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Crashing out?


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Is anybody else getting just a teeny bit bit nervous about the possible consequences of crashing out, for we happy band of campers? I can live with the probable delays at Dover and Calais etc; after all we have all we need on board, but what about our credit cards no longer being accepted on the aires for access, or water? What about the legals of our documentation and the need for visas? I know it was only speculation in the press but it is being mooted that the pound could go as low as being worth just 0.77 cents! Suddenly the Caravan Club sites become exceptional value! Will the newly introduced, better charging costs for roaming in Europe, on your phones and devices, be no longer be available to we Brits?

I concede that no one has any answers for the above questions, particularly our esteemed leaders, but one thing is for sure, if we crash out, we motorhomer's will immediately feel the effects in our pockets, during our Spring19 annual pilgrimage to the motorhoming valhalla of the EU!


ps: I was seriously considering buying a new van at the NEC this year. With all of this uncertainty I am now having many doubts. How do you all feel? Is it "hey ho" what the hell or - - - - ?





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Guest pelmetman

We were in France when we crashed out of the ERM, the banks refused to cash our cheques for a couple of days *-) ..........but within a week things had settled down :D .........


And that was a unexpected crashing out 8-).........


I suspect the Ferries will be very quiet on the 29/3/2019 ;-) ...........


We will be in Spain having a Brexit party B-) .........


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longtemps - 2018-07-24 10:41 AM

ps: I was seriously considering buying a new van at the NEC this year. With all of this uncertainty I am now having many doubts. How do you all feel? Is it "hey ho" what the hell or - - - - ?


I wouldn't buy a new van at anytime and even more so now with unproven engine technology and ever changing political and pollution rules.

Maybe I am biased but I think new vans represent spectacularly poor value for money - on the other hand at least if we spend it the government or our kids won't!

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longtemps - 2018-07-24 10:41 AM


Is anybody else getting just a teeny bit bit nervous about the possible consequences of crashing out, for we happy band of campers? I can live with the probable delays at Dover and Calais etc; after all we have all we need on board, but what about our credit cards no longer being accepted on the aires for access, or water? What about the legals of our documentation and the need for visas? I know it was only speculation in the press but it is being mooted that the pound could go as low as being worth just 0.77 cents! Suddenly the Caravan Club sites become exceptional value! Will the newly introduced, better charging costs for roaming in Europe, on your phones and devices, be no longer be available to we Brits?

I concede that no one has any answers for the above questions, particularly our esteemed leaders, but one thing is for sure, if we crash out, we motorhomer's will immediately feel the effects in our pockets, during our Spring19 annual pilgrimage to the motorhoming valhalla of the EU!


ps: I was seriously considering buying a new van at the NEC this year. With all of this uncertainty I am now having many doubts. How do you all feel? Is it "hey ho" what the hell or - - - - ?


all speculation

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Some might be but I'm not. We didn't need visas to visit Europe before we joined the EU, so why would we need them when we leave? I volunteer at a local museum and we have no problem taking payment on cards from outside of the EU, just as I've had no difficulty using my card in a non-EU country.


My advice would be to ignore pretty much everything you read in the press and always remember that their sole aim is to sell copy, not to inform. When these scaremongering articles cease to be peppered with conditional terms - "could, might, up to, etc - then they might be a little more credible. At present, however, they are pure speculation and mostly with little evidential or rational base.

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Tracker - 2018-07-24 12:01 PM
longtemps - 2018-07-24 10:41 AMps: I was seriously considering buying a new van at the NEC this year. With all of this uncertainty I am now having many doubts. How do you all feel? Is it "hey ho" what the hell or - - - - ?
I wouldn't buy a new van at anytime and even more so now with unproven engine technology and ever changing political and pollution rules.Maybe I am biased but I think new vans represent spectacularly poor value for money - on the other hand at least if we spend it the government or our kids won't!

There's been a thread about having self-levelling fitted to your motorhome recently, in which it was suggested that what would be an expensive extravagance to one person might be a straight forward marginal addition to others.  What's an extra £5000 to someone who has just spent over £100,000 on a MH if it puts the icing on the cake?

Likewise whether you would buy a new MH is always a question of what you're worth as well as whether it represents good value to you, which is anyway a reflection of your personal judgement - or if you are a Yorkshireman, perhaps more of a genetic bias toward compulsive thrift. 

And if you have sold your MH and given up altogether, you were never going to be in prospect of buying another MH anyway, were you Tracker?  :-D :-D
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StuartO - 2018-07-24 1:26 PM

And if you have sold your MH and given up altogether, you were never going to be in prospect of buying another MH anyway, were you


Having motorhomed pretty much all my adult life and having owned many vans over those years I never once felt the need to buy a new van and I am very proud to say that I am not from Yorkshire!

If anyone wants to spend out on a new van that is their decision, but speaking personally, I would not, especially looking at the complexity and often shoddy build quality of new vans.

We are considering buying another van but it certainly will not be a new one and I make no claims or statements about affording it or not - suffice to say we could if we so wished!

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Tracker - 2018-07-24 1:36 PM
StuartO - 2018-07-24 1:26 PMAnd if you have sold your MH and given up altogether, you were never going to be in prospect of buying another MH anyway, were you
Having motorhomed pretty much all my adult life and having owned many vans over those years I never once felt the need to buy a new van and I am very proud to say that I am not from Yorkshire! If anyone wants to spend out on a new van that is their decision, but speaking personally, I would not, especially looking at the complexity and often shoddy build quality of new vans.We are considering buying another van but it certainly will not be a new one and I make no claims or statements about affording it or not - suffice to say we could if we so wished!

If you have fixed ideas that a new MH can never, ever be good value to any sensible purchaser, the kindliest explanation would be that you must have some Yorkshire or Scottish genes in there somewhere - unless you are one of these chip-on-the-shoulder, dyed-in-the-wool socialists who thinks that everyone who sells anything for profit, as all MH manufacturers do, is a scoundrel.  But then I'm sure I remember you spouting farly right-wing market economy stuff, haven't I?

By the way I have been pulling your leg again Tracker, you really shouldn't bite so readily!  :-D :-D
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aandy - 2018-07-24 12:46 PM


Some might be but I'm not. We didn't need visas to visit Europe before we joined the EU, so why would we need them when we leave? I volunteer at a local museum and we have no problem taking payment on cards from outside of the EU, just as I've had no difficulty using my card in a non-EU country.


My advice would be to ignore pretty much everything you read in the press and always remember that their sole aim is to sell copy, not to inform. When these scaremongering articles cease to be peppered with conditional terms - "could, might, up to, etc - then they might be a little more credible. At present, however, they are pure speculation and mostly with little evidential or rational base.



That was before Schengen, we didn`t sign up to Schengen cos we wanted our own secure borders. We get access into the Schengen area by virtue of being in the EU. None Schengen and non EU countries get a 90 day visa waiver over that period you need a visa.


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StuartO - 2018-07-24 2:35 PM

By the way I have been pulling your leg again Tracker, you really shouldn't bite so readily! 


Of course you have, silly me - if you think that is biting you really do have a lot to learn.


No chips in 'ere, it's too warm, just reality, whenever we have looked at new vans recently we have come away with the very distinct impression that the build quality worsens as the years go by, and that so many designs far from evolving and improving are made by school leavers with no actual experience or intent of ever using the thing.

The best era in my view was the last of the X244 base vehicle models, well sorted, not so heavy that converters need to cut corners to keep the weight under 3500 kg and still hopefully give a sensible payload. The only real advantage of the X250 was cab air con as standard which is great in hot climates.

Unfortunately the advent of all those Euro 5,6 plus blah blah blahs has made the ownership of Euro 4 or older vans politically incorrect, so at least they should now offer better vfm!

Socialism is for party members only, everyone else pays but gets nothing.

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Billggski - 2018-07-24 3:23 PM


If by political correctness you mean not producing toxic fumes then it would appear to be a positive, not a negative?


Agreed, but when alleged pollution control are dominated by political expedients and manufacturer distortions and not by proven engineering developments then it is the consumer not the politicians or the makers who pay for the errors in engineering.

I may be wrong but how else did we get to the anti diesel campaign that we have now and are the new engines really that much cleaner, or is it just a lack of smoke and mirrors?

They don't appear to be a great deal, if any, more economical in the real world of actual use so all that burnt fuel exhaust ends up somewhere, but as it is out of sight now, or in a format that as yet cannot be measured, that is alright then is it?

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Guest pelmetman
Billggski - 2018-07-24 5:03 PM


My mini cooper sd produces 167bhp, at present is averaging 56mpg and only 106g/km co2.

My 1966 mini produced 33bhp, averaged 35mpg and produced god knows what pollution.

Progress? :-D


Yeah but your Mini Cooper sd is a diesel! 8-) ............and a German diesel to boot >:-) ..........


So its probably more damaging to the environment than your 1966 Mini ;-) ..........



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"The different fuels have different merits from an environmental perspective. Compared to petrol, diesel vehicles have significantly lower CO2 emissions per kilometre travelled because of the higher efficiency of diesel engines, and hence have a lower, though still significant, impact on climate change. Diesel vehicles also emit lower levels of CO and HC than equivalent petrol vehicles. However, diesel engines emit greater levels of NOx than new petrol vehicles. As mentioned earlier, emissions of NOx are an air quality issue, particularly in urban areas."


Vehicle Certification Agency


Note it says " new petrol vehicles" older ones produce far more polutants than diesels.

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Getting back to the OP and topic , on the fateful day of Brexit , the earth will stop turning for the British and we will all die , the remainder of the EU will live in the land of plenty and live ever so happily ever after. ;-)
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Unlikely to afford a new motorhome these days... but might as well downsize;


Will only be bringing 2 bottles of spirit back and 12 bottles of wine....


Thats if we can afford to go abroad with the value of sterling. Currently 1;12 euro when I was getting 1.4 before we started this fiasco. Hard brexit analysts forecast the pound to be half the value of 2 years ago.


So good for exports...except that we have had to import most of the raw materials and components. The stock markets booming -as the russian, chinese and middle east oligarchs buy up our industries and assets at a discount due to the exchange rate . So


The far right of the Tory party who invented Brexit are old money and they've shipped theirs out to the tax-havens long before.


The poorer "worker classes" ( ie those who have worked for their money -even if sometime ago!) will pay the price. The days of the Raj are long gone guys.

The rest of the world looks on mystified by our determination to turn into lemmings!!

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Guest pelmetman
MartinP - 2018-07-24 6:50 PM


The rest of the world looks on mystified by our determination to turn into lemmings!!


Which countries would they be?........the 27 who are part of the EU........or the 167 that aren't? ;-) ........



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MartinP - 2018-07-24 6:50 PM


The far right of the Tory party who invented Brexit are old money and they've shipped theirs out to the tax-havens long before.



I seem to recall reading that Mr Corbyn favours leaving the EU. Never had him down as far right, but you live and learn.

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Two bits of news today, Rees-Mogg believes the benefits of Brexit will be seen "in 50 years time" ( as another of his companies opens a Dublin office), and the Health Secretary admits the NHS are stockpiling medicines " in case of a hard Brexit".

Don't panic! Don't panic!

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aandy - 2018-07-24 8:59 PM


MartinP - 2018-07-24 6:50 PM


The far right of the Tory party who invented Brexit are old money and they've shipped theirs out to the tax-havens long before.



I seem to recall reading that Mr Corbyn favours leaving the EU. Never had him down as far right, but you live and learn.


I understand that UKIPmight be looking for a new leader ??.

Can I recommend the crossings to the Netherlands. I’m sure the channel ports are going to be a bit of a mess for a while but the Dutch are a laid back crew. I’m sure ferries will still run and I’m a bit p***ed off that it will be a 90 day visa waiver when I want to visit southern Italy at a leisurely pace. Hoping the Scots make the jump and solve these problems

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Its the last big plan tbe capitalists have after mucking up this beautiful planet. They cant sustain themselves in an aware society. The poverty. The climate. Theyve just mobilised all the people who have been reading the sun for years and turned them into their army of working classes (the will of the people) to overthrow the liberal left wing. This is mob rule being orchestrated by the elite who dont care about sovreignty. They want to deny us civilised thought and mutual agreements. They want us to be angry and to fight with each other and sow as much discontent as possible. To reverse decades of agreement and mutually beneficial arrangements. Its basically lord of flies by william golding. Barbarity and deciet will allways win against mans higher nature. But not ultimately. And not before alot of pain and suffering has been caused. Yes they want us to crash out.
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gp1 - 2018-07-24 9:43 PM


Its the last big plan tbe capitalists have after mucking up this beautiful planet. They cant sustain themselves in an aware society. The poverty. The climate. Theyve just mobilised all the people who have been reading the sun for years and turned them into their army of working classes (the will of the people) to overthrow the liberal left wing. This is mob rule being orchestrated by the elite who dont care about sovreignty. They want to deny us civilised thought and mutual agreements. They want us to be angry and to fight with each other and sow as much discontent as possible. To reverse decades of agreement and mutually beneficial arrangements. Its basically lord of flies by william golding. Barbarity and deciet will allways win against mans higher nature. But not ultimately. And not before alot of pain and suffering has been caused. Yes they want us to crash out.



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