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Looks like its started ... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/italy-matteo-salvini-immigration-rescue-shut-port-league-malta-refugee-migrant-a8392571.html ... Who wants a load of chancers ... If the mayors and port managers go against government then lock em up ... They aint refugees they are blood suckers ... Is there a port near Barry , he likes em
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But apparently he doesnt have authority over the ports so it might be him getting locked up not the Mayor of Naples.


Anyway you will be pleased to know that the number of migrants or chancers as you call them trying to get to Europe has fallen dramatically in the past year or so. Partly down to the EU tripling its funding to deal with the crisis, the deal done with Turkey, the slowing down of the crisis in Syria and a lot of that money going to beefing up security in places like Libya including fixing their patrol boats. Backhanders are being payed to Libyan people traffickers and migrants are being held or turned around at borders in North Africa.


However this has made life even worse for the Migrants as conditions in Libyan detention centres are a disgrace to humanity as are the way they are treated. Many of course end up dead.


There were 123 unaccompanied minors, 11 other children and seven pregnant women on that boat Antony according to that report. Desperate people I think and I agree, sadly they dont belong here unless they are genuine refugees but they are still people. Their lives do matter.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 10:58 AM


But apparently he doesnt have authority over the ports so it might be him getting locked up not the Mayor of Naples.


Anyway you will be pleased to know that the number of migrants or chancers as you call them trying to get to Europe has fallen dramatically in the past year or so. Partly down to the EU tripling its funding to deal with the crisis, the deal done with Turkey, the slowing down of the crisis in Syria and a lot of that money going to beefing up security in places like Libya including fixing their patrol boats. Backhanders are being payed to Libyan people traffickers and migrants are being held or turned around at borders in North Africa.


However this has made life even worse for the Migrants as conditions in Libyan detention centres are a disgrace to humanity as are the way they are treated. Many of course end up dead.


There were 123 unaccompanied minors, 11 other children and seven pregnant women on that boat Antony according to that report. Desperate people I think and I agree, sadly they dont belong here unless they are genuine refugees but they are still people. Their lives do matter.


Going all PC wet liberal ain't gonna make a blind bit of difference Barry........


Take them straight back to Libya or where ever they got smuggled from, then would be migrants will soon get the message and will prolly help save lives :-| .........



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I am not interested enough to read the media reports, not that they will be true I suspect, but I understand that a German charity ship picked them up so maybe Germany would like another load of 'em rather than trying to dump them on someone elses unwelcome mat?
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Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 10:58 AM


But apparently he doesnt have authority over the ports so it might be him getting locked up not the Mayor of Naples.


Anyway you will be pleased to know that the number of migrants or chancers as you call them trying to get to Europe has fallen dramatically in the past year or so. Partly down to the EU tripling its funding to deal with the crisis, the deal done with Turkey, the slowing down of the crisis in Syria and a lot of that money going to beefing up security in places like Libya including fixing their patrol boats. Backhanders are being payed to Libyan people traffickers and migrants are being held or turned around at borders in North Africa.


However this has made life even worse for the Migrants as conditions in Libyan detention centres are a disgrace to humanity as are the way they are treated. Many of course end up dead.


There were 123 unaccompanied minors, 11 other children and seven pregnant women on that boat Antony according to that report. Desperate people I think and I agree, sadly they dont belong here unless they are genuine refugees but they are still people. Their lives do matter.


"Minors" ... Seriously ... Who's says they are minors ... Given the track record of those others claiming to be minors I wouldn't be do cocky ... Most of em if not all are chancers ... If they don't like Libyan detention then stay put ... Simple ... Like gypsies parking up on your.playing field they ain't wanted but of course if you do then do the decent thing and house some

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antony1969 - 2018-06-11 12:22 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 10:58 AM


But apparently he doesnt have authority over the ports so it might be him getting locked up not the Mayor of Naples.


Anyway you will be pleased to know that the number of migrants or chancers as you call them trying to get to Europe has fallen dramatically in the past year or so. Partly down to the EU tripling its funding to deal with the crisis, the deal done with Turkey, the slowing down of the crisis in Syria and a lot of that money going to beefing up security in places like Libya including fixing their patrol boats. Backhanders are being payed to Libyan people traffickers and migrants are being held or turned around at borders in North Africa.


However this has made life even worse for the Migrants as conditions in Libyan detention centres are a disgrace to humanity as are the way they are treated. Many of course end up dead.


There were 123 unaccompanied minors, 11 other children and seven pregnant women on that boat Antony according to that report. Desperate people I think and I agree, sadly they dont belong here unless they are genuine refugees but they are still people. Their lives do matter.


"Minors" ... Seriously ... Who's says they are minors ... Given the track record of those others claiming to be minors I wouldn't be do cocky ... Most of em if not all are chancers ... If they don't like Libyan detention then stay put ... Simple ... Like gypsies parking up on your.playing field they ain't wanted but of course if you do then do the decent thing and house some


Your report you posted says so. *-)


The numbers have decreased dramatically because many are being stopped at the Libyan border or the beefed up Libyan coast guard is capturing them at sea and returning them to detention centres in Libya.





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Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 12:33 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 12:22 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 10:58 AM


But apparently he doesnt have authority over the ports so it might be him getting locked up not the Mayor of Naples.


Anyway you will be pleased to know that the number of migrants or chancers as you call them trying to get to Europe has fallen dramatically in the past year or so. Partly down to the EU tripling its funding to deal with the crisis, the deal done with Turkey, the slowing down of the crisis in Syria and a lot of that money going to beefing up security in places like Libya including fixing their patrol boats. Backhanders are being payed to Libyan people traffickers and migrants are being held or turned around at borders in North Africa.


However this has made life even worse for the Migrants as conditions in Libyan detention centres are a disgrace to humanity as are the way they are treated. Many of course end up dead.


There were 123 unaccompanied minors, 11 other children and seven pregnant women on that boat Antony according to that report. Desperate people I think and I agree, sadly they dont belong here unless they are genuine refugees but they are still people. Their lives do matter.


"Minors" ... Seriously ... Who's says they are minors ... Given the track record of those others claiming to be minors I wouldn't be do cocky ... Most of em if not all are chancers ... If they don't like Libyan detention then stay put ... Simple ... Like gypsies parking up on your.playing field they ain't wanted but of course if you do then do the decent thing and house some


Your report you posted says so. *-)


The numbers have decreased dramatically because many are being stopped at the Libyan border or the beefed up Libyan coast guard is capturing them at sea and returning them to detention centres in Libya.





So the numbers on the move are similar but some are stopped from.getting further than Libya ... Well I'm glad your starting to believe My links Barry if that minors line came from my link ... What's the bet very few of those claiming to be minors are minors ??? Maybe we could go halves and fund the way to your house for one of those minors

I'm with the Czech President who says Islamic migration into Europe doesn't work and to be fair he has a pretty good point

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I dont know if the numbers trying to make the journey are similar but for sure the numbers entering Europe have dramatically fallen. The previous Italian Government did a deal with EU money with Libya, The EU also did a deal with Turkey to seal up that route so the crisis is definitely on its way to being over.


There are efforts to try and get the message through via social media and other campaigns to persuade people at source not to make the journey although those genuinely in fear of their lives will still do so.


There is also another argument that the people smugglers in Libya have found a more lucrative smuggling avenue. Petrol!

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"Genuinely in fear of their lives" ... What a load of tosh ... The ones in fear of their lives are those that have to put up with the rape and murder and crime these people have brought to Europe ... I feel sorry for them that bleeding heart wet liberals have forced misery on many innocent Europeans just they can feel good about themselves ... Take one in Take one in Take one in
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antony1969 - 2018-06-11 2:14 PM


"Genuinely in fear of their lives" ... What a load of tosh ... The ones in fear of their lives are those that have to put up with the rape and murder and crime these people have brought to Europe ... I feel sorry for them that bleeding heart wet liberals have forced misery on many innocent Europeans just they can feel good about themselves ... Take one in Take one in Take one in


So what would you suggest we should have done throughout the entire migrant crisis which thankfully now seems to be easing off considerably? Go along and stab a few inflatables, send em on their way to Davy Jones locker a bit quicker? Apart from that breaking just about every maritime rule in the book, seems the only answer for people with your outlook.


Out of those 11 million or whatever the figure was your convinced all of them were just chancers looking for a better life. All those people left Syria and walked across and entire continent just so they could go live the good life or murder and rape people in Europe? Even the women, children and families?

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 1:18 PM

I dont know if the numbers trying to make the journey are similar but for sure the numbers entering Europe have dramatically fallen. The previous Italian Government did a deal with EU money with Libya, The EU also did a deal with Turkey to seal up that route ***so the crisis is definitely on its way to being over.***


Not with the EU wets in charge it ain't *-) .........



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Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 3:09 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 2:14 PM


"Genuinely in fear of their lives" ... What a load of tosh ... The ones in fear of their lives are those that have to put up with the rape and murder and crime these people have brought to Europe ... I feel sorry for them that bleeding heart wet liberals have forced misery on many innocent Europeans just they can feel good about themselves ... Take one in Take one in Take one in


So what would you suggest we should have done throughout the entire migrant crisis which thankfully now seems to be easing off considerably? Go along and stab a few inflatables, send em on their way to Davy Jones locker a bit quicker? Apart from that breaking just about every maritime rule in the book, seems the only answer for people with your outlook.


Out of those 11 million or whatever the figure was your convinced all of them were just chancers looking for a better life. All those people left Syria and walked across and entire continent just so they could go live the good life or murder and rape people in Europe? Even the women, children and families?


Maybe you.might wanna look and see what your beloved EU has to say about how many are chancers ... The amount of women and children is miniscule compared to the young males ... During the second world war the refugees were an equal share of male/female/Young/old what's so different now ??? Easy street that's what and wet drips falling for it ... Take one in ... You make me laugh your concerned about maritime rules being broken yet ain't bothered that the chancers break all rules with regards to claiming asylum in the first safe country they enter ... Why don't they go to Muslim countries ???

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Ferkin ell. Groundhog day!


Dave. The money and effort to sort out the migrant crisis has come from the EU tripling its efforts and budgets to quell it. Its working.


Antony. Only about 10% end up in Europe. The rest do go to Muslim countries. So your suggesting then after defending Italy that they should all stop in Italy then as its the first country they get to especially now the route to Greece has been shut?


Make no mistake though, most of Europe is tough on Asylum seekers and chancers generally get refused Asylum anyway.


Worrabout the bloke that scaled a building to save that child. He was certainly a chancer. With his own life.

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Barryd999 - 2018-06-11 4:00 PM


Ferkin ell. Groundhog day!


Dave. The money and effort to sort out the migrant crisis has come from the EU tripling its efforts and budgets to quell it. Its working.


Antony. Only about 10% end up in Europe. The rest do go to Muslim countries. So your suggesting then after defending Italy that they should all stop in Italy then as its the first country they get to especially now the route to Greece has been shut?


Make no mistake though, most of Europe is tough on Asylum seekers and chancers generally get refused Asylum anyway.


Worrabout the bloke that scaled a building to save that child. He was certainly a chancer. With his own life.


Maybe the 90% who you claim go to Muslim countries are the real refugees Barry ... The other 10% who certainly aint nothing to celebrate are the chancer criminals we end up with ... Worrabout that fella that saved that kid ??? Worrabout the fella that raped and murdered that 14 year old girl in Sweden and so on and so on ... Easily more acts of horror committed by these freaks than kindness ... Minging

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:17 PM


We are with ya mate ...

... Spain wont take chancers for long


Looks like they're delivering on their promises B-) ..........



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antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?





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Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 7:29 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?






Nope they were fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and history taught us what happened to those who stayed behind ... Young Muslim male chancers are just that and they follow a religion that isnt compatible with European life ... Its a degrading religion that brings misery on many and we best not even mention the criminality that comes with Muslim refugees ... Totally different cases but to be fair if your boyfriend Corbyn was PM he'd prolly have turned em back wunt he fella

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antony1969 - 2018-06-11 7:37 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 7:29 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?






Nope they were fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and history taught us what happened to those who stayed behind ... Young Muslim male chancers are just that and they follow a religion that isnt compatible with European life ... Its a degrading religion that brings misery on many and we best not even mention the criminality that comes with Muslim refugees ... Totally different cases but to be fair if your boyfriend Corbyn was PM he'd prolly have turned em back wunt he fella

You don't know what kind of life they were fleeing from and to call them "blood suckers" and "chancers" shows your utter contempt for humanity. You have a seriously sick mind.


Dwell on these words of wisdom;


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.


Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Martin Niemöller.


Read up on him.....it will at least do your head some good if nothing else.

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Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 8:34 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 7:37 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 7:29 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?






Nope they were fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and history taught us what happened to those who stayed behind ... Young Muslim male chancers are just that and they follow a religion that isnt compatible with European life ... Its a degrading religion that brings misery on many and we best not even mention the criminality that comes with Muslim refugees ... Totally different cases but to be fair if your boyfriend Corbyn was PM he'd prolly have turned em back wunt he fella

You don't know what kind of life they were fleeing from and to call them "blood suckers" and "chancers" shows your utter contempt for humanity. You have a seriously sick mind.


Dwell on these words of wisdom;


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.


Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Martin Niemöller.


Read up on him.....it will at least do your head some good if nothing else.


I could call them worse but I thought I'd hold back a little ... They are parasites ... read up on what Frans Timmermans says it might do your head some good ... 6 out of 10 are economic migrants and he's prolly being politely economic with the truth with that ... Vermin they are , if you want em stop waffling and house em ... Put up or shut up along with your boyfriend Barry ... I doubt it though you'll expect everyone else and the world to take em wont ya fella

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 8:34 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 7:37 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 7:29 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?






Nope they were fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and history taught us what happened to those who stayed behind ... Young Muslim male chancers are just that and they follow a religion that isnt compatible with European life ... Its a degrading religion that brings misery on many and we best not even mention the criminality that comes with Muslim refugees ... Totally different cases but to be fair if your boyfriend Corbyn was PM he'd prolly have turned em back wunt he fella

You don't know what kind of life they were fleeing from and to call them "blood suckers" and "chancers" shows your utter contempt for humanity. You have a seriously sick mind.


Dwell on these words of wisdom;


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.


Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Martin Niemöller.


Read up on him.....it will at least do your head some good if nothing else.




*-) .........



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antony1969 - 2018-06-11 8:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 8:34 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 7:37 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 7:29 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?






Nope they were fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and history taught us what happened to those who stayed behind ... Young Muslim male chancers are just that and they follow a religion that isnt compatible with European life ... Its a degrading religion that brings misery on many and we best not even mention the criminality that comes with Muslim refugees ... Totally different cases but to be fair if your boyfriend Corbyn was PM he'd prolly have turned em back wunt he fella

You don't know what kind of life they were fleeing from and to call them "blood suckers" and "chancers" shows your utter contempt for humanity. You have a seriously sick mind.


Dwell on these words of wisdom;


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.


Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Martin Niemöller.


Read up on him.....it will at least do your head some good if nothing else.


I could call them worse but I thought I'd hold back a little ... They are parasites ... read up on what Frans Timmermans says it might do your head some good ... 6 out of 10 are economic migrants and he's prolly being politely economic with the truth with that ... Vermin they are , if you want em stop waffling and house em ... Put up or shut up along with your boyfriend Barry ... I doubt it though you'll expect everyone else and the world to take em wont ya fella


If that figure is correct and it might well be then by your own admission that means that 40% are probably genuine refugees then. Thats my whole problem with your opinion on this matter. Your posts generally refer to all of these people as chancers when that is clearly not the case. Sadly a good percentage clearly are, especially from some of the African countries. Thankfully as discussed the numbers are decreasing dramatically.

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Barryd999 - 2018-06-12 10:04 AM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 8:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 8:34 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 7:37 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-11 7:29 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-11 6:37 AM


Who wants a load of chancers ...They aint refugees they are blood suckers.

79 years ago the SS St Louis captained by Gustav Schroeder made a similar voyage with more than 900 passengers on board. They were turned away by Cuba and the USA who didn't want them. Were these people "chancers" and "blood suckers"?






Nope they were fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and history taught us what happened to those who stayed behind ... Young Muslim male chancers are just that and they follow a religion that isnt compatible with European life ... Its a degrading religion that brings misery on many and we best not even mention the criminality that comes with Muslim refugees ... Totally different cases but to be fair if your boyfriend Corbyn was PM he'd prolly have turned em back wunt he fella

You don't know what kind of life they were fleeing from and to call them "blood suckers" and "chancers" shows your utter contempt for humanity. You have a seriously sick mind.


Dwell on these words of wisdom;


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.


Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Martin Niemöller.


Read up on him.....it will at least do your head some good if nothing else.


I could call them worse but I thought I'd hold back a little ... They are parasites ... read up on what Frans Timmermans says it might do your head some good ... 6 out of 10 are economic migrants and he's prolly being politely economic with the truth with that ... Vermin they are , if you want em stop waffling and house em ... Put up or shut up along with your boyfriend Barry ... I doubt it though you'll expect everyone else and the world to take em wont ya fella


If that figure is correct and it might well be then by your own admission that means that 40% are probably genuine refugees then. Thats my whole problem with your opinion on this matter. Your posts generally refer to all of these people as chancers when that is clearly not the case. Sadly a good percentage clearly are, especially from some of the African countries. Thankfully as discussed the numbers are decreasing dramatically.


Nope look again ... I said he was probably being politely economic with the truth meaning those chancers are probably way more than 60%

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-06-12 10:04 AM


Thankfully as discussed the numbers are decreasing dramatically.


Decreasing or a temporary pause whilst the Libyan smugglers take a EU bung? ;-) .......


The numbers arriving in Spain are increasing :-| .........









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