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Lopsided gas flame


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Hi, My Dometic Cramer gas hob has now got lopsided flames from all burners, one side if each burner is noticeably higher than the other. I have tried turning the burner tops through 180 degrees with no change to the flame. Has anyone had and cured it?


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German psychiatrist tapped the top of the rings for me a few weeks ago. That kind of cleared the lopsided rings for for me. But still without use of the cooker myself (and hob) after third outing. Living on fish and chips. Habitation check next week. Friday 13 th.
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My burners where the same and on inspection they had warped after removing them you could see that they when turned upside down on a flat surface (I used the glass hob cover) they wouldn't sit flat and where raised a little for a third of the top surface. I cured this by rubbing them over a sheet of emery paper placed on the glass cover until they sat flat. Cured it for me
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