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Caravan Guard (anyone else with them)?


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My renewal for comfort came back at like £450 this year so I switched to Caravan Guard (who I was last with 10 years ago). They include neither EU mainland cover nor EU Breakdown as standard, but I only ever goto the EU mainland every 2-3 years and its about £100 for the add-on when required. The CG premium incl monthly payment option was £350. CG do include UK breakdown as standard.


My only query was to do with the schedule, which says 'internet imobiliser'. The van is a 2015 Ducato which will have the standard factory imobiliser. What on earth is an 'Internet Imobiliser'??!!


I have tried contacting them, but they never responded to my email, and I keep forgetting to phone them! Maybe someone here can see what their CG Policy Schedule says under imobiliser and report back?!


As an added bonus, switching also releases me from Comforts 'Max 48 hours away from the van when not at home address' clause which was becoming a pain (could not leave van at an airport, nor on a campsite while I headed off into the hills for a few days true wild camping!).





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I have just renewed with Caravan Guard - renewal £62 down on last year for the same cover.


My immobiliser is shown on the Policy Schedule as "Manufacturer fitted" for my 2018 Ducato. I have only dealt with them by phone & found them helpful when doing so. You can phone them 8am-8pm weekdays & 9am-4pm weekends - phone number on my renewal is 01422 396789


Given that the devil is in the detail for insurance companies & that it is your responsibilty to check (and correct if wrong) the details they hold and which form the basis of the contract between you and them, I would be inclined to clarify this point sooner rather than later.


Nigel B


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Think you may find that an Internet Immobiliser is a Thatcham Cat 5 pro active tracker that can immobilise the vehicle under Police guidance by the Tracker company. Strangely Class 5 is highest category, higher than a Class 6. FYI I had the reverse situation with Caravan Guard some two years ago and switched to Comfort.

The main reason I switched was their insistence that I could only keep the van at home 2 nights, which in my case is one night short of filling up or emptying before returning it to the lock up.


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Cheers for the replies, I phoned them up and it's just the default option as there is not a drop down for different types of immobilizer on their website. Now changed to 'manufacturer fitted' and no more cash asked for!! They did actually get my email, but since I never received a response, I assumed they had not!



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