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ADAC renewal.


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HI, Having been a member for a few years I tried renewing my membership yesterday and was told it wasn't possible because I didn't have an address in Germany. I thought this new rule only applied to new applicants but obviously not. Luckily I still have my Insurer's breakdown cover.
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Ninian - 2018-05-01 12:08 PMHi, What tele. number did you use. Was it 0049 89 35040837.

Hi I renewed mine in December and I phoned 0049 941 52344
The number on the renewal form was 0049 89 75766632

My guess is you've got through to someone who doesn't know the rules.
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These are the SEPA details for the renewal payment:


Receiving Account Holder

Exact Name: ADAC e.V.81360 Munchen

Street: Hansastrasse 19

Town/City: Munchen

Country: DE

Daytime Contact Number: +49 89 217101



IBAN: DE19700500000004055830


Reference Number / Additional Information: (this is your ref number

for renewal.)


Receiving Bank

Name: Bayerische Landesbank

Street: Brienner Str 18

Town/City: Munchen

Country: DE


Hope this helps.



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Hi, I sent an e-mail as suggested by Steve Drew and got a reply to send my details to pay my membership. I then received the following reply,


Dear Mr. Archer,


sorry but you are no longer an adac member since september 17. You can not join adac again because we changed our benefits in october 17, so you have tob e a german residence to get a new membership . Sorry for that but payment is much too late.


You have to look for another breakdown company.


Have a nice weekend.


Ann-Katrin Zintl



My current membership is valid from 01/05/17 until 30/04/18. That is why I’ve been trying to renew it before I left for my holidays. I had e-mailed Katharina Wolf on 27/04/18 but I think she was on holiday. Can you check again as I was still a member when I applied to renew my membership.



Mr. Archer.




Yes that is correct. But Payment is a lot too late . They cancelled your membership until 31.10.17 and it is not possible to join it again. Sorry but there is no way to get a membership and Katharina Wolf does not work here since last year.




Ann-Katrin Zintl





I wasn't informed that my membership had been cancelled and if that was done I should have received a refund as I had paid for a years membership and not 5 months. I know that other people from Britain have had their memberships renewed as I've read it on our Motorhome forum.



Mr Archer.



As you can see I'm none the wiser as why my membership was cancelled as I've never had any reason to contact them during my membership.


IF I receive any further replies I'll update.

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Ninian - 2018-05-06 6:02 PM


Hi, I sent an e-mail as suggested by Steve Drew and got a reply to send my details to pay my membership. I then received the following reply,


Dear Mr. Archer,


sorry but you are no longer an adac member since september 17. You can not join adac again because we changed our benefits in october 17, so you have tob e a german residence to get a new membership . Sorry for that but payment is much too late.


You have to look for another breakdown company.


Have a nice weekend.



As you can see I'm none the wiser as why my membership was cancelled as I've never had any reason to contact them during my membership.


IF I receive any further replies I'll update.

Yes i can see from that email string it seems for some obscure reason they cancelled out your membership with 7 months still remaining so that definitely needs questioning!


So for 7 months you've unknowingly had zero breakdown cover! 8-)


The only thing i can think is something somewhere has got lost in translation.


Hope you get it sorted and let the forum know the outcome.

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I would now ditch the e-mail route & phone & talk to someone. You can then explain the situation.
I always phone to pay my renewal - when connected I ask for an English speaker & they either can, or they transfer me. 
I have always found them really helpful.
Good luck!
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Hi, UPDATE. After trying to contact them by phone I was fobbed off again and requested to e-mail their Munich Head Office at mitgliederservice@adac.de which I duly did. That was approx. 1 week ago and I still haven't had any response so it looks like my membership is finished and I'm still no wiser WHY.


Onwards & Upwards.

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