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Green zones app!!


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weldted - 2018-07-21 7:01 AM


Just downloaded this app, didn't realise the areas that now require you to display the Crit-air sticker covered so many areas (thankfully already got mine)


Strictly speaking, I don’t think that’s the case...


In a ‘permanently restricted’ French environmental zone (eg. the Paris ZCR zone) it wiil be mandatory to diplay the appropriate ‘sticker’ when driving in that zone.


But for the non-permanent ZPA air protection zones, the French regulations demand that a vehicle carry a ‘sticker’ when driving in such a zone only when traffic restrictions are actually in operation.


For UK motorcaravanners who plan to roam far and wide across France, it obviously makes sense to obtain a Crit’Air sticker to cover driving in both ZCR and ZPA zones. But for French drivers living in a ZPA zone where (realistically) restrictions are unlikely to be imposed and who do not plan to travel outside that zone, there’s less incentive to obtain a sticker.

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