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Omnistore 6002 Awning issue


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Has anyone changed the winder/gearbox on this awning ? Mine goes out well enough but the teeth start slipping in the gear box/winder when I start winding in. I can see the square shaft in the middle of the gearbox that rotates the roller blind start to move then slip back so absolutly certain the winder needs replacing but for the life of me cant figure out how to disconnect it.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Phillip


I had a similar problem a couple of years ago. Eventually it would not come back to close properly.


I asked Rose Awnings who were on stand at one of the Warners shows. They had a relacement gearbox and he showed me how easy it was on an externally mounted awning.


But when I said it was for my Arapahos 4.5m built in awning they were more cautious...Wouldn't attempt it in a field with a bit of wind! Through experience.

I ended up going to their workshop where with two of them they fitted it in less than an hour. Overall cost was just over £100 I recall. With the built in awning they had to gradually ease out the bolts, which were inside the overhead lockers, to enable the end to be accessible.

I thought the cost of doing it quite reasonable.

They are in Poole but do go to many of the shows etc. Give them a ring I'm sure they would advise you.

Good Luck! Martin

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