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Campaign for a public vote on the Brexit Deal


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-15 8:24 PM


Hang on a minute Brian. You're talking logic here and Pelmet doesn't grasp logic at all. His response should be enough to tell you that!


Hang on a minute 8-) .......


Did our resident Putin apologist use the word "Logic"?? (lol) (lol) (lol) ........


Well I'd go to the foot of our stairs :D ..........


If we had any >:-) ..........



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Brian Kirby - 2018-04-15 7:22 PM

It seems to me to represent as reasonably sensible and democratic a form of governance as could be constructed for the collective management of the expectations of 28 countries. It is probably imperfect at certain levels but, where that becomes apparent, the deficiencies can be remedied by mutual consent. It doesn't case me any anxiety.


It may not cause you any concern Brian but with so many vastly differing economic conditions and immigration issues it is hardly surprising that we end up with such a mish mash of mixed up policies that do lille help some nations to progress.


The finacial debacle of too many unready countries joining the Euro, the border debacle of France, Spain and especially Italy with southern borders and I don't see much no strings attached help being afforded to those nations for whom the collective decision making has not worked out well.


Sorry, but whilst I am always happy to talk about it, I still feel we are better off out of the conglomerative EU cock up that serves so few well when all I wanted was a free trade area.

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Tracker - 2018-04-15 8:40 PM...........................It may not cause you any concern Brian but with so many vastly differing economic conditions and immigration issues it is hardly surprising that we end up with such a mish mash of mixed up policies that do lille help some nations to progress.


The finacial debacle of too many unready countries joining the Euro, the border debacle of France, Spain and especially Italy with southern borders and I don't see much no strings attached help being afforded to those nations for whom the collective decision making has not worked out well................

Don't disagree with either, but we did not join the Euro (which at the time mildly disappointed me), and were able to avoid joining Schengen (which at the time I was happy with), so both of those errors remain "their" problem. FWIW, I was also against the admission of the 2004 enlargement (which HMG at the time championed) on the ground that they were economically too underdeveloped to be integrated with the other members, but the "enlargers" prevailed. As I said above some you win..................


But, overall, I am with those who think we shall be better of in the tent arguing for change, than outside it as mere spectators, while having to comply with the bulk of its decisions.

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We will just have to agree to disagreee at the moment Brian because on balance I currently think the UK has a better long term future outside of the EU 'tent' but looking in and whilst I accept that the early years may be unpredictable for our economy as the country adjusts I feel sure we will soon get over all the hysterics and make it work.


Wait and see also applies to the way the EU pans out politically and economically without the UK, and that I am less than optimistic about?


Having a sensible government will help but that too is a bit of an unknown.


However, as a confirmed Waitandseer I do reserve the right to change my mind in the future as I believe there really are too many variables to make an accurate prediction one way or t'other.

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My understanding is that in MEP elections you vote for the PARTY, not the person.


Most of the top "Civil Servants" in Brussels are German.


France has special colleges for students who want to work in Brussels.


When the UK was a member, the biggest six states could outvote the other 22. I haven't looked at how that has changed.



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