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Van Blitz type Alarm for £39 - Never


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Hi All

I have a Van Bitz alarm fitted to my Motorhome by the previous owner and I think its a cracken piece of workmanship, I contacted Van Bitz about transfering the Guarantee to my name and give them there due I had to provide proof that I owned the vehicle before they would entertain me.

On a different matter but very much on the same vain talking about rip off prices I decided I wanted a Gasflow system fitted to my Motorhome but decided to ring around and I could not believe how many different prices I was quoted for the same system, bearing in mind the kits all come from the same source, the prices ranged between £550 to £350 so you can gather which one I choose and a cracking job.


Terry (lol)

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Hi Rob,


Just another thought when installing your Micromark system, I made a solid wooden frame from 3/4" chipboard to mount over the control box, staining the frame and securing with four gold coloured domed screws, one in each corner.


The control box as you know lifts off of the screws at the back of the box, the screw slots hold the control box in whatever place you choose to fit it. Securing with a frame will provide a further anti-tamper measure to suppliment the electronic one provided with the kit.


I see you live in Wiltshire, are you very far from Brownhills Swindon?


Regards Terry

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Hi Terry,


That is a another good idea. I have fitted a couple of house alarms, however, these tips are very usefull. Uh not far enough away from Brownhills I am afraid. Live within a very good arrow of Porton Down - Anyone ever heard of it?


I aint got no TV

I aint got no TV licence

I aint got no Sat Nav

I aint got no reversing camera

I aint really got much worth nicking

I aint gonna spend a lot on alarms and locks

I aint gonna let the fitters put their tool box on my bed

I aint gonna let um use my toothbrush to clean the loo

I aint.....


(Any more anyone)







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Hi Rob,


Yes I know Porton Down - Is Quatermass still there ? - give him my regards. I use to go there to service/repair some of their security devices, all hush hush you know, Official Secrets Act and all that sort of thing. Also nearly got roped into the experiments there when serving with the RAF back in 59.


Rob - looking at some of these postings on fitting various things, after 50 years in the service industry, when did we stop being proffessional ?


When you fit your alarm - you will then have something valuable to protect :-)


Regards Terry

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Nice of you to call my post 'simply nonsense'. But I suppose that's what being 'judgemental' is all about. Or just maybe, you've shortened your name.


Maybe I should make my post clearer. There are 4 routes to an alarm system:


1. Buy a decently installed sytem designed for motorhomes (rather than cars). It will cost you.

2. DIY a decent system - but this takes knowledge and skill not all motorhomers possess.

3. Buy a cheaply installed sytem, probably designed for cars rather than motorhomes.

4. Botch DIY a cheap system.


I was criticising routes 3 and 4. I have, myself, rebuilt a house, plumbing and re-wiring it completely among other things. Saved myself a fortune.


But there are other things I'm happy to buy done - I don't want to spend my entire life d-i-ying. I am sure that Terry has installed an excellent system (though without engine immobiliser).


My point - the same as Dave Newell's - is that you cannot 'knock' the best motorhome alarm system on the market - undoubtedly that from Van Bitz - simply because it costs more than a d-i-y system. Of course it does - but I happen to value a week of my time using my motorhome rather than scrabbling about trying to make wiring invisible, at more than Van Bitz charge. Each to their own decision. Of course Van Bitz are not perfect and maybe they or one of their agents occasionally does a less than perfect job. But they do actually have a reputation for very high quality, both in fitting and after-sales service, both of which I can atest to with pleasure - and I have a reputation for being very picky!


And calling them Van BLitz is simply extremely cheap knocking.


Mel E



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tp002c784tp002c784tp - 2007-02-01 7:26 PM


Hi All

I have a Van Bitz alarm fitted to my Motorhome by the previous owner and I think its a cracken piece of workmanship, I contacted Van Bitz about transfering the Guarantee to my name and give them there due I had to provide proof that I owned the vehicle before they would entertain me.


Terry (lol)


They probably took £25 off you for doing it!

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
twooks - 2007-02-01 5:07 PM

wow, another heated debate, p'raps there's something being added to the water.

We have to have a 'Thatcham alarm' in order to get the van insured, and I would think that this would be a requirement by most companies for anything over £25k-£30k. I find the main problem is that the battery in the remote doesn't seem to last very long, or perhaps it's a problem with the connections. Personally I much prefer Dave Newell's immobiliser - free to a good home!


Yep, a heated debate and I'm not even in it! All this talk of wiring etc. fills me with dread. I'm not the slightest bit interested in doing jobs like this myself and much prefer to have craftsman-like job done by a craftsman.

Having said that however, do we need to have lots of complex wiring? Are there not wireless systems using infra-red or ultra-sonics or other things that I don't understand?

Most of my electric gadgets, phone, PDA, camera, seem to connect with each other using Bluetooth or infra-red, are there no alarm systems using these methods?

If there are then even I may have a go at fitting one!

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Even if such systems are available, I think it's a question of reliability. As I'm sure you've experienced, Bluetooth, radio and infrared systems rarely seem to work 100% of the time - interference, bad weather, etc. will all affect them.


Remote alarms and alarms using radio must use EU-approved parts and EU certified frequencies.


Mel E


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Just a mention of Insurance reductions for Thatcham approved alarms.


I queried my insurance company premium, advised them I had the Micromark alarm system fitted by myself, sent them details of all my security measures, I did obtain the discount normally reserved for approved installations, MH value was £32000 at the time.


I asked for another quote a little while later using another email address and name, stating that I had a thatcham approved alarm fitted and the premium was the same.


So if you declare you have an alarm and give them the details you may get a revised quote.


Regards Terry

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Guest JudgeMental


Terry,”Van Blitz type Alarm for £39” absolutely brilliant!


God bless you Sir, certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons!


Mel regards your post, my only problem with it was that in your opinion (opinion is not fact) any alternative to Van B… was a cheap compromise. This is what you said and I reiterate, it is nonsense.


You just seem incapable of understanding that Van B… just buy the kit in - it is no different and in some cases inferior to other equipment.


If you and others are prepared to pay the price so be it – but please do not stop others informing people that there are just as good/better and cheaper alternatives.


It takes more then Provocative advertising to part me with my money.


Forget the DIY at the moment (sorry Terry) as most of us require an insurance rated installation.


I repeat, any accredited Commercial Vehicle Alarm Company many using better equipment then your favourite can do the job.


Most vehicles these days come with Thatcham 2 immobilisers as standard – it costs about £170 to upgrade to Thatcham 1. Then extra for circuits to cover: PIR for living area, lockers, bike rack etc.




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We had to have a Van Bitz tracker/ alarm fitted as part of our insurance conditions i.e Thatcham approved. Since we have Motorhome on a truck chassis the choice of suppliers was limited to Van Bitz.


They did a very good job and like Mel E, Ive done my fair share of DIYing and felt that the safeguarding of my investment was best left to the professionals. If it did fail and the MH was stolen I would at least have some comeback (hopefully), whereas where do you stand with a DIY job that faied?


Yes it was quite expensive but a lot cheaper than a motorhome!



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They say that there is no such thing as bad publicity, in which case Eddie Jones must be delighted with all the two-way attention he is getting.


There is little in life that you can't obtain cheaper, and worse, so what is all the fuss about?

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Guest JudgeMental


Posted this on wrong tread....


The seious Bit...




If you visit this “Thatcham” link you can input vehicle details and it gives you a security status rating from 1 to 5 stars on all types of vehicle including vans


Now, the ford in earlier and latest form comes out with 3 stars and Fiat only achieves 1 star – so maybe Terry is correct and Fiat/Peugeot are easier to pop!


Other useful links:






Links will help you find local accredited alarm companies selling the same "unique” (don’t make me laugh I am trying to be serious!) alarm systems as “others” at half the price.


Just had a quote for my new Ford camper:


“Insurance approved Thatcham CAT 2 >1 alarm upgrade for a motorhome

will be £295 which includes fitting at your home or work place.

The alarm comes with ultrasonic sensors for the cab and PIR for the living

area with door and locker contacts.”



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Oh dear! I have got you in a tiz, haven't I? And you can be really rude without trying, can't you?


You write:


"Mel regards your post, my only problem with it was that in your opinion (opinion is not fact) any alternative to Van B… was a cheap compromise. This is what you said and I reiterate, it is nonsense. "


This is exactly NOT what I said - re-read it and you'll see.


You also write:


"You just seem incapable of understanding that Van B… just buy the kit in - it is no different and in some cases inferior to other equipment. "


Now what gave you the right to put untrue words into my mouth? I understand that perfectly well - and where did I suggest that I didn't?


Oh, yes, I get it - it suits your argument better if you make up what you want me to have said!!!


Everyone on this forum is entitled to their opinion - and I gave mine. That really does not give you the right to dash off a reply that, for downright rudeness, takes some beating. And all because you have a different opinion! A big problem with emails and forums is that you can 'dash off' a reply without really thinking about the courtesies, just transmitting your irritation and anger. And that really isn't a good thing to do, is it?


I will restate my opinion clearly: the difference between Van Bitz and your commercial alarm fitters is that Van Bitz specialise in motorhomes so they know them well. It is - in my opinion, of course - like getting a general surgeon to remove a tumour from your lung rather than using a specialist lung surgeon who does nothing else.


And I can't help noticing that your upgrade cost to Cat 1 has ballooned from 'around £170' to £295. Add the things I had done to my motorhome - which came without any basic system at all - and the cost is very comparable to the specialist!


Of course you can diy it - and I've said so very clearly. But if you want a professionally installed system for a motorhome, I repeat my opinion - which I never suggested was fact (how could it be?) - that you go to a motorhome specialist. Just as I recommend for motorhome insurance!


Mel E



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Guest JudgeMental

Mel O Mel


At the risk of descending to your level of bickering I will say this to you and this is my final word on the subject. Also I can’t be bothered disassembling your posts word by word and degenarating into a school yard "he said - you said " argument.


The £170 quote was purely for a 2>1 Thatcham upgrade enough to satisfy motorhome insurance companies. And able to isolate sensors and arm system while sleeping in van.


The £295 quote was for a motorhome. With a PIR in living area and locker and rear garage coverage. Still not satisfied? Then 120db siren can be added for £40 – yes that’s forty pounds! Although no evocative name – but they cost more then double that don’t they?


What is the difference between a commercial van installation and a motorhome one? That justifies paying almost double? you go on repeatedly regards car V motorhome installations – tell me please the technical difficulties between adding sensors to a car bonnet or boot versus a motorhome garage or locker? “None at all” a reasonable person would agree, but you?


And as for your “unique experts” (stop it your making me laugh again – and I am of sick, don’t you know) you have to admit quality control has been criticized


I have always thought a reasonable definition of experts as follows: EX as in WAS, and SPERT a drip under pressure….





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Terry posted; "Rob - looking at some of these postings on fitting various things, after 50 years in the service industry, when did we stop being proffessional ?"


I don't beleive anybody ever said you weren't professional but neither did you say you were a professional security installer.


By the way the term professional has no real bearing on the quality of any installation (although it could be argued that it should) just as the term DIY doesn't. I used the two terms in the context of this: DIY refers to a job carried out by someone doing it for him(her)self and not being payed to do it. Professional refers to a person doing a job for payment.


I have seen some very good and some very bad professionally done work, that is work that was carried out by people being payed to do it. I have also seen work done by DIYers that again variously falls into the very good and very bad categories.


My point all along has been that it is unfair to compare a professionally (that is to say one where the installer was payed) installed system from a company that is arguably the market leader with a DIY installed system (that is to say one where the installer was not payed and was "doing it for himself") purely on cost. Add in the facts that the DIY system is not designed for vehicular use (this in no way means it is inferior, just not designed for this job), does not have all the features of the professionally installed system and your comparison becomes totally unrealistic, the Micromark alarm system you have installed is most definitely NOT a "Van Bitz type alarm for £39"



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Ah but could the Van Bitz system be a Micromark alarm for £500?


Sorry just had to get hat one in for fun. Do not worry the drawbridge is up the hounds are loose and the hot tar is already boiling.....


Can I repeat my request for information please. Where and what lock is good for sheilding or replacing curent habitation doors of coach builts. The one that covers the lock from the outside - any views please?


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