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Rapido owners


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Thanks for the information as a Rapido owner I would be interested.


Unfortunately I have GREAT dislike to Facebook; What has gone lately with Facebook and sale of information is the tip of a monumental iceberg of information piracy, yet to be disclosed to the public.


Forums such as this can be data drilled, but there is minimal data linkage,





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Facebook is being used increasingly by ‘clubs’ as it’s a no-cost way of avoiding the need to set up and maintain a dedicated website as used to be normal practice.


I can’t say I much care for Facebook, not because of the data-privacy issue but because of the irritating intrusiveness that’s inherent in the concept. But it’s not particularly hard to unsubscribe from Facebook if, say, one decided to sample the Rapido Owners Group and then concluded it was of no interest. I have a dormant Facebook account, but I only reactivate it if I really REALLY need to (and then I deactivate it asap afterwards).


There’s no doubt that using Facebook can have unpredictable (and uncomfortable) consequences for the user, but it’s unlikely that obtaining a Facebook account and joining the Rapido Owners Group UK would be risky.

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Definitely off topic but if you are finding the forum a bit slow, you can have an interesting / horrifying few hours if you web search "" what Facebook knows about me or you "".


Facebook even uses your apps to harvest information. A fact that is not widely appreciated !



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