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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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747 - 2019-08-21 5:41 PM


Yes, it's all Englands fault.


Nothing to do with NI having no Government for about 2 years because thhe Politicians are too bigoted to sit at the same table with each other. *-)


It's a country run by paramilitary terrorists. Banana Republic doesn't begin to describe the place. 8o|


And you'd suggest that our government of the last three years is working just fine?

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Any Government is better than no Government. Of course you being one of the boyos and funding their antics, you will have a different view.


Personally, if you want NI, you can have it. It will be no loss ... as long as you keep all the mad dogs over there (of both sides).

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Barryd999 - 2019-08-21 5:28 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-08-21 11:44 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-08-21 9:58 AM


747 - 2019-08-20 11:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-08-20 11:27 AM


Not only did he vote for it, it was our idea! Boris and the Brexiteers also for months told us that a technological solution to the Irish border issue was no problem so why the concern over the backstop? Put in your solution like you promised, no backstop. Simple eh? *-)


This is why you cannot trust anything, anything at all that comes out of Doris's mouth.


How do you know a techno solution is not possible? There could be a reason why the EU does not want that solution. Or it could simply be Ireland not wanting that solution.


Whatever happens, it will not be the UK manning Border Posts, that will be up to the Irish.


If there was a techno solution do you not think the company that had that solution would have been banging on the door of number ten by now? Whoever comes up with a borderless computerised border will end up richer than Bill Gates. The facts are there HAS been no solution offered by any fecker anywhere for anyone to come up with an excuse as to why they dont want it.


Your last comment about who mans the border is irrelevant even if it were true. The border will still have been caused by Brexit, will still lead to the tearing up of the GFA and probably the return to violence and mass murder and will kiss goodbye to that trade deal with the US the Brexiteers were so fond of (every cloud an all that I suppose)


"return" ??? ... For a fella who supposedly cares about the folk of Northern Ireland you know knackedy all about the violence ever going away


I'm well aware that it's never gone away and is still a tinder box situation but since the GFA the atrocities we all witnessed (some of us first hand) before it was signed have been insignificant in comparison. Brexit and a hard border could see all that torn to shreds and a return to those awful

Times. It wasn't just over in Ireland either. You can say goodbye to your US trade deal

If that kicks off again.


The only way to avoid all that is either single market and customs union membership or not leaving. I've been saying that for over three years and three years later nobody not even FunnyJohn has come up with a way of putting the square pegs in the round holes despite us telling you it can't be done. This is why the backstop is so unpopular with the Brexiteers because they know full well they will never have an answer, it's just more lies, they cannot help themselves


Barry we all remember the atrocities which have never gone away really just ignored by MSM , many of us have experience of those troubled times through family members or bombs and killings by Corbyns IRA scum friends near to us ... Very near to me we had Corbyns scum IRA friends kill 12 , 9 who were military ... You need to explain how or why anyone would want to use the Irish border as a free ticket to return to mass murder cos I am struggling with it

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Guest pelmetman



So that's 68 - 30 = 38 days for the Loser brigade to stop Brexit :D ..........


Seeing as they've been trying to do that for over 3 years ;-) .........


I wonder how they're going to achieve it (?) .........


Maybe it's them that are restricting HRT? 8-) ........


Mobs of menopausal women will roam the streets of the UK post Brexit 8-) 8-) 8-) ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-08-21 5:44 PM


747 - 2019-08-21 5:41 PM


Yes, it's all Englands fault.


Nothing to do with NI having no Government for about 2 years because thhe Politicians are too bigoted to sit at the same table with each other. *-)


It's a country run by paramilitary terrorists. Banana Republic doesn't begin to describe the place. 8o|


And you'd suggest that our government of the last three years is working just fine?


It's been doing a excellent job for the last few weeks B-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2019-08-24 8:31 AM




So that's 68 - 30 = 38 days for the Loser brigade to stop Brexit :D ..........


I wonder how they're going to achieve it (?) .........

Instead of jumping up and down about something that's not even happened yet, don't you think it's about time you started giving some constructive answers as to how all of exiting is going to work instead of the usual tweet like gibberish of "losers", "Remoaners", "we won, get over it", we've heard off you over the past three years?


Indeed...how are you going to achieve it as even Johnson doesn't seem to know?

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-08-24 1:03 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-24 8:31 AM




So that's 68 - 30 = 38 days for the Loser brigade to stop Brexit :D ..........


I wonder how they're going to achieve it (?) .........

Instead of jumping up and down about something that's not even happened yet, don't you think it's about time you started giving some constructive answers as to how all of exiting is going to work instead of the usual tweet like gibberish of "losers", "Remoaners", "we won, get over it", we've heard off you over the past three years?


Indeed...how are you going to achieve it as even Johnson doesn't seem to know?


I employ staff for that kinda thing via the ballot box and my stealth taxes ;-) ........


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Guest pelmetman


When in doubt resort to the Communist Times (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........


I raise you........


"It can also be revealed that in 2004 Mr McDonnell, now Labour’s shadow chancellor, was given a special award by Sinn Fein and another IRA-supporting body for the “unfailing political and personal support he has given to the republican community in the Six Counties over many years.”




You terrorists sympathizers can waffle as much as you like :-| .........


But you cant rewrite historical FACT >:-) ......



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pelmetman - 2019-08-25 12:40 PM


Boris looks a natural on the world stage B-) ..........

How come you haven't given him a Knighthood yet? *-)


Wary after made to look daft before? (lol)


"Trump is clearly out of his mind.....he shows a stupefying ignorance that frankly makes him unfit to hold the office of President of the US" :D



Unlike unnatural Mrs May :-| ...........

Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 4:02 PM


Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


If Boris doesn't deliver we have Farage ;-) ............


You have Corbyn :D .......... (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

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pelmetman - 2019-08-25 10:15 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 4:02 PM


Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


If Boris doesn't deliver we have Farage ;-) ............


You have Corbyn :D .......... (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

You're deflecting. I asked "how come you haven't given him (Johnson) a Knighthood yet?"


Seems to me you don't trust Johnson......mind you you did once say, "looks like he'd sell his own Granny if there was a buyer".

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 10:46 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-25 10:15 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 4:02 PM


Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


If Boris doesn't deliver we have Farage ;-) ............


You have Corbyn :D .......... (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

You're deflecting. I asked "how come you haven't given him (Johnson) a Knighthood yet?"


Seems to me you don't trust Johnson......mind you you did once say, "looks like he'd sell his own Granny if there was a buyer".


Deflecting? :-S .............


I wasn't aware I could give Boris a Knighthood B-) ............


How do I arrange it? ;-) ............

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pelmetman - 2019-08-26 7:43 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 10:46 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-25 10:15 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 4:02 PM


Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


If Boris doesn't deliver we have Farage ;-) ............


You have Corbyn :D .......... (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

You're deflecting. I asked "how come you haven't given him (Johnson) a Knighthood yet?"


Seems to me you don't trust Johnson......mind you you did once say, "looks like he'd sell his own Granny if there was a buyer".


Deflecting? :-S .............


I wasn't aware I could give Boris a Knighthood B-) ............


How do I arrange it? ;-) ............

Same way as you anointed May with her "Sainthood" on here.


Only reason you haven't given Johnson one of your imaginary "Knighthoods" is because you got left with egg on your face before and though you get excitable each time Johnson utters some snappy soundbite, there is doubt in your mind. You don't really trust him but as Barry has pointed out, he's playing you yo-yo's against Fartages club. Johnson will do what his puppet master tells him.....not parliament, which he wants to shut down to subvert democracy.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-08-26 3:08 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-26 7:43 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 10:46 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-25 10:15 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 4:02 PM


Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


If Boris doesn't deliver we have Farage ;-) ............


You have Corbyn :D .......... (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

You're deflecting. I asked "how come you haven't given him (Johnson) a Knighthood yet?"


Seems to me you don't trust Johnson......mind you you did once say, "looks like he'd sell his own Granny if there was a buyer".


Deflecting? :-S .............


I wasn't aware I could give Boris a Knighthood B-) ............


How do I arrange it? ;-) ............

Same way as you anointed May with her "Sainthood" on here.


Only reason you haven't given Johnson one of your imaginary "Knighthoods" is because you got left with egg on your face before and though you get excitable each time Johnson utters some snappy soundbite, there is doubt in your mind. You don't really trust him but as Barry has pointed out, he's playing you yo-yo's against Fartages club. Johnson will do what his puppet master tells him.....not parliament, which he wants to shut down to subvert democracy.


Actually I think "World King" is better than a Knighthood B-) ............


The way he's playing you Remoaners he's deffo going to get my vote at the next GE >:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2019-08-26 3:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-26 3:08 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-26 7:43 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 10:46 PM


pelmetman - 2019-08-25 10:15 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-25 4:02 PM


Her "Sainthood" didn't last long with your fickleness did it? Use that as a harsh lesson with your current excitable fawning over Johnson.


If Boris doesn't deliver we have Farage ;-) ............


You have Corbyn :D .......... (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

You're deflecting. I asked "how come you haven't given him (Johnson) a Knighthood yet?"


Seems to me you don't trust Johnson......mind you you did once say, "looks like he'd sell his own Granny if there was a buyer".


Deflecting? :-S .............


I wasn't aware I could give Boris a Knighthood B-) ............


How do I arrange it? ;-) ............

Same way as you anointed May with her "Sainthood" on here.


Only reason you haven't given Johnson one of your imaginary "Knighthoods" is because you got left with egg on your face before and though you get excitable each time Johnson utters some snappy soundbite, there is doubt in your mind. You don't really trust him but as Barry has pointed out, he's playing you yo-yo's against Fartages club. Johnson will do what his puppet master tells him.....not parliament, which he wants to shut down to subvert democracy.


Actually I think "World King" is better than a Knighthood B-) ............


The way he's playing you Remoaners he's deffo going to get my vote at the next GE >:-) .........

We already knew he was a pathological liar and charlatan. Brexiteers are used to being fed lies and telling lies so obviously you vote in a liar like Johnson. Brexit was sold off a pack of lies and misinformation which people now know about hence the reason you feared a peoples vote and the why Johnson is now attempting to commit a treasonous act.

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Talking of liars:


The train was full, really, that video showing me walking past dozens of empty seats must be a fake.


I did not call her a stupid woman.


When I supported that mural I hadn't noticed that it featured a few hook - nosed Jews playing monopoly on the backs of the oppressed.


I was at a wreath-laying ceremony for murdering Palastinian terrorists who castrated and slaughtered some Israeli athletes, but I don't think I took part.


It was Thatcher who closed the Corby steelworks, not Labour under Sunny Jim Callaghan.


The Not Very Right Honourable Jeremy Bernard Corbyn 2 A Levels Grade E.

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Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.

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Fast Pat - 2019-08-26 8:28 PM


Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.


Most people don't really care. The greatest men in history have been adulterers and liars.


What we need is someone who can do the job. It must irk you that Boris is super intelligent, witty, incredibly likeable and dynamic.


Now Jeremy - looks like Albert Steptoe, is thick as two short planks, has never run anything in his life, hates his own country, thinks terrorists are oppressed and their victims had it coming to them and is a weak pacifist who'd let our enemies walk all over us.


Which one does the public like best I wonder?


Boris is going to be another Maggie, who saved this country from the likes of you and made us strong and prosperous again after years of union terrorism.

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FunsterJohn - 2019-08-26 7:50 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-08-26 8:28 PM


Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.


Most people don't really care. The greatest men in history have been adulterers and liars.


What we need is someone who can do the job. It must irk you that Boris is super intelligent, witty, incredibly likeable and dynamic.


Now Jeremy - looks like Albert Steptoe, is thick as two short planks, has never run anything in his life, hates his own country, thinks terrorists are oppressed and their victims had it coming to them and is a weak pacifist who'd let our enemies walk all over us.


Which one does the public like best I wonder?


Boris is going to be another Maggie, who saved this country from the likes of you and made us strong and prosperous again after years of union terrorism.




HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Sorry for all those but fecking hell! I never knew you had a sense of humour FunnyJohn. Welcome to the club. I think you have finally got the idea. You might deserve your username now.


Boris is a poundland wannabe Churchill and not anywhere near the same league as Mrs Thatch, Churchill or even Stormin Norman Tebbit who in the 80s told me to get on me bike so I did and made my fortune! Good old Norman! Boris is a fecking liberal! he is conning you! AGAIN! :D

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Barryd999 - 2019-08-26 9:30 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-08-26 7:50 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-08-26 8:28 PM


Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.


Most people don't really care. The greatest men in history have been adulterers and liars.


What we need is someone who can do the job. It must irk you that Boris is super intelligent, witty, incredibly likeable and dynamic.


Now Jeremy - looks like Albert Steptoe, is thick as two short planks, has never run anything in his life, hates his own country, thinks terrorists are oppressed and their victims had it coming to them and is a weak pacifist who'd let our enemies walk all over us.


Which one does the public like best I wonder?


Boris is going to be another Maggie, who saved this country from the likes of you and made us strong and prosperous again after years of union terrorism.




HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Sorry for all those but fecking hell! I never knew you had a sense of humour FunnyJohn. Welcome to the club. I think you have finally got the idea. You might deserve your username now.


Boris is a poundland wannabe Churchill and not anywhere near the same league as Mrs Thatch, Churchill or even Stormin Norman Tebbit who in the 80s told me to get on me bike so I did and made my fortune! Good old Norman! Boris is a fecking liberal! he is conning you! AGAIN! :D


But we know it's true and so does the public, which is why his approval rating makes Corbyn's look sick.


Boris is going to be a great PM. How that must annoy you. Let's be honest, all this wind about him is because you're scared.


He's going to take us out of the EU and you just hate that so much it's turned you all into whining old women.


Let 'em have it BoJo!


Finally, have you ever spoken or written a sentence without a thinly - disguised, four - letter obscenity?

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-08-26 8:30 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-08-26 7:50 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-08-26 8:28 PM


Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.


Most people don't really care. The greatest men in history have been adulterers and liars.


What we need is someone who can do the job. It must irk you that Boris is super intelligent, witty, incredibly likeable and dynamic.


Now Jeremy - looks like Albert Steptoe, is thick as two short planks, has never run anything in his life, hates his own country, thinks terrorists are oppressed and their victims had it coming to them and is a weak pacifist who'd let our enemies walk all over us.


Which one does the public like best I wonder?


Boris is going to be another Maggie, who saved this country from the likes of you and made us strong and prosperous again after years of union terrorism.




HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Sorry for all those but fecking hell! I never knew you had a sense of humour FunnyJohn. Welcome to the club. I think you have finally got the idea. You might deserve your username now.


Boris is a poundland wannabe Churchill and not anywhere near the same league as Mrs Thatch, Churchill or even Stormin Norman Tebbit who in the 80s told me to get on me bike so I did and made my fortune! Good old Norman! Boris is a fecking liberal! he is conning you! AGAIN! :D


That poundland wannabe is worth every penny of the £15 I spent to vote for him B-) .........







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Barryd999 - 2019-08-26 8:30 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-08-26 7:50 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-08-26 8:28 PM


Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.


Most people don't really care. The greatest men in history have been adulterers and liars.


What we need is someone who can do the job. It must irk you that Boris is super intelligent, witty, incredibly likeable and dynamic.


Now Jeremy - looks like Albert Steptoe, is thick as two short planks, has never run anything in his life, hates his own country, thinks terrorists are oppressed and their victims had it coming to them and is a weak pacifist who'd let our enemies walk all over us.


Which one does the public like best I wonder?


Boris is going to be another Maggie, who saved this country from the likes of you and made us strong and prosperous again after years of union terrorism.




HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Sorry for all those but fecking hell! I never knew you had a sense of humour FunnyJohn. Welcome to the club. I think you have finally got the idea. You might deserve your username now.


Boris is a poundland wannabe Churchill and not anywhere near the same league as Mrs Thatch, Churchill or even Stormin Norman Tebbit who in the 80s told me to get on me bike so I did and made my fortune! Good old Norman! Boris is a fecking liberal! he is conning you! AGAIN! :D

Sheesh......i reckon you ought add that gem to your bookmark list so we can revisit such pearls of guff!! Freaky actually believes that though. 8-)


So lets see.....with Johnson we've got a serial adulterer, womaniser who shags his own girlfriends daughter who ends up having an abortion....ditches his wife and four kids, and that's on top of his pathological lying.....yet Freaky believes these are the standards which make 'great men'. *-)


Psst....btw Barry was your bike a Raleigh or one them foreign imports? ;-)

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FunsterJohn - 2019-08-26 8:49 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-08-26 9:30 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-08-26 7:50 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-08-26 8:28 PM


Just a few of Johnson's lies from ongoing Twitter thread


Sacked re made up quote

Created Euromyths

Lied over extramarital affair

Lied abour Liverpool fans at Hillsborough

Lied about eradicating rough sleeping

Lied about not mentioning Turkey during ref

Lied about £350m for EU

Lied about new money for NHS

Lied about extramarital affair

Lied about not closing London Underground booking officesb

Lied about extramarital affair while wife was suffering from cancer

Lied about promising to enshrine EU citizens’ rights in primary legislation

Lied about Nazanin

Lied about Melton Mowbray pies. Not sold to Thailand or Iceland.

Lied about closing London fire stations

Lied about easiest deal in history

Lied about getting a great deal

Lied about 1 in a million chance of no deal

Lied about voting in the local elections



Yup - his pants drawer must be a charred mess





He just says any rubbish that comes into his head whether it has any basis in reality.


Most people don't really care. The greatest men in history have been adulterers and liars.


What we need is someone who can do the job. It must irk you that Boris is super intelligent, witty, incredibly likeable and dynamic.


Now Jeremy - looks like Albert Steptoe, is thick as two short planks, has never run anything in his life, hates his own country, thinks terrorists are oppressed and their victims had it coming to them and is a weak pacifist who'd let our enemies walk all over us.


Which one does the public like best I wonder?


Boris is going to be another Maggie, who saved this country from the likes of you and made us strong and prosperous again after years of union terrorism.




HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Sorry for all those but fecking hell! I never knew you had a sense of humour FunnyJohn. Welcome to the club. I think you have finally got the idea. You might deserve your username now.


Boris is a poundland wannabe Churchill and not anywhere near the same league as Mrs Thatch, Churchill or even Stormin Norman Tebbit who in the 80s told me to get on me bike so I did and made my fortune! Good old Norman! Boris is a fecking liberal! he is conning you! AGAIN! :D


But we know it's true and so does the public, which is why his approval rating makes Corbyn's look sick.


Boris is going to be a great PM. How that must annoy you. Let's be honest, all this wind about him is because you're scared.


He's going to take us out of the EU and you just hate that so much it's turned you all into whining old women.


Let 'em have it BoJo!


Finally, have you ever spoken or written a sentence without a thinly - disguised, four - letter obscenity?


Scared? (lol) Feck off! What have I Got to be scared about? If the UK wants to shoot itself in the face and render many of its towns and cities wastelands and no go areas and appoint a serial liar and self centred twaat to do it then Im prepared to let them get on with it now. It wont effect me much or where I live. I fought and campaigned (not on here) to make people see sense but we clearly failed miserably so our country is in the hands of a complete moron now. Good luck with that and him probably betraying you.

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