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Dog insurance when abroad


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Can anyone advise please.


We are of to Spain later in the year and want to take the dog ,we are away for 50 Days ,current pet insurance only covers for 3 x 30 day trips and cannot lump days together .

What do other people do when they take pet away for long periods of time .Can you get short term insurance .Please advise .Thank you

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The only answer is to be extra careful always on a lead,and feed the same as at home.if there is a problem,vets in Spain and france are o.k and have experience in dealing with problems common to local environments.check for ticks regularly,bottled water and common sense.We take our two and apply the previous.and don't get too stressed about it.
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We've taken our Dalamatian bitch with us several times without insurance, including to Southern France, Spain and Portugal.  We get her the right jabs and preventative remedies and she eats her normal diet. 


No illnesses but she did run pell mell into a barbed wire fence in the Carmargue, mouth wide open and cut the inside of her mouth, bled a lot and swallowed a lot of blood but after a quiet couple of days she was back to normal.  We took her to a Vet but didn't get past the nurse/receptionist who relayed advice that the Vet didn't need to see her.  (She had by then stopped bleeding.)


This sort of insurance is of course non-compulsory, so you pay the premiums (probably very high for short term cover of this sort, insurers won't write any policy for less than a couple of hundred pounds) or you take the financial risk yourself.  Setting aside the risk of being sued for something your dog did to someone which was very, very damaging, which you might not be able to insure against anyway, the maximum credible vet costs are probably only a few hundred quid and that's the sort of risk I'm willing to take myself rather than pay rediculously over the odds for. 


Your decision.

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Hi, we have our border collie insured with saga, it's not cheap but as an add on they will cover the whole year for travelling abroad. This is the only one we can find to do this, also you have to be over 50. The cover is very comprehensive. Some extra advice to help depending on when you go there is a dangerous catapiller that is deadly to dogs, it nest is a cocoon like cotton wool type of thing in pine trees, it is called the blind or procesanary catapiller, avoid these at all costs. PLEASE PLEASE do some research about these because there is no cure. Hope this helps.

regards Tringy

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Guest pelmetman
Billggski - 2018-04-11 8:23 PM


The Dog's Trust covers you worldwide for six months third party and access to a vet on the phone 24 hours a day.

For £25 or £12.50 if an oap.



That's interesting B-) ........


I'll have to get the wife to apply though coz I'm not a OAP yet :D .......





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