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Window Security?

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I'm looking to improve the security on the plastic windows on our Autoquest 200. I realise that the windows are inherently insecure and no amount of gadgetry will make them secure. However, I don't feel that this means that it's not worth making a few minor improvements to help deter/detect the more opportunistic/ only semi-competent thief.


I'm proposing two improvements.

1 - adding simple pins into the existing Polyplastic window catches in a similar manner to this.


This should make a bit harder to prise the window open


2 - adding cheap window alarms,similar to the somewhat overpriced versions marketed by Milenco. I can get 5 similar alarms on Ebay for less than £5



Has anyone got any experience of either of these security measures? Any problems/issues?




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I'm not sure that I'd bother with the window catch pins idea.

If a toe-rag wants to wrench your window open, the few millimetres of plastic catch that's left once it's drilled out, probably isn't going to stop them...and they'll be doing far more damage (resulting in even more hassle for you to sort it out) whilst they go about it..


An alarm(s), with prominent warning stickers on each window would be my choice.

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You could try these simple steel catch locks. They are made for all types of window catches.




The outward facing label is visual deterrent to the low life which might make them think twice.


We have these on all the side windows. Easy to remove when you want to open the window.


The company is at most of the shows.

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Had a look at their products, they only recommend fitting to the horizontal catches. Unfortunately 2 of our windows only have vertical catches, they are quite small windows so not sure if someone could squeeze through or not but not sure if much point only securing half the windows. Can they be fitted to vertical catches?

We already have an alarm which might deter would be thieves anyway.

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pepe63 - 2018-05-10 7:58 AM




I'm not sure that I'd bother with the window catch pins idea.

If a toe-rag wants to wrench your window open, the few millimetres of plastic catch that's left once it's drilled out, probably isn't going to stop them...and they'll be doing far more damage (resulting in even more hassle for you to sort it out) whilst they go about it..


An alarm(s), with prominent warning stickers on each window would be my choice.


OK as long as the thief can READ, and in english. It would appear that nowadays, they can't


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signs which are "beware of the dog" in the windows and the ebay alarms with "alarm" written on them best you can do they will rip the windows off anyway.keep valubles out of sight hide laptops etc and a safe, but in ours at least there is nowt to nick...they would break in and leave stuff behind for me! surely when you think about it what have value you got to nick? we have nowt but a laptop...they can have the rest...think you might be a tad paronoid.



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silverback - 2018-05-10 9:06 PM


signs which are "beware of the dog" in the windows and the ebay alarms with "alarm" written on them best you can do they will rip the windows off anyway.keep valubles out of sight hide laptops etc and a safe, but in ours at least there is nowt to nick...they would break in and leave stuff behind for me! surely when you think about it what have value you got to nick? we have nowt but a laptop...they can have the rest...think you might be a tad paronoid.


I have no illusion that the security measures I am proposing will prevent a determined thief. My best hope is that the outlay of a relatively small amount of dosh will help reduce the risk of an opportunist thief getting in to the van and nicking stuff.

I'm working veryuch on the he principal of "to avoid being eaten by a bear, you don't have to be able to out run the bear, you just have to be slightly faster than the guy next to you" :-)

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silverback - 2018-05-10 9:06 PM


signs which are "beware of the dog" in the windows and the ebay alarms with "alarm" written on them best you can do they will rip the windows off anyway.keep valubles out of sight hide laptops etc and a safe, but in ours at least there is nowt to nick...they would break in and leave stuff behind for me! surely when you think about it what have value you got to nick? we have nowt but a laptop...they can have the rest...think you might be a tad paronoid.


I have no illusion that the security measures I am proposing will prevent a determined thief. My best hope is that the outlay of a relatively small amount of dosh will help reduce the risk of an opportunist thief getting in to the van and nicking stuff.

I'm working veryuch on the he principal of "to avoid being eaten by a bear, you don't have to be able to out run the bear, you just have to be slightly faster than the guy next to you" :-)

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silverback - 2018-05-10 9:06 PM


signs which are "beware of the dog" in the windows and the ebay alarms with "alarm" written on them best you can do they will rip the windows off anyway.keep valubles out of sight hide laptops etc and a safe, but in ours at least there is nowt to nick...they would break in and leave stuff behind for me! surely when you think about it what have value you got to nick? we have nowt but a laptop...they can have the rest...think you might be a tad paronoid.


I have no illusion that the security measures I am proposing will prevent a determined thief. My best hope is that the outlay of a relatively small amount of dosh will help reduce the risk of an opportunist thief getting in to the van and nicking stuff.

I'm working veryuch on the he principal of "to avoid being eaten by a bear, you don't have to be able to out run the bear, you just have to be slightly faster than the guy next to you" :-)


And no, I'm not being paranoid. We had our car broken into in the south of France 4 years ago, so I know it can happen. I'm not going to let this fact dominate my thinking, but I do want to spend just a little effort making a re-occurrence just a little less likely.

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just like i said at the start of my post, dog signs, alarm signs, maybe flashing LED's thats about it really, by saying paronoid i just meant enjoy your motorhoming and if break ins happen it's not the end of the world, just limit what they can take B-)


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rooster63 - 2018-05-10 3:33 PM


Had a look at their products, they only recommend fitting to the horizontal catches. Unfortunately 2 of our windows only have vertical catches, they are quite small windows so not sure if someone could squeeze through or not but not sure if much point only securing half the windows. Can they be fitted to vertical catches?

We already have an alarm which might deter would be thieves anyway.


Yes this company makes locks for vertical sliding windows as well.

See their Shop section: http://lock-m-out.co.uk/product/dometic-sliding-window/


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