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Italy First


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Looks like the new coalition government in Italy as well as being anti-EU are also totally anti-EU immigration caused by Merkels madness ... They say they'll deport 500.000 filthy chancers (massively mainly male) ... Go on lads ... The Afd in Germany are suing Mad Merkel over her disastrous invitation to the worlds chancers ... Not quite going as planned is it
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Such extreme words Antony “filthy chancers”? Italy, like Greece has borne the brunt of much illegal migration and the rest of Europe, including the UK, have not done enough to assist Italy in processing those with a legitimate right to seek sanctuary under international law and those who do not. However, I recoil at your suggestion that the people who have ended up on Italy’s shores are all worthy of the disgusting description you have given them. Just think for a moment how desperate do you have to be to make those perilous journeys across the Mediterranean? Europe has a limited capacity to absorb all of those desperate people who decide to make that journey. I accept that once encountered they may have to go back from wherever they came because there is no obligation on Italy or any European country to allow them to enter just because they want a better life. But wanting a better life is understandable and sad to say we can’t give all the people in the world the same life that we enjoy. In my book they are not all "filthy chancers". That they must be returned to the countries from which they came is a given but they don't deserve to be denigrated in such terms.
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Your entitled to your view as i'm entitled to mine ... If they aren't filthy chancers then Italy would be glad to keep them wouldnt they ... Why don't you invite a few over to yours ... Makes you wonder why these fellow EU members who already are showing much dislike of the way the corrupt club is going don't take any of em in ??? https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/963123/european-union-Czech-republic-brussels-warning-visegrad-states
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You seem to have missed my point Antony. Many do not have the right to demand entry to other countries outside their own under international law so why would I need to feel an obligation to put them up in my gaff? That said I would not denigrate them as “filthy chancers”, most are just desperate to make a better life for themselves. I don’t pretend to have an answer to the world order that puts them in that position and I can’t solve it by giving a home to one or more of them. Quite the reverse. The answer lies in not encouraging the mass movement of people from poorer countries to the wealthier countries it lies in making the world a fairer place. An utopian ideal that will not be achieved in our lifetime.
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Violet1956 - 2018-05-21 9:05 PM


You seem to have missed my point Antony. Many do not have the right to demand entry to other countries outside their own under international law so why would I need to feel an obligation to put them up in my gaff? That said I would not denigrate them as “filthy chancers”, most are just desperate to make a better life for themselves. I don’t pretend to have an answer to the world order that puts them in that position and I can’t solve it by giving a home to one or more of them. Quite the reverse. The answer lies in not encouraging the mass movement of people from poorer countries to the wealthier countries it lies in making the world a fairer place. An utopian ideal that will not be achieved in our lifetime.


You cant solve the problems of the world by putting a chancer up but it certainly would help ... You have a few other preachers on here so thats not a bad start in taking a few in is it ... If all those chancers were doctors , lawyers , brain surgeons , craftsmen etc that are in Italy then the Italians i'm sure would be more than happy to have them but they aren't they are mainly and massively young male chancers committing crime and much of it sex crimes ... Your "fairer" world isnt very fair on the women who face sex assaults because of your desire to make the world a "fairer" place

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Wrong Antony one chancer let in brings in more when the rest of his family or village hear about it. The help we need to offer Italy is in sifting the chancers from the people we are obliged to take in and in sending the chancers back from whence they came. It would help us to help Italy because many travel up through Italy and across our border. Better to stop them as early in their journey as possible don't you think?
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