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Campaign for a public vote on the Brexit Deal


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antony1969 - 2018-04-12 7:33 PM

Seems like it's your fault you were sold a dummy back in the day Richard and it seems it's all your fault that you couldn't see how the EU would evolve ... Seems like it's also your fault that you were sold a dummy voting leave this time and you couldn't see how you'd been lied to during the neverendum ... Welcome to the thickety club


Please accept my apology for not being clairvoyant enough to see 40 years ahead in 1975.

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Barryd999 - 2018-04-12 7:25 PM


antony1969 - 2018-04-12 6:49 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-12 6:27 PM


malc d - 2018-04-12 5:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-12 5:33 PM


I think if at the end of the summer if a deal is struck that has all kinds of strings attached to it like paying in, ECJ, Customs union etc then that makes the original referendum null and void as......


....................................... none of that was mentioned on the voting paper.



I think you are getting a bit desperate with that idea.


Manifestos are never included on ballot papers.





There was no Brexit manifesto though just a simple leave the EU and everything associated with it or remain. Does that look like what is happening to you?


Truth is none of us know what Brexit will look like or what the deal will be which is why everyone should be behind us having a say at the end of it.


I thought most things had been discussed during the campaign Barriey ... Our then PM was quite clear on what leaving meant though you seem to think us Brexit types were confused ... Can I offer some advice ... Get over it Barre and move on ... You've rapidly become the Lord Adonis of Chatterbox ... Boring


Yes he was clear and thats the point. I am sure you werent confused at the time as it was clear but it is now very apparent that none of us know what we are / were voting for as its starting to look like something completely different which is why its important that moving on we get a say in the outcome as its clearly a different vision now to what it was in 2016 and much more complex.


You can offer me advice to move on if you like but that wont be happening anytime soon although im not sure how much time ill have for Chatterbox in the future as I'm part of the team campaigning for a public vote on the Brexit deal. Busy times ahead. Ill report in if you like and tell you how its going, see if we can get a few of you signed up. (lol)


Don't feel obliged to make time for Chatterbox Barrie ... We'll miss your posts on all things Brexit of course but somehow we'll pull through ... Before you go what about rubbing your ball for the National on Saturday for one last time

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antony1969 - 2018-04-12 6:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-12 6:45 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-12 6:27 PM


malc d - 2018-04-12 5:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-12 5:33 PM


I think if at the end of the summer if a deal is struck that has all kinds of strings attached to it like paying in, ECJ, Customs union etc then that makes the original referendum null and void as......


....................................... none of that was mentioned on the voting paper.



I think you are getting a bit desperate with that idea.


Manifestos are never included on ballot papers.





There was no Brexit manifesto though just a simple leave the EU and everything associated with it or remain. Does that look like what is happening to you?


Truth is none of us know what Brexit will look like or what the deal will be which is why everyone should be behind us having a say at the end of it.

No "taking back control" of borders regarding Ireland. Funny that eh? Whilst UK wanted no part of the Schengen agreement when in the EU.......they now want it for Ireland if they come out! *-)


Britain and the EU both agree there must be no customs posts or other infrastructure after Britain leaves the EU between Northern Ireland, which is part of the U.K., and EU member Ireland.


Funny how those who have never given a fig about Ireland now conveniently use Ireland as some sort of major concern of theirs ... Ruddy hypocrites

Surely as a fanatical Brexiter you wanted border "control" didn't you? That's just one thing you voted for thinking you'd get it........but you are not (lol)(lol)

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Ho ho ho! Hinge and Bracket have had an upgrade and are now The Three Stooges,


You would all miss me if i left Chatterbox. Someone has to show you the way. Mind you its like a kiddies play pen in here compared to taking on the Brexpress mob earlier today. Not very nice people but I quite enjoyed watching them explode.

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Barryd999 - 2018-04-12 8:29 PM


Ho ho ho! Hinge and Bracket have had an upgrade and are now The Three Stooges,

Ssshh......they've snuggled up in bed together now. Surely you've noticed once one runs off it's never long before the other quickly disappears! ;-)

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If we are honest, the referendum said nothing about any deal good or bad,it simply asked IN or OUT.

Cameron has proved himself a large waste of space. Had he fought for changes and not just asked for changes and I mean significant changes then we might not be in the mess we are currently in at the moment.I feel that there is an appetite for change within the members of the EU but some of these countries don't appear to have the clout to lead the way.

My own opinion is changing as time goes on and instances like the present Syrian situation surely indicates that closeness of governments is what is needed not fragmentation and the old saying United we stand etc.. comes to mind.



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Guest pelmetman
derek pringle - 2018-04-13 9:14 AM


My own opinion is changing as time goes on and instances like the present Syrian situation surely indicates that closeness of governments is what is needed not fragmentation and the old saying United we stand etc.. comes to mind.




So what difference would being in the EU make? :-S ...........


Seems to me it'll be the Yanks and the Brits as per usual playing the world's good cop with a little help from the French :-| ........


No sign of the other 25 EU countries stepping up to plate? *-) ........





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pelmetman - 2018-04-13 11:22 AM


So what difference would being in the EU make? :-S ...........


Seems to me it'll be the Yanks and the Brits as per usual playing the world's good cop with a little help from the French :-| ........


No sign of the other 25 EU countries stepping up to plate? *-) ........



Nothing new there then.


The thoughts of an EU army without the US or UK involved must really have Vlad the Bad shaking in his boots - with laughter.


Our best bet is to win the contract for making tanks for the EU army - 12 gears - eleven of them reverse.

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Tomorrow will see the largest ever joint grassroots National Day of Action, with 350 events taking place all across the country.


Go along and offer your support!! https://www.open-britain.co.uk/pro_european_activists_taking_to_the_streets_across_the_uk_for_our_largest_ever_national_day_of_action




It even made the Daily Heil but I see they have disabled the comments presumably to avoid most of their Membership suffering cardiac arrest and exploding head syndrome.





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Whenever I see TV coverage of these rent a mob rallies I wonder how the people who should be working are able to be there?


Are they employed and stealing a day off from work, are they students stealing a day off from studies, are they unemployed stealing a day off from job searching?


Never mind what they claim, it does make me wonder how representative of the electorate they really are ?

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malc d - 2018-04-13 4:59 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 3:51 PM


Tomorrow will see the largest ever joint grassroots National Day of Action, with 350 events taking place all across the country.


Go along and offer your support!! https://www.open-britain.co.uk/pro_european_activists_taking_to_the_streets_across_the_uk_for_our_largest_ever_national_day_of_action




It even made the Daily Heil but I see they have disabled the comments presumably to avoid most of their Membership suffering cardiac arrest and exploding head syndrome.






I've lost count of the number of rallies / speeches etc demanding that the public are given a vote on the final deal we will have with the EU after we have left -


... but I still haven't heard anyone explain what happens if we get a vote and the public vote against the deal .



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malc d - 2018-04-13 5:03 PM


malc d - 2018-04-13 4:59 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 3:51 PM


Tomorrow will see the largest ever joint grassroots National Day of Action, with 350 events taking place all across the country.


Go along and offer your support!! https://www.open-britain.co.uk/pro_european_activists_taking_to_the_streets_across_the_uk_for_our_largest_ever_national_day_of_action




It even made the Daily Heil but I see they have disabled the comments presumably to avoid most of their Membership suffering cardiac arrest and exploding head syndrome.






I've lost count of the number of rallies / speeches etc demanding that the public are given a vote on the final deal we will have with the EU after we have left -


... but I still haven't heard anyone explain what happens if we get a vote and the public vote against the deal .




1. Walk away, no deal and leave the EU completely.

2. Accept the deal (Whatever it is)

3. neither of the above, stay in.

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Tracker - 2018-04-13 4:22 PM


Whenever I see TV coverage of these rent a mob rallies I wonder how the people who should be working are able to be there?


Are they employed and stealing a day off from work, are they students stealing a day off from studies, are they unemployed stealing a day off from job searching?


Never mind what they claim, it does make me wonder how representative of the electorate they really are ?


Its over the weekend Rich. The last rally I attended in Durham was very civilised and no rent a mobs although there were a handful of Brexiteers that turned up who looked a bit like they could have been out of a "mob". They tried to be a bit mobish at first but people including the runners of the campaign engaged with them and invited one of them to speak. Hats off to her actually, totally out numbered she said her piece and got a round of applause (initiated by yours truly of course).


There are half a million people involved in this campaign though so it has legs. Us remainers being the rich elite as we are told must have too much time on our hands maybe.

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<<< surely indicates that closeness of governments is what is needed not fragmentation and the old saying United we stand etc..>>>




If an independent UK, and a united EU are allies ... then our one vote is equale to the combined votes of the other 27, on what action we should take. But if the UK is part of the EU, then we will have to do what Germany tells us.


Is there any doubt that POTUS (any POTUS) owes his allegiance to the USA. So who does the President of the EU owe his allegiance to?


The 27 EU states are united against Brexit. I find it difficult to believe that 27 individual and diverse nations can be that united in all matters ... unless somebody is leaning on them.


UK passports are going to be printed in France. IF we are still members of the EU, I believe that we are not entitled to be patriotic, HMG must give the contract to the lowest bidder. Similarly, Local Authorities must award contracts to the lowest bidder, regardless of how doing so will affect the local workforce.




For the third time in a row, my wife has had to pay £25 to the Post Office, before they will deliver a birthday present from her cousin in USA. The EU demands that the UK charges VAT on all such presents, valued in excess of £18, from outside the EU. The post Office charge £8 for collecting the VAT. So, assuming the VAT collected is £17, which represents 20% of the value of the goods, it means the presents are worth £85 + VAT ... which they definitely are not. But my wife has to smile sweetly, and write a thankyou email to her cousin.


The EU is NOT a free market, it is a closed market ... a way of ensuring that the Fat Cats get even fatter. Why is the UK known as Treasure Island? The EU do not want us to leave, but what have they done to persuade us to change our minds, apart from insults and threats?


The Remoaners feel entitled to call the Brexiteers stupid, for voting to leave. I can think of many worse names to call the Remoaners. But I don't, they were entitled to vote either way ... same as I was.



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Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 5:53 PM


malc d - 2018-04-13 5:03 PM




... but I still haven't heard anyone explain what happens if we get a vote and the public vote against the deal .






1. Walk away, no deal and leave the EU completely.

2. Accept the deal (Whatever it is)

3. neither of the above, stay in.






malc d


1) " Leave completely ? " We will have already left - that's why we are negotiating a new deal.


2) So you think we should accept the deal even if the public vote against it ? ( So why have a vote )


3) Can't stay in - we democratically voted to leave.



Democracy doesn't always give everyone the result they would like.



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Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 5:58 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-13 4:22 PM


Whenever I see TV coverage of these rent a mob rallies I wonder how the people who should be working are able to be there?


Are they employed and stealing a day off from work, are they students stealing a day off from studies, are they unemployed stealing a day off from job searching?


Never mind what they claim, it does make me wonder how representative of the electorate they really are ?


Its over the weekend Rich. The last rally I attended in Durham was very civilised and no rent a mobs although there were a handful of Brexiteers that turned up who looked a bit like they could have been out of a "mob". They tried to be a bit mobish at first but people including the runners of the campaign engaged with them and invited one of them to speak. Hats off to her actually, totally out numbered she said her piece and got a round of applause (initiated by yours truly of course).


There are half a million people involved in this campaign though so it has legs. Us remainers being the rich elite as we are told must have too much time on our hands maybe.


Nearly 34 million voted one way or another in the neverendum ... You have half a million saddo's signed up to your campaign ... Assuming those half a million all voted in the neverendum then it really aint many compared to the 34 million who voted and it gets even less if we just take it as the UK in general wether they voted or not ... You do the percentages Barrie ... The vast , vast majority dont give a stuff ... Move on

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Tracker - 2018-04-12 7:18 PM


To be honest Brian I can't remember too much about 1975 other than it was sold to me as a common market group of nations looking to exchange trade without borders or trade tarifs - no more no less - and I do not recall anything about it becoming an all embracing political union.


I seem to recall the core common market nations of West Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and maybe Italy which had been ravaged by two world wars wanting to avoid a third and of them all living in fear of an invasion by the USSR.


As you say the world has changed and so has the EEC but I don't recall anyone offering me a referendum to register my opposition and resentment at the way the EU political machine, which my taxes help pay for, tramples everyone underfoot in it's headlong rush to make us all the same as per their model and all spending Euros.


This is very topical considering what is to be on radio4.

At the time it was sold as a trading partnership by those who wished to be in the EEC, one of the leading anti's was Enoch Powell, he warned about future political integration, but by this time he was seen as a blatant racist and soundly derided.

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malc d - 2018-04-13 8:22 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 5:53 PM


malc d - 2018-04-13 5:03 PM




... but I still haven't heard anyone explain what happens if we get a vote and the public vote against the deal .






1. Walk away, no deal and leave the EU completely.

2. Accept the deal (Whatever it is)

3. neither of the above, stay in.






malc d


1) " Leave completely ? " We will have already left - that's why we are negotiating a new deal.


2) So you think we should accept the deal even if the public vote against it ? ( So why have a vote )


3) Can't stay in - we democratically voted to leave.



Democracy doesn't always give everyone the result they would like.




Will address the points above.


1. No. The vote will be well in advance of when or if we would leave.


2. You misunderstand. If the public decide the deal is a good one and a majority vote for it then that is what we will do.


3. Who says we cant stay in? If the majority in any vote on the final deal say thats what they want to do then thats what we will do.


Your right about that last comment, Democracy does not always give everyone the result they would like but Democracy also gives us the right to campaign for change and change our minds after all it was David Davis who said “If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy”.

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antony1969 - 2018-04-13 8:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 5:58 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-13 4:22 PM


Whenever I see TV coverage of these rent a mob rallies I wonder how the people who should be working are able to be there?


Are they employed and stealing a day off from work, are they students stealing a day off from studies, are they unemployed stealing a day off from job searching?


Never mind what they claim, it does make me wonder how representative of the electorate they really are ?


Its over the weekend Rich. The last rally I attended in Durham was very civilised and no rent a mobs although there were a handful of Brexiteers that turned up who looked a bit like they could have been out of a "mob". They tried to be a bit mobish at first but people including the runners of the campaign engaged with them and invited one of them to speak. Hats off to her actually, totally out numbered she said her piece and got a round of applause (initiated by yours truly of course).


There are half a million people involved in this campaign though so it has legs. Us remainers being the rich elite as we are told must have too much time on our hands maybe.


Nearly 34 million voted one way or another in the neverendum ... You have half a million saddo's signed up to your campaign ... Assuming those half a million all voted in the neverendum then it really aint many compared to the 34 million who voted and it gets even less if we just take it as the UK in general wether they voted or not ... You do the percentages Barrie ... The vast , vast majority dont give a stuff ... Move on


How many people are involved directly in working on any campaign? Half a million sounds a lot to me. You are right about one thing though. The vast majority dont give a stuff which is often the case in politics. Thats exactly why we are having this campaign to get peoples attention and try and persuade them to support a public vote and to rethink Brexit. Could be a complete waste of time I dunno but it aint over until the fat lady sings as far as I'm concerned. I have studied and watched Brexit for what seems like a lifetime now and every week it just becomes more obvious to me what a huge mistake it is going to be. I want to do everything I Can to help make people see that. Maybe we will maybe we wont but I wont be giving up anytime soon.

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Hi Barry,


There wasn't a right way or a wrong way to vote. Stay or leave ... we don't know what the future holds, we don't know, today , whether the EU will boom or bust in the next 12 months. All we could do is cast our vote, and make the result work.


So we cast our votes ... nearly 10% more voted to leave than stay. From then on we should have worked as a united nation to get the best deal. But no ... not only did the Government have to negotiate with the bullies in the EU, they had to contend with the Fifth Columnists trying to obstruct their efforts.


If everybody had worked together, we would have got the best deal possible. After getting that deal, THEN is the time to tidy up the details, probably at the next election.



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Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 11:14 PM


antony1969 - 2018-04-13 8:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-13 5:58 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-13 4:22 PM


Whenever I see TV coverage of these rent a mob rallies I wonder how the people who should be working are able to be there?


Are they employed and stealing a day off from work, are they students stealing a day off from studies, are they unemployed stealing a day off from job searching?


Never mind what they claim, it does make me wonder how representative of the electorate they really are ?


Its over the weekend Rich. The last rally I attended in Durham was very civilised and no rent a mobs although there were a handful of Brexiteers that turned up who looked a bit like they could have been out of a "mob". They tried to be a bit mobish at first but people including the runners of the campaign engaged with them and invited one of them to speak. Hats off to her actually, totally out numbered she said her piece and got a round of applause (initiated by yours truly of course).


There are half a million people involved in this campaign though so it has legs. Us remainers being the rich elite as we are told must have too much time on our hands maybe.


Nearly 34 million voted one way or another in the neverendum ... You have half a million saddo's signed up to your campaign ... Assuming those half a million all voted in the neverendum then it really aint many compared to the 34 million who voted and it gets even less if we just take it as the UK in general wether they voted or not ... You do the percentages Barrie ... The vast , vast majority dont give a stuff ... Move on


How many people are involved directly in working on any campaign? Half a million sounds a lot to me. You are right about one thing though. The vast majority dont give a stuff which is often the case in politics. Thats exactly why we are having this campaign to get peoples attention and try and persuade them to support a public vote and to rethink Brexit. Could be a complete waste of time I dunno but it aint over until the fat lady sings as far as I'm concerned. I have studied and watched Brexit for what seems like a lifetime now and every week it just becomes more obvious to me what a huge mistake it is going to be. I want to do everything I Can to help make people see that. Maybe we will maybe we wont but I wont be giving up anytime soon.


It sure does seem like a lifetime Barrey since you started your Brexit mission ... Your ultra negative standing position on Brexit unfortunately works against you and what you hope to achieve which is informing those who voted leave that the Brexit they supposedly voted for isn't going to happen ... You'll get support from your fellow remoaners but the reality is the ones you need to swing aren't swinging ... Good luck with it though ... Your going to need it

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