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Just looking at their website, it seems on the surface possibly an effective and free way to sell things, including motorhomes or accessories?


Does anyone have any experience as often when something looks like it is too good to be true, it is?


I don't have a smartphone and I do not seem to be able to use it on my PC although I should be able to use it on my ancient ipad? Shame as a PC is a lot easier to use than an ipad!


Or is my natural cynicism of anything techy unjustified?

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I tried it and it was a complete waste of time, they kept saying that there were umpteen items in my area, which I wasn't interested in, just wanted to sell a pair of Fitflops, one interested party but they didn't want to collect only post. Gave them to Charity shop in the end even though they were like new.
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I still use Gumtree but it seems it is not as good as it used to be.

People used to phone and make silly offers and when I said come and see it first and then we can talk price they didn't. I also used to get unsolicited calls trying to get me to use other websites.

Now I only put email address on the ads and no phone number and it does make life easier.

My perception is that nowadays people would sooner use their credit card to buy new things than use cash and get off their behinds to come and see and talk live?

Is the internet destroying the ability to communicate face to face?

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Schpock is OK , for sale and free items, you can restrict your viewing to a certain area, close to home etc, easy to sign up to too,

freecycle.org is good for freebies and to give stuff away .Gumtree freebies is the same great place to get a few free bargains and pass stuff on, All these organisations will have time wasters on them such is life , all these site are easily accessible from my Xperia Android tablet and phone too.

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I am happy to give unwanted 'stuff' away especially if it helps someone who is struggling a bit as over the years I too have benefiited from the kindness of others, but I am not so keen on giving 'stuff' away so that someone else can sell it on and make a profit on my generosity!
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I know what you mean Rich,

Whenever i put something on Gumtree, however cheap it is, someone or many someones will make a silly offer for half of what i am asking. I am certain the site is being trawled by bargain hunters that will just sell it at next week's car boot and they seem to believe that i owe them a chance to make a living. Just like the scrap metal people that turn up here with half a dozen English words and a fat wedge of cash.

I get a lot of pleasure out of helping those that need help and i give a lot of stuff away but i am not just here for others to profit from so i tell them to get lost.

Spock (sic) is a nightmare to navigate. Tried a couple of times and can't find anything.


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I have a load of left over bits on Gumtree but apart from a couple of clowns have had no response.


All it takes is a visit, a smile, and a deal is soon done - plus I too am a sucker for a sob story and always willing to help others - within reason!!

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Tracker - 2018-06-27 1:46 PM


I am happy to give unwanted 'stuff' away especially if it helps someone who is struggling a bit as over the years I too have benefiited from the kindness of others, but I am not so keen on giving 'stuff' away so that someone else can sell it on and make a profit on my generosity!

Well when I am done with stuff and just want rid if it, I care not what the recipetant does with it, it is their property once it leaves me, if I was that worried about a few bob being made, I too could sit for hours at a boot sale trying to sell said items..
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A few years ago I sold a load of fishing gear to a young guy who came to look at it and told me he wanted to buy to sell as he was trying to make a living buying and selling and, impressed by his honesty, a deal was soon struck that he said gave him the margin he sought.


As well as a smile a little bit of honesty goes down well too!

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Ive always used gumtree but like someone said it might not be as good as it used to be. I dont understand ebay and have never used it. Something odd happened tonight though. Think it was facebook? My partner was involved playing a game of scrabble with someone online. It seems that an advert came up on her phone suggesting a game and telling her all the people she was vaguely aquainted with who played. So she started a game with someone who she bumped into last week - an old school friend. I think this is amazing. I mean its bizarre. That the internet can serve you up with something so tailored to suit your individual immediate requirements. She had a game up and running in no time ! Im still trying to get my family to sit down for a game of monopoly decades after i initially thought that would nice. The pieces have long since been lost. Im just saying that the days of looking in the classifieds for something (evening post?) Seem so clunky and old fashioned and well .. stone age. I feel sometimes like the future is actually here washing around our feet like that wave that comes in thats much bigger than the rest. (Is it the 7 th or the ninth never bothered to count them?).
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