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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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Is this the fate that awaits Boris?


Salvini who some on here were championing like they are all frothing at the mouth about Boris now has well and truly gone out of favour in Italy. No cigar for him it seems.




Predictable I would say as will be the fall of the Fake populist and Brexiteer Johnson.

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Guest pelmetman

Oooooh the Loser brigade are losing it big time :D ............


Cant wait for Parliament to return on the 3rd B-) .........


Who'd of thought watching PMQ's could become a must watch? 8-) ..........

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Barryd999 - 2019-08-29 10:51 PM


Is this the fate that awaits Boris?


Salvini who some on here were championing like they are all frothing at the mouth about Boris now has well and truly gone out of favour in Italy. No cigar for him it seems.




Predictable I would say as will be the fall of the Fake populist and Brexiteer Johnson.


Wipe your trousers down Barry ... If you managed to look beyond your usual blinding hate then you'd see the real story ... Salvini is still polling nearly 40% ... The new coalition after the collapse could be a coalition without him , that doest mean his popularity has gone down with the public ... If the new coalition fails one would imagine his popularity would rise further wouldnt one

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Bulletguy - 2019-08-29 9:44 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-08-29 6:10 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-29 3:58 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-08-29 8:54 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-08-28 10:38 PM


You and your girlfriend are forever obsessing over London and knife crime yet neither of you live there and Antony once claimed to be "moving to live in France in April", though appears unable to drag himself away from his beloved Huddersfield. Your obsession appears to be primarily driven by the ethnicity and political persuasion of the current Mayor and little else as knife crime isn't exclusive to London.....it's nationwide but we never see either of you posting about knife crime elsewhere in UK. Why not?


Birmingham is the second largest city after London. 3,210 knife crime offences in 2018. London had 14.760 so just over four times that of Birmingham which has 75% less population.


Although knife crime is on the increase, it should be seen in context. It's relatively unusual for a violent incident to involve a knife, and rarer still for someone to need hospital treatment.


Most violence is caused by people hitting, kicking, shoving or slapping someone, sometimes during a fight and often when they're drunk; the police figures on violence also include crimes of harassment and stalking.

source ONS.


Has crime sky rocketed in our capital London under Mr Sadick ??? ... Has Mr Sadick failed miserably on his crime election promises in our capital London ??? ... Me and Mr David show concern for London victims and Mr Sadicks failings and you dont like it , says more about you than Mr David and me Mr Birdbrain ... Regards

Crime rates in large cities will inevitably be higher than that of a small town or village......common sense alone should tell you that. It's basic logic and an indisputable fact you appear unwilling to accept. London is the capital with a population of 8 million residents. Now.......where is your "concern" for the other 58 million as there is knife crime throughout the country?


I can't help but think if Goldsmith had won the mayoral election, we wouldn't have heard as much as a pipsqueak from you pair over London and knife crime at all....ever. Your maniacal obsession over Londons knife crime is driven primarily by your obvious hatred of Sadiq Khan, not because of crime at all but the fact he's Muslim which we all know you have a rabid dislike of. That's where your fake "concern" for Londoners instantly falls apart.


Oh dear ... I dont think Ive ever mentioned Sadick is a Muslim so thanks for that

You don't need to.....your regular disparaging comments are enough.


I dislike Khan thats true but not because hes a Muslim but because hes an utter failure ...

Thats for the electorate of London to decide...not you. Your Mayor isn't elected but appointed so you don't even get a say in who is your own Mayor. Perhaps your anger would be better directed there.


You hate Boris thats obvious from your God knows how many hate threads youve started against him , one cant help but wonder is that because of his Muslim heritage ??? ... Islamaphobe

Your definition of "hate" is somewhat skewed. When you see a news link about Johnson you deem it a "hate thread" if it's been opened by me so God knows how you cope with tv news or wandering into newsagents seeing Johnsons name on the front page.


Johnson is a pathological liar and charlatan.......even fellow Tories acknowledge that much about him.


“He’s lied his way through life, he’s lied his way through politics, he’s a huckster. As well as being mendacious he’s incompetent.” Chris Patten


Johnson is Trumps puppet and that's the only reason you like him because he dances to the tune of his American master who you bow before.


1 ... So I haven't mentioned hes a Muslim you have

2 ... You seem to be saying I aren't allowed to comment on what goes on in my countries capital , why ???

3 ... Lets not go through how many Boris hate threads youve started on here ... You had around 12/13 on one page not too long ago Mr Hater ... You only calmed down with the Boris hate after I pointed you out for it and then you started trying to disguise your Boris hate by not mentioning him in the title thread

4 ... Has the family left yet

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Birdbrain - 2019-08-30 6:11 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-08-29 10:51 PM


Is this the fate that awaits Boris?


Salvini who some on here were championing like they are all frothing at the mouth about Boris now has well and truly gone out of favour in Italy. No cigar for him it seems.




Predictable I would say as will be the fall of the Fake populist and Brexiteer Johnson.


Wipe your trousers down Barry ... If you managed to look beyond your usual blinding hate then you'd see the real story ... Salvini is still polling nearly 40% ... The new coalition after the collapse could be a coalition without him , that doest mean his popularity has gone down with the public ... If the new coalition fails one would imagine his popularity would rise further wouldnt one


He attempted a far right coup.. He was so confident of his support that he forced the fall of the coalition government that he was part of. Polls were saying that he would sweep the board in a General Election and become PM by himself with a substantial majority.


Two weeks later he is a sorry and sad opposition poly with rapidly falling polls (down 16 points in a fortnight and falling) with his erstwhile partners and the opposition uniting to sink him. He's now in a big sulk.


Extremists left or right, it never ends well. Boris is not an extremist though, he is just pretending to be one. He is in full Farage mode at the moment with Cummings working his strings.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-08-30 7:21 AM


Birdbrain - 2019-08-30 6:11 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-08-29 10:51 PM


Is this the fate that awaits Boris?


Salvini who some on here were championing like they are all frothing at the mouth about Boris now has well and truly gone out of favour in Italy. No cigar for him it seems.




Predictable I would say as will be the fall of the Fake populist and Brexiteer Johnson.


Wipe your trousers down Barry ... If you managed to look beyond your usual blinding hate then you'd see the real story ... Salvini is still polling nearly 40% ... The new coalition after the collapse could be a coalition without him , that doest mean his popularity has gone down with the public ... If the new coalition fails one would imagine his popularity would rise further wouldnt one


He attempted a far right coup.. He was so confident of his support that he forced the fall of the coalition government that he was part of. Polls were saying that he would sweep the board in a General Election and become PM by himself with a substantial majority.


Two weeks later he is a sorry and sad opposition poly with rapidly falling polls (down 16 points in a fortnight and falling) with his erstwhile partners and the opposition uniting to sink him. He's now in a big sulk.


Extremists left or right, it never ends well. Boris is not an extremist though, he is just pretending to be one. He is in full Farage mode at the moment with Cummings working his strings.


Your slipping Barry ;-) ..............You haven't blamed Brexit? (lol) ...........

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Birdbrain - 2019-08-30 6:18 AM

1 ... So I haven't mentioned hes a Muslim you have

2 ... You seem to be saying I aren't allowed to comment on what goes on in my countries capital , why ???

3 ... Lets not go through how many Boris hate threads youve started on here ... You had around 12/13 on one page not too long ago Mr Hater ... You only calmed down with the Boris hate after I pointed you out for it and then you started trying to disguise your Boris hate by not mentioning him in the title thread

4 ... Has the family left yet

1) addressed in previous post.


2) No i'm saying you have to look at it in context to get a more balanced view by taking the country as a whole. Crime rates are obviously going to be higher in a city than a town or village.....that's basic logic. Knife crime exists in Birmingham, our second largest populated city. What's their Mayor doing about it? But it exists throughout UK. You hold extremely skewed odd views of London and i'd suggest you spend some time walking around Kew Gardens, the Thames embankment down to Richmond, visit Eel Pie island, a pint and pie at the Barmy Arms (Pete Townshend sometimes drops in there for a pint), Richmond park where herds of wild deer roam free. The only place you will see a knife is if you have a meal in a pub.


3) addressed in previous post. Your definition of "hate" is when i open a thread posting a news link on Johnson. I only have to post the link and that's enough for you to deem it "hate" which i find most odd and peculiar behaviour, but amusing.


4) What?

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Guest pelmetman

Looks like Boris is going to call Corbyn's bluff >:-) ...........


Perhaps we'll have to rename him Dumbo if he fall's into our trap :D .........



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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-02 11:07 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-02 10:28 PM




Parliament Verses the People 14th October B-) ..........


Bring it on >:-) ........


Not going to happen. Fixed Term Parliament Act.


But but but.........Your Dumbo wants an election ;-) ...........


Are you saying he's all trunk and no knackers? >:-) ........

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Tom Newton Dunn on Twitter


Political Editor of The Sun


Sir Nicholas Soames tells me he will vote against the Govt tonight, unless the PM (who he’s going to see now) can assure him a Brexit deal will be done. Boris therefore faces the uncomfortable prospect of deselecting Winston Churchill’s grandson.

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-03 12:24 PM


Tom Newton Dunn on Twitter


Political Editor of The Sun


Sir Nicholas Soames tells me he will vote against the Govt tonight, unless the PM (who he’s going to see now) can assure him a Brexit deal will be done. Boris therefore faces the uncomfortable prospect of deselecting Winston Churchill’s grandson.


If he's a Remoaner he can sod off whether he's Churchill's grandson or not ;-) ..........



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Fast Pat - 2019-09-03 12:24 PM


Tom Newton Dunn on Twitter


Political Editor of The Sun


Sir Nicholas Soames tells me he will vote against the Govt tonight, unless the PM (who he’s going to see now) can assure him a Brexit deal will be done. Boris therefore faces the uncomfortable prospect of deselecting Winston Churchill’s grandson.


Are you saying that Soames is as good as his Grandad?


He is sexist and also tried to fiddle Inheritance Tax. Fortunately he got away with neither. He is a man who has had a very nice life ... on the coattails of his Grandad. Alright for some.


Apart from that, I have no axe to grind with the man.

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I detest Soames and what he stands for.


But I still take great joy from the fact that Boris Johnson will go down in history as the man who expelled the grandson of Sir Winston Churchill from the Conservative Party, for refusing to break up Europe under a no-deal brexit.

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-03 1:37 PM


I detest Soames and what he stands for.


But I still take great joy from the fact that Boris Johnson will go down in history as the man who expelled the grandson of Sir Winston Churchill from the Conservative Party, for refusing to break up Europe under a no-deal brexit.


Oh so Brexit will break up Europe now? 8-) ...........


I never knew my vote was so powerful B-) ........

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Did anyone see the drama/documentary last night on BBC2 on the political events that ended up with Hitler in power in Germany?

We should all be very afraid, if we’re not careful all the tax avoiding, self serving machinations of Bojo, Rees-Mogg, Raab et al could end up with Farage in No 10! Then God help us, leavers and remainers alike!

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ChrisCM - 2019-09-03 3:29 PM


Did anyone see the drama/documentary last night on BBC2 on the political events that ended up with Hitler in power in Germany?

We should all be very afraid, if we’re not careful all the tax avoiding, self serving machinations of Bojo, Rees-Mogg, Raab et al could end up with Farage in No 10! Then God help us, leavers and remainers alike!


It's mainly Marxism which ends up as single-party dictatorships but don't worry, Jezza, McDonut and Diane Can'taddup will never get there.

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