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Just for Barry


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Given your life revolves around polls heres one ... From your favourites YouGov ... If true how and when before Brexit are Labour going to be in government as you promised us given we now are only 293 days away ??? ... Give your ball a rub and tell us what comes out of it ... Prolly nothing again
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It would have been nice if you had included the poll numbnuts!


I think I said it was a distinct possibility that before Brexit we could see a change of government. Its still possible. Anything is possible in the mad mad world of Brexit we have created for ourselves. An Autumn election? There has been talk of it. The Tories are daft enough.

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Won't open on my phone but I seem to remember the Brexpress and Fail banging on last time that it would be a Tory landslide and she ended up clinging to power with a group of nut cases from NI who don't believe in Dinosaurs even though they act like them.



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Barryd999 - 2018-06-09 1:52 PM


Won't open on my phone but I seem to remember the Brexpress and Fail banging on last time that it would be a Tory landslide and she ended up clinging to power with a group of nut cases from NI who don't believe in Dinosaurs even though they act like them.



Eh ??? ... I thought as the election grew to a finish Labour/Tories were tied and its a YouGov poll , ya know that YouGov you put all your faith in ??? ... Strange you have obvious dislike for political "nut cases" who dont believe in dinosaurs because of their religious views but yet dont have a problem with a party you were undecided wether to vote for or not last time out who are riddled with anti-Semites and terrorist sympathisers ... Do you have a problem with our Muslim MPs who believe and worship a fella who had sex with a 9 year old ??? No , I bet you dont

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antony1969 - 2018-06-09 2:30 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-09 1:52 PM


Won't open on my phone but I seem to remember the Brexpress and Fail banging on last time that it would be a Tory landslide and she ended up clinging to power with a group of nut cases from NI who don't believe in Dinosaurs even though they act like them.



Eh ??? ... I thought as the election grew to a finish Labour/Tories were tied and its a YouGov poll , ya know that YouGov you put all your faith in ??? ... Strange you have obvious dislike for political "nut cases" who dont believe in dinosaurs because of their religious views but yet dont have a problem with a party you were undecided wether to vote for or not last time out who are riddled with anti-Semites and terrorist sympathisers ... Do you have a problem with our Muslim MPs who believe and worship a fella who had sex with a 9 year old ??? No , I bet you dont


It depends who has

Commissioned the poll. Was it a Brexpress poll by any chance? Yougov are a private company run by Tory supporters! I have no particular affinity with them. I wouldn't be so confident after last time if I were you. As for racists etc. Just a guess but I bet there are more in the Tory party than Labour. As for the comments about Muslims FFS! :( do you think all Christians support and believe everything in the bible? How do you know Muslim MPs are particularly religious anyway?



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Barryd999 - 2018-06-09 3:16 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-09 2:30 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-09 1:52 PM


Won't open on my phone but I seem to remember the Brexpress and Fail banging on last time that it would be a Tory landslide and she ended up clinging to power with a group of nut cases from NI who don't believe in Dinosaurs even though they act like them.



Eh ??? ... I thought as the election grew to a finish Labour/Tories were tied and its a YouGov poll , ya know that YouGov you put all your faith in ??? ... Strange you have obvious dislike for political "nut cases" who dont believe in dinosaurs because of their religious views but yet dont have a problem with a party you were undecided wether to vote for or not last time out who are riddled with anti-Semites and terrorist sympathisers ... Do you have a problem with our Muslim MPs who believe and worship a fella who had sex with a 9 year old ??? No , I bet you dont


It depends who has

Commissioned the poll. Was it a Brexpress poll by any chance? Yougov are a private company run by Tory supporters! I have no particular affinity with them. I wouldn't be so confident after last time if I were you. As for racists etc. Just a guess but I bet there are more in the Tory party than Labour. As for the comments about Muslims FFS! :( do you think all Christians support and believe everything in the bible? How do you know Muslim MPs are particularly religious anyway?



Jeez youve quoted YouGov polls before ... I aint confident about anything and I aint the one who makes the predictions ... Regarding your racist nonsense and Tory line it is just like you say a "guess" which is pretty much the same with all your stuff ... Regarding the Bible no I dont think all Christians believe in everything the Bible says so how do you know all DUP politicians do ??? ... As for our lovely Muslim MPs i'll do what your good at and take a guess that like most other Muslims they do believe even though maybe they only believe through fear of the consequences of leaving the religion of peace

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That Express article doesnt even link to the actual poll figures.


This does though and a Survation poll shows them neck and neck




Its all pretty irrelevant though until there is a General Election called as we found out last time. All either side has to do is promise the public Unicorns like they did with Brexit and people will vote for them.


To be honest, Im not sure I would vote for any of them.

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Barryd999 - 2018-06-10 9:38 AM


That Express article doesnt even link to the actual poll figures.


This does though and a Survation poll shows them neck and neck




Its all pretty irrelevant though until there is a General Election called as we found out last time. All either side has to do is promise the public Unicorns like they did with Brexit and people will vote for them.


To be honest, Im not sure I would vote for any of them.


Dont all political parties at all elections since the very first elections started promise "unicorns" ... Why would Brexit be any different and upsetting ??? ... Maybe cos you lost ??? ... Your Survation poll and my YouGov poll show just why polls are a complete waste of time then doesnt it ??? The differences are massive ... Youve proved my point perfectly

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antony1969 - 2018-06-10 9:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-10 9:38 AM


That Express article doesnt even link to the actual poll figures.


This does though and a Survation poll shows them neck and neck




Its all pretty irrelevant though until there is a General Election called as we found out last time. All either side has to do is promise the public Unicorns like they did with Brexit and people will vote for them.


To be honest, Im not sure I would vote for any of them.


Dont all political parties at all elections since the very first elections started promise "unicorns" ... Why would Brexit be any different and upsetting ??? ... Maybe cos you lost ??? ... Your Survation poll and my YouGov poll show just why polls are a complete waste of time then doesnt it ??? The differences are massive ... Youve proved my point perfectly


They can be useful if the same poll is run time and time again every month say over a couple of years to show a trend like the long running Brexit poll has but I agree to an extent they are only a guide.


An ambitious manifesto is one thing in an election which is run every five years or sooner but flipping heck, the lies that were peddled to win the Brexit vote were just unforgivable not to mention its looking more and more likely that the Brexit leaders were in cahoots with the Russians.

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