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For a little while now second gear on my 5 speed 2002 Autocruise starfire 1.9 TD has got more difficult to engage, now it has to be pushed really hard to go in.


I took it to my local - ish gearbox specialist and he got underneath and discovered a bolt missing from the tower linkage, in fact it has snapped. He tightened the remaining two bolts which were loose. It now goes into 2nd a bit easier but not much.


So, it needs a second gear synchro hub and selector. sadly they are no longer made anywhere so I'm in a bit of a hole. :-( It means gearbox out and he cannot do that as his workshop is not high enough. So assuming he can find the parts (which he's currently trying to do) I have to find someone who can remove the box and put up with having the mh standing and taking up space while it's being fixed. (unlikely)


Can anyone recommend a solution please? Or a garage that can do the whole job?

Also can you tell me where my gearbox ID number is please?


Thanks for any help offered.


Kind regards.


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My ex mechanics from our days of restoring Citroen H vans took over the old company to continue with the H vans restorations.

They rebuild everything from Gearboxes to Diesel Engines. Recently exported Citroen gearboxes to Canada, USA and even to France.


No one else is rebuilding them because they are so hard to do. If they can't sort out your Gearbox I would be very surprised. The workshop also has a high roof and access door.

I know they are really busy, so might not take the work on, but worth a try.


Google Dragon Classics, Abergele for their contact details.






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When we had similar issues with 2.0 hdi Peugeot gearbox, on the advice of Nick Fisher (Euroserv), I de-rusted and lubricated the gerachange mechanism shafts where they entered the gearbox.

Without a ramp they are not easy to get at but it cured the problem and is, or should be, a well known issue with these remote cable operated gearshifts.

Most garages would have preferred me to spend hundreds on having new cables or thousands on a new gearbox and whilst it might not solve your particular problems easing the pressure needed to change gear can at worst do no harm and costs nowt if you can do it yourself.

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Thanks for the replies guys, regarding the linkage it's all in perfect condition, nothing seized and the gears apart from 2nd work very easily. I'm pretty sure it's second gear itself but thanks for the suggestions.


I'll have a chat with Dragon and see where it goes.

I'ts not the difficulty, it's getting the parts that is the problem.

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I am aware of a Scottish motorhomer who had the Timing belt snap on his 2.5 Ducato engine which caused a bit of collateral damage. He has been able to source new parts via a Company called Coastal Motorhomes. They only source parts and got some from overseas in this case. The Gentleman is overjoyed with their courtesy and hard work on his behalf.
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Tom, Dragon Classic are masters at sourcing parts. They have to be as the Citroen H van was made from the late 1940's upto about 1981 with numerous changes down the years. Some parts are so hard to get they make their own.

The 'modern' engines they rebuild and transplant are from the 1970's and the Peugeot J7 gearboxes are from the 1960's.


So I don't think there will be a worry on that score.




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