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The new French Speed Limits

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As of today we start a two year trial scheme which reduces the maximum speed limit on all French roads which are not Autoroutes or Dual Carriageways with a central barrier to 80 KPH, in an attempt to reduce road accidents

There are lots of new speed cameras which are said to be able discern if the driver is wearing a seat belt or using a 'phone, and they can be located quite close to one another, and they can also tell the difference between cars and bigger vehicles, and they are also likely to be in places that you would not expect to find them. Unlike the UK there is no percentage allowance on top of the actual speed limit, ie 81 KPH will get you a ticket, and they do have friends in the DVLA.

There are some new speed limit signs showing the 80 limit, and all of the old 90KPH signs have either been replace or covered up, but there is no defense in saying that the 90 sign was still showing if you get a ticket because you are expected to know that 80 is the maximum.


My apologies to all those who actually know how to suck eggs, but this is not going to be like the breathaliser fiasco, just as a point there are at least 7 speed cameras on a 50 kilometer stretch of the D road that passes through our little town linking Now-where to Now-where.


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Sounds more like speed cam obsessed UK. Percent margin varies from one county to another but it's very narrow. I got a ticket for 34mph in a 30 area just before leaving UK. They told me normally that speed would qualify me for a speed awareness course but as i was daring to escape the regime for 3 months, told that was "too long" and will have to pay £100 fine when i'm back. They even wanted the dates of exit and return!


Speed cams and average speed cams are just another tax collecting method. Average speed cams on the motorways cause accidents rather than avoid them as traffic just bunches up with 'rear enders' being common.

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We go over to France in a few weeks and this should help to get the MPG up a bit - but how many more French drivers are bunched up behind us or attempt to overtake inappropriately may increase.


We saw more speed gun totting French Police in May than we've seen in many years - it may be a sign of what's to come from now on.


Be afraid, be very afraid .......


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Always thought that speed camera detection on satnavs was just a way to get around the speed laws. Rather like having a classic car or two means you dont pay tax. (Beacause they are usually' well looked after' according to the dvla). So if you have a modern fast car you can basically evade the law because the satnav will warn you. Also have become increasingly concerned about cyclists. The stark contrast of bright sunlight and dense shadows when wearing sunglasses means the shadows cast by hedges become very dark indeed. Having a cyclist in the invisible zone say travelling at 20 mph - and me going at 50 mph - means that effectively i have traffic coming at me at 30 mhp on my side of the road. Very dangerous and means driving is often on sunlit days a constant excersise in wondering if i will be responsible for somebodies death.
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My sat nav warned me of speeding over 50kph as I went into a village today, good job it did as we had two police cars behind us, luckily was only just over and they weren't interested.

For the last few weeks have been doing max of 80kph on most single carriage way roads in Netherlands so it's second nature at moment.

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zeddykay - 2018-07-01 11:11 PM


Why not just stick to the limit, thus avoiding any problems?


We always aim to stick to limit, which seems to wind up the French, but it's sometimes second nature to drive at UK speeds, and in my case I sometimes need a reminder of village limits.

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Just back home from a few weeks in north eastern Italy and did notice a big increase in speed cameras many of which were not identified on our satnav. I suspect new installations. They are a great source of revenue and are thick on the ground in my backyard as well. Cheers,
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Time and again I hear people saying speed cameras are to raise money, well around where I live the fixed cameras are placed where it is dangerous to speed, they are signposted and highly visible, any one getting caught are firstly breaking the law but more importantly are incapable of reading road conditions.
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