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Mi-Fi and data SIM options


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My wife and I have been using our phones as WiFi hubs for our tablets by tethering them but thinking of going over to a MiFi device so I can also use it when visiting Australia. I don't want a contract Sim as I don't want to have a monthly charge for something I might not be using. Have been into the '3' shop and they do a couple of data Sims, option 1, 12gb data over 12 months at £40 and option 2, 24gb data over 24 month at £60. Not a huge amount of data but we dont do large downloads. Both options are suitable for 71 countries including Oz.

My questions are,

1, which MiFi device is recommended.

2, anyone know of a better SIM deal.


Good tripping.

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I used this (see below) in NZ for 6 weeks earlier this year. Worked out cheaper than Vodafone NZ SIM to cover same time period. You must useat least once it in UK before you go, any subsequent use in UK is a bonus.


I was concerned that coverage of NZ partner may not be as good as with Vodafone NZ, which my wife had in her phone. Overall was about par for coverage with either network not giving cover in some locations. Also in the back country as you might expect there was often no coverage.







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Thanks Alan that's even better than the salesman told me about today. Having read the website description as it's PAYG am I correct that the 12gb lasts for 12 months and no monthly charge so even if I run out after 3 month I can just throw it away and get another? If so it looks like it's the best bet so far, just need a MiFi device.
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I bought a used unlocked (ex Three) Huawei E5372 last year, and tried it out round Northern Scotland last autumn.


If its any help there is a comparison between Huwawei E5372 and E5776 in the folloeing link.





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HUAWEI E5577C unlocked x EE am using the 3 x 12 gb from my memory it's 4G capable and its running on it now at home but not been able to get in anywhere in Europe as 3 restricts it's sims to 3G in Europe so if your planning to use it out of UK might be worth considering a much cheaper 3G model
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I think if you look around - Amazon or better https://www.mymemory.co.uk/3-payg-4g-trio-data-sim-pack-with-12gb-data.html - you should find 3 PAYG data sims cheaper. For some reason the 24GB/24 month sims seem to be on offer from Amazon around Christmas time.


The sims work fine - although as fairly heavy data users, we tend to use domestic data sims in Portugal- cheap, and 4G.

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Probably not suitable for outside Europe, but I would highly recommend the Vodafone PAYG data SIM. Mine cost £25 for 15GB and gave excellent coverage everywhere we were in France and Spain. Almost in every case this was 4G or 4G+. In some of these places, I could not get even 3G on my 3 phone.

The downside is that the 15GB only lasts 90 days and you can only buy the SIM in store. The SIM can be topped up abroad at the same rates though.


Depending where you are, coverage could be a bit flakey. A Mifi that has external antenna connections would give you the option to improve coverage in weak areas by using a suitable antenna.


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HUAWEI E5577C (unlocked) with 3 PAYG 12Gb data sim. Use with external antenna and recently got 4G signal over most of France and Spain. Antenna is portable type with rubber suckers you mount on a side window (purchased from Motorhomewifi).


Battery of 1500mAh gives about 4 hours use. No problem when on EHU, being continuously topped up, but a bit of a pain when off-grid. Seriously thinking of purchasing a usb charger (with on/off switch) connected directly to leisure battery for when off-grid.


Overall, very pleased with the performance. Have been on campsites with free WiFi but still prefer to use my own system for ease of use and perceived enhanced security for internet banking etc.


PS. I always carry a spare 3 PAYG 12Gb data sim. You don't need to be in the UK to instigate the use of a new (replacement) sim.

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