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Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


It says a lot about you when you make light of childrens safety but then again on other child related issues talked about on here your sympathies lie elsewhere and not with the youngsters , really is quite shameful ... What do US school shootings have to do with my Granddaughters school ??? and given the last school attack here was 22 years ago why would it take 20 odd years for schools to act on that or maybe could it be they are acting on the very real threat Muslim terrorists pose to us all in public buildings ??? ... You been to France lately fella ??? You seen the info in most public buildings and schools on what to do in case of a Muslim terrorist attack ??? You'll be pleased to know that because of the previous lessons the children had on what to do everything ran smoothly

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Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:31 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 7:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-12 3:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 2:37 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-12 2:16 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 2:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-12 2:03 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 1:35 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-12 1:18 PM



Well both the Beano boys can quit whining....or at least Antony can.


Spain has settled the matter by accepting the ship which will dock at Valencia.




Pelmet will need to look for another EU country to escape to now. Alternatively he could stay in the tatty fields of 'sunny' Lincolnshire like a devoted Brexiteer! (lol)(lol)


Don't worry ... I'm sure Spain will join the growing list of EU countries to say they don't want Muslim migrants ... Can't think why they don't want em

Given that three of the four nationalities on board come from predominantly Christian countries i'm struggling to see how you automatically conclude they are Muslim migrants!


There is also an international law regarding 'lives at sea'.


The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea dictates that any ship learning of distress at sea must assist regardless of the circumstances.


They say they are Christians do they ??? ...

No.....the web states each countries demographics if you bother to look. Where did you draw your "Muslim migrants" conclusion from?


Well show us then otherwise your point is just waffle

Aha.....back to Mr Bone Idle the minute you're challenged over how you concluded they are "Muslim migrants".


I told you how to source any countries demographics. It's about time you'd stopped wetting your nappies expecting other people to come along and change them every time you start blarting.


I'll translate ... Your full of air ... Hot air

And i'll translate back to you......you have found nothing to support your claim the refugees are "Muslim migrants" and based it on pure conjecture.


Lets say its much more likely that the vast majority of them are Muslims than that Impeachment of yours of POTUS Trump happening anytime this century ... What d'ya think princess

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


Maybe we've just been lucky so far :-| .........





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antony1969 - 2018-06-13 3:00 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


It says a lot about you when you make light of childrens safety but then again on other child related issues talked about on here your sympathies lie elsewhere and not with the youngsters ,

Because it's obvious hyperbole on your part. Highly imaginative i'll grant you that, but little else!


What do US school shootings have to do with my Granddaughters school ??? and given the last school attack here was 22 years ago why would it take 20 odd years for schools to act on that or maybe could it be they are acting on the very real threat Muslim terrorists pose to us all in public buildings ??? ... You been to France lately fella ???

US has a long well established history of school attacks with an average of one every week.....UK doesn't.





You ask what US school attacks have to do with your granddaughters school.....then promptly quote France!! (lol)


And yes i was in France two weeks ago. I visited two public buildings of interest (to me) in Dunkerque. Mairie de Dunkerque and the Commonwealth War graves. No notices about "what to do in case of a Muslim terrorist attack". The restaurant in Bray had a good menu though and the espresso whilst not cheap, was also good. The local Carrefour just had 'entry' and 'exit' notices along with items on special offer.


Not sure what you were doing wandering around any schools there though as that isn't even allowed in UK (apart from parents). I can go to my grandchildrens school in London, but not in, not even with my son or daughter-in-law. My grandchildren go to school to be educated normally, not taught fear, loathing and hatred.

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pelmetman - 2018-06-13 3:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


Maybe we've just been lucky so far :-| .........




"Lead plotter, aged 14 at the time, espoused far-right wing ideology in diary and idolised school shooter Dylan Klebold


Klebold and Harris were those 'nice' all American boys who carried out the Columbine massacre. They never did look very "Muslimy" to me. Oh dear....must have been "mentally disturbed" then. *-)

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Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 3:57 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-13 3:00 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


It says a lot about you when you make light of childrens safety but then again on other child related issues talked about on here your sympathies lie elsewhere and not with the youngsters ,

Because it's obvious hyperbole on your part. Highly imaginative i'll grant you that, but little else!


What do US school shootings have to do with my Granddaughters school ??? and given the last school attack here was 22 years ago why would it take 20 odd years for schools to act on that or maybe could it be they are acting on the very real threat Muslim terrorists pose to us all in public buildings ??? ... You been to France lately fella ???

US has a long well established history of school attacks with an average of one every week.....UK doesn't.





You ask what US school attacks have to do with your granddaughters school.....then promptly quote France!! (lol)


And yes i was in France two weeks ago. I visited two public buildings of interest (to me) in Dunkerque. Mairie de Dunkerque and the Commonwealth War graves. No notices about "what to do in case of a Muslim terrorist attack". The restaurant in Bray had a good menu though and the espresso whilst not cheap, was also good. The local Carrefour just had 'entry' and 'exit' notices along with items on special offer.


Not sure what you were doing wandering around any schools there though as that isn't even allowed in UK (apart from parents). I can go to my grandchildrens school in London, but not in, not even with my son or daughter-in-law. My grandchildren go to school to be educated normally, not taught fear, loathing and hatred.


I quoted France with regards to public safety notices you may have missed as you have a habit of missing things ... Like Muslim child sex abuse or high Muslim criminality so you missing possible signs isnt surprising is it ... "wandering around schools" dont be silly and I doubt very much wether youve been to your grandchildren in London at all never mind the school as like the rest of your family they seem only too happy to be many miles away from ya ... You say your grandchildren from what youve been told dont get taught fear , loathing or hatred but yet you as a grandparent cant go inside the school even with your son !!! ... If that isnt fear fella I dont know what is ... I can go and pick my granddaughter up at anytime which I do regularly as I have a normal loving relationship with her and the school she goes to has decided wisely to to teach the children what to do when an intruder gets into school , ya know a bit like a fire drill ... Next time you see your son at Christmas ask if your grandchildren have fire drills

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antony1969 - 2018-06-13 5:04 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 3:57 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-13 3:00 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


It says a lot about you when you make light of childrens safety but then again on other child related issues talked about on here your sympathies lie elsewhere and not with the youngsters ,

Because it's obvious hyperbole on your part. Highly imaginative i'll grant you that, but little else!


What do US school shootings have to do with my Granddaughters school ??? and given the last school attack here was 22 years ago why would it take 20 odd years for schools to act on that or maybe could it be they are acting on the very real threat Muslim terrorists pose to us all in public buildings ??? ... You been to France lately fella ???

US has a long well established history of school attacks with an average of one every week.....UK doesn't.





You ask what US school attacks have to do with your granddaughters school.....then promptly quote France!! (lol)


And yes i was in France two weeks ago. I visited two public buildings of interest (to me) in Dunkerque. Mairie de Dunkerque and the Commonwealth War graves. No notices about "what to do in case of a Muslim terrorist attack". The restaurant in Bray had a good menu though and the espresso whilst not cheap, was also good. The local Carrefour just had 'entry' and 'exit' notices along with items on special offer.


Not sure what you were doing wandering around any schools there though as that isn't even allowed in UK (apart from parents). I can go to my grandchildrens school in London, but not in, not even with my son or daughter-in-law. My grandchildren go to school to be educated normally, not taught fear, loathing and hatred.


I quoted France with regards to public safety notices you may have missed as you have a habit of missing things ...

Nope....i'd notice any public safety notice and even in European countries they are multi-lingual though the illustration is usually adequate. They aren't as 'nanny state' like UK though and about the most 'serious' warning notice i get in Germany or Austria every 100mls or so is "max speed 81mph" on occasional stretches of Autobahn. I can live with that.


"wandering around schools" dont be silly...

So your quoting of, "seen the info in most public buildings and schools (in France) on what to do in case of a Muslim terrorist attack ???" was just based on more wild conjecture as per usual! *-)


...and I doubt very much wether youve been to your grandchildren in London at all never mind the school as like the rest of your family they seem only too happy to be many miles away from ya ...

I was with them three days before leaving UK and stay there for a week when i return.....not that it's any business of yours.


You say your grandchildren from what youve been told dont get taught fear , loathing or hatred but yet you as a grandparent cant go inside the school even with your son !!! ... If that isnt fear fella I dont know what is ...

It's called "duty of care" which in UK is not only in place in schools but also the workplace. That extends to the childs parents...not relatives (anyone can claim to be little johnnies 'uncle')....and the same 'duty of care' is respected by the school toward parents of all other pupils there.


I can go and pick my granddaughter up at anytime which I do regularly as I have a normal loving relationship with her and the school she goes to has decided wisely to to teach the children what to do when an intruder gets into school , ya know a bit like a fire drill ...

By prior arrangement with the school so they know who you are.....or are you telling me that school allows any 'tom, dick or harry' to pick a pupil up? I think not.


All schools have fire drills. Nothing new in that. Even when i was at school we had them but i think your "school intruder" malarkey is a figment of your imagination running riot tbh! Teachers face way more danger from unruly out of control feral brats like Cornick who murdered 61 year old Ann Maguire just five months before her retirement.




Next time you see your son at Christmas ask if your grandchildren have fire drills

Their father is full time firefighter with LFB and both children have visited the station he's based at so are well versed in fire drill...including outside of school.

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Suppose when you were in France you didn't notice any of those terrorism drills they have ??? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/24/security-drills-at-french-schools-to-include-mock-attacks ... From your Bible not mine !!! ... Your getting touchy over what is "any business" of mine , your not so touchy when your publishing details about my home address not that thats "any business" of yours ... "Duty of care" doesnt extend to learning children what to do when intruders enter school ??? ... As for picking my granddaughter up no school doesnt need to know now which one of us is going to pick her up as we are all well known to the staff ... You said you weren't even allowed in school with your son are you now changing that tosh to you are allowed in if they are given prior warning ??? ... Whats your son being a fireman got to do with school fire drills ya fool ??? Ask your son if your grandchildren have fire drills at school and I will bet you any amount of money you like he'll say yes and that means your grandchildren are having drills to cope with the fear and danger that comes with a fire ... Prat
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antony1969 - 2018-06-13 6:59 PM


Suppose when you were in France you didn't notice any of those terrorism drills they have ???

With just three a year i'm hardly likely to either! *-)


Your getting touchy over what is "any business" of mine , your not so touchy when your publishing details about my home address.

I've told you before about making untruthful allegations, not to mention you've had a warning. Either quote the post where i "published details of your home address" or stfu and behave.


"Duty of care" doesnt extend to learning children what to do when intruders enter school ??? ...

I'll ask my neighbour when i'm back home as she's a teacher. UK isn't known for school intruders though.


As for picking my granddaughter up no school doesnt need to know now which one of us is going to pick her up as we are all well known to the staff ...

In other words you had prior arrangement with them when you first began. You couldn't have marched in from day one unannounced.......you might have been 'an intruder'!


You said you weren't even allowed in school with your son are you now changing that tosh to you are allowed in if they are given prior warning ??? ...

No, none of the teaching staff know me. Why would they? I live 200 miles away.


Ask your son if your grandchildren have fire drills at school and I will bet you any amount of money you like he'll say yes and that means your grandchildren are having drills to cope with the fear and danger that comes with a fire ... Prat

I don't need to ask. Fire drills have been mandatory for years. It's a legal requirement...prat.

I had them all through my years of education and throughout my entire work life. And it's not about instilling fear into children, but the danger of fire. Fear and panic are the biggest killers in many emergencies.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 8:50 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-13 6:59 PM


Suppose when you were in France you didn't notice any of those terrorism drills they have ???

With just three a year i'm hardly likely to either! *-)


Isn't that a wonderful sign of the influence a certain culture is having on us nonbelievers *-) .......



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pelmetman - 2018-06-14 8:45 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 8:50 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-13 6:59 PM


Suppose when you were in France you didn't notice any of those terrorism drills they have ???

With just three a year i'm hardly likely to either! *-)


Isn't that a wonderful sign of the influence a certain culture is having on us nonbelievers *-) .......



It sure is Dave ... France like the UK doesnt particularly have school shootings but hey guess what they find it necessary to have terror training in schools 3 times a year ... Bullets grandchildren who luckily live 200 miles away from him dont have intruder lessons and they get all the info they need on school fire safety drills from their dad ... Amazing init

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2018-06-14 6:31 AM


just one point what is "stfu" ??? ... If its what I think its meant to be then thats a very serious threat ... It certainly sounds like it ???


Shut the f**k up 8-) ....apparently.....except Bullet forgot to add "itnod" ;-) .........


In the name of Diversity :D ........



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pelmetman - 2018-06-14 8:59 AM


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 6:31 AM


just one point what is "stfu" ??? ... If its what I think its meant to be then thats a very serious threat ... It certainly sounds like it ???


Shut the f**k up 8-) ....apparently.....except Bullet forgot to add "itnod" ;-) .........


In the name of Diversity :D ........



;-) ... Im just a country boy living in the country as Bullet can vouch for but even I get the feeling stfu is a serious threat to ones person isnt it ??? ... I wonder if threats like stfu are allowed in Warners policy ??? ... Wonder if its worth having a look into that ... Very serious threat that

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antony1969 - 2018-06-14 9:13 AM


pelmetman - 2018-06-14 8:59 AM


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 6:31 AM


just one point what is "stfu" ??? ... If its what I think its meant to be then thats a very serious threat ... It certainly sounds like it ???


Shut the f**k up 8-) ....apparently.....except Bullet forgot to add "itnod" ;-) .........


In the name of Diversity :D ........



;-) ... Im just a country boy living in the country as Bullet can vouch for but even I get the feeling stfu is a serious threat to ones person isnt it ??? ... I wonder if threats like stfu are allowed in Warners policy ??? ... Wonder if its worth having a look into that ... Very serious threat that

It's not a threat you big babie. It's telling you in roofers lingo to quit making untruthful allegations and implications which you continue posting without proof.

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Bulletguy - 2018-06-14 11:07 AM


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 9:13 AM


pelmetman - 2018-06-14 8:59 AM


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 6:31 AM


just one point what is "stfu" ??? ... If its what I think its meant to be then thats a very serious threat ... It certainly sounds like it ???


Shut the f**k up 8-) ....apparently.....except Bullet forgot to add "itnod" ;-) .........


In the name of Diversity :D ........



;-) ... Im just a country boy living in the country as Bullet can vouch for but even I get the feeling stfu is a serious threat to ones person isnt it ??? ... I wonder if threats like stfu are allowed in Warners policy ??? ... Wonder if its worth having a look into that ... Very serious threat that

It's not a threat you big babie. It's telling you in roofers lingo to quit making untruthful allegations and implications which you continue posting without proof.


Cant recall any roofer ever saying that to me in all the years ive been a roofer ... If you believe im posting untruthful allegations then the correct procedure is to inform Warners maybe through Daniel of your concerns instead of threatening fellow members on here with shut the f..k up which in my book is a very nasty and worrying threat given you know my address ... Im not one to go to those in charge of the site complaining but maybe this is a step way too far ... Its very worrying and upsetting if im honest

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pelmetman - 2018-06-13 3:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-13 2:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-12 8:25 PM


Talking about scumbags those lessons my Granddaughter had at school regarding school safety and lockdown came in handy today ... Someone was seen attempting to scale the boundary fence , the alarm immediately went off and the kids were told to rush back to class where the doors were locked and the police came within minutes ... Its a shame schools have to have such things in place but with our modern threats to society its essential ... Shame one of our biggest members believes school safety is a joke

"Attempting to scale the boundary fence..."??!! To escape or break in? Usually most kids can't wait to get out....not in!! (lol)


Seeing as all school attacks in US are by white kids i assume they've been told to look out for 'em?! ;-)


As the last school attack in UK was over 22 years ago,Yorkshire must have made national news with this? (lol) Oh yeah, come to think of it the perp behind that was white too. Hhmm... ;-)


Maybe we've just been lucky so far :-| .........





Northallerton is local to me. Lovely little town. Probably two posh white kids angry that Lewis and Coopers and ran out of Brie De Meux which is of course preposterous as that would never happen. The deli manager is French FFS! (lol)


If they were serious,which I doubt considering they went around telling everyone about it including a teacher thankfully unlike the US due to our very strict gun laws I doubt they would have got hold of anything much scarier than one of those plastic pellet guns off the market.

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antony1969 - 2018-06-15 11:20 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-14 6:30 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 12:19 PM


Those young male chancers who've laughed their way into Spain look set to get 500 Euros a month pocket money ... Lordy

Citation needed.


You threatening me again ???

Is English not your language? :-S



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Bulletguy - 2018-06-15 12:20 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-15 11:20 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-06-14 6:30 PM


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 12:19 PM


Those young male chancers who've laughed their way into Spain look set to get 500 Euros a month pocket money ... Lordy

Citation needed.


You threatening me again ???

Is English not your language? :-S




You threatened me with shut the f..k up the other day on here didn't you that's why I'm a little on edge where your concerned ... You didn't put a please at the end of your request so I maybe thought that was another threat like the one you made to me the other day ... You can't blame me for being a little on edge with you at the minute as I don't know how your going to react and especially given you previously searched out my home address ... I'm a little concerned but my son in law whose a police officer has told me what to do if another threat comes my way ... Regards

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I posted that citation is needed in relation to the post below which you appeared to be posting as a statement of fact. First of all you didn't understand what 'citation needed' meant.....so i linked to a detailed explanation, yet you respond with a load of waffle.


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 12:19 PM


Those young male chancers who've laughed their way into Spain look set to get 500 Euros a month pocket money ... Lordy


You are in the habit of making posts like this which are utterly meaningless without a factual link from a reliable source such as this one;





Allowed to work six months after applying for asylum.

Cash for basic needs: 51.60 euros maximum/month for adults and 19 euros maximum for children under 18; plus monthly transport card, up to 363 euros per year for clothes.



So where have you got "500 euro a month" from??


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Bulletguy - 2018-06-15 3:15 PM


I posted that citation is needed in relation to the post below which you appeared to be posting as a statement of fact. First of all you didn't understand what 'citation needed' meant.....so i linked to a detailed explanation, yet you respond with a load of waffle.


antony1969 - 2018-06-14 12:19 PM


Those young male chancers who've laughed their way into Spain look set to get 500 Euros a month pocket money ... Lordy


You are in the habit of making posts like this which are utterly meaningless without a factual link from a reliable source such as this one;





Allowed to work six months after applying for asylum.

Cash for basic needs: 51.60 euros maximum/month for adults and 19 euros maximum for children under 18; plus monthly transport card, up to 363 euros per year for clothes.



So where have you got "500 euro a month" from??


Thanks but I know perfectly well what "citation needed" means it was your "stfu" threat the other day to me on here I first struggled with but thanks to one of our respected members who explained to me it actually means shut the f..k up I quickly realised it was a serious threat ... Given your recent nasty streak and lack of good manners in saying citation needed please I just presumed "citation needed" had some deeper threat meaning ... Anyway my police officer son in law has unofficially at this moment in time interviewed me and although the process was emotionally painful for me I have passed on all the relevant information to him ... Regards

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