and do yourself no favour at all but the mess your Brexit is in i can see why you bury your head in the sand.



pelmetman - 2018-04-07 3:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 3:22 PM


Still waiting to read that email you claim to have sent Corbyn.......talking of 'huffing and puffing'. ;-)


What email? :-S .......Perhaps you could remind me? ;-) ..........


I really cant think why I would want to email a communist, except to take the p*ss out of them, and that's no fun without an audience is it Bullet? :D ........

After your endless unfounded false allegations against him.....even after one of your bluebottle flies MP Ben Bradley had to make a grovelling apology after admitting to making a defamatory and wholly untrue statement against Corbyn whos lawyers threatened legal action.


I gave you the link to email him and put forward your malicious and false allegations......after which you went rather quiet.

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